Thursday, August 13th 2009

Club 3D Announces Green Edition Graphics Cards Series

Club 3D, european market leader for graphics cards, today announced the release of their Green Edition graphics cards line-up. With the Club 3D Green Edition series you get the latest industry-leading technology to save energy. Step in and be a part of the modern green computer users community. Club 3D Green Edition Series reduces the power consumption up to 40% compared to a standard non green graphics card. Thanks to new PCB design which drastically lowers down the thermal design power.
All Club 3D Green Edition graphics cards are equipped with silent high performance coolers with fan control to ensure a low noise in any kind of situation. Designed for mainstream multimedia & gaming PC's and also suitable for professional users. Equipped with the latest features such as NVIDIA SLI, CUDA and PureVideo HD Technology.
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40 Comments on Club 3D Announces Green Edition Graphics Cards Series


So none of these cards require power connectors , or only the gts250 require a connector?
also, where do they sell club 3d cards anyway :laugh:
Posted on Reply
I really don't see the point of releasing new cards on 3 years old tech!

jeez. im getting tired of launches of 9800GT or 8800 GT tho and 9800 GTX. when will i ever stop seing those cards.

As a little notice, they are barely in sale in norway at the major etailer which have a very very very good selection.

Launch something on gtx260/275 club3d?
Posted on Reply

So none of these cards require power connectors , or only the gts250 require a connector?
also, where do they sell club 3d cards anyway :laugh:
i thout you got banned:wtf: anyway it nice to see you back here:)

and why are there not any green edition GTX260/GTX275/GTX285?
Posted on Reply
oh more 9600's :( very poor and old cards. who buyes this anyway?
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
When they still compete, why not sell/buy them?
Posted on Reply
Wow, more remake of the same old chips. Did Nvidia ran out of ideas?
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
my_name_is_earlWow, more remake of the same old chips. Did Nvidia ran out of ideas?
This has nothing to do with nVidia, Club3D used their own design and marketting. You don't complain about ATi when Sapphire released a new version of the HD4870...
Posted on Reply
my_name_is_earlWow, more remake of the same old chips. Did Nvidia ran out of ideas?
No they did not... considering Nvidia didn't make these cards, Club 3D did.

Green is so the new HD. :p
Posted on Reply
newtekie1You don't complain about ATi when Sapphire released a new version of the HD4870...
I do that too. Rebranding is a different thing. They might carried this same chip to next gen dx11. How horrible is that?
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
Who's "they", and it wouldn't be that horrible...

Face it, you tried to troll, and we called you on your BS statement.

I'd like to see where you have complained about ATi running out of idea's when an entirely different company released another card based on the same ATi GPU. Show me one post where you have done so in the past.
Posted on Reply
no insulting newtekie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shadedshu
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
Its only insulting if it isn't true. If he can manage to show me one of his posts in the past where he has done the same with ATi, then I'll believe he wasn't attempting to troll. Otherwise it is pretty obvious he was bashing nVidia looking to start an argument(AKA Trolling).
Posted on Reply
my name is earl sent a report if he does not understand!!!
Posted on Reply
newtekie1When they still compete, why not sell/buy them?
here they sell for 80E, for that money you can get a 4730 which is better then a 9600gt.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
mtosevhere they sell for 80E, for that money you can get a 4730 which is better then a 9600gt.
Prices vary greatly for area to area, while they might not compete in your market, they certainly still do in the US and other markets.

The 9600GT can be had for $60 only $5 more then an HD4670, and the HD4730 isn't even really available here, and when you do find it it is closer to $80+. And the HD4730 is really only marginally better than the 9600GT, the two are so close I doubt you would be able to tell the difference. If I was buying today, the 9600GT would be a much better buy than the HD4730, maybe once the HD4730 supplies start to grow and the price goes down, it will be better able to compete.
AltecV1my name is earl sent a report if he does not understand!!!
I already did report my_name_is_earl for trolling, so a mod will come review the topic either way.
Posted on Reply
I agree with most here. There really is no market for these type of cards when next gen is right around the corner. The timing for this couldn't be worst!
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
I think it's pretty cool, even if it's old. At least they've learned something so maybe they're quicker to release green cards with the new generation.
Posted on Reply
Semi-Retired Folder
FrickI think it's pretty cool, even if it's old. At least they've learned something so maybe they're quicker to release green cards with the new generation.
Beyond that, these make great HTPC cards. The next generation cards don't really matter in that market, and won't until we start to see some mid-range cards based on them hit the market, so likely another year at least. Until then these cards fit the role perfectly.
Posted on Reply
pr0n Inspector
These cards are perfect for throwing at polar bears.
Posted on Reply
Why is it a bad idea to release new versions of old cards? I mean, like my mother wouldn't go and order a brand new GTX285, she'd take the cheaper card that doesn't consume as much power.
Posted on Reply
NamilWhy is it a bad idea to release new versions of old cards? I mean, like my mother wouldn't go and order a brand new GTX285, she'd take the cheaper card that doesn't consume as much power.
Simple, because next gen (and what it offers over current gen) is right around the corner. You shouldn't buy a current gen product now when you (should) know the prices of it will drop (or should drop) when the new and improve products come out. For example...

Posted on Reply
Well, it is one way to try to sell more old rope.

The new power consumption figures are now OK, but still not great. The original power requirements were laughably hot and high.
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Not a Potato
ImsochoboI really don't see the point of releasing new cards on 3 years old tech!
Because they work and do their job well even for today's games/applications. All of today's games run well with the 9600GT, let alone the 9800GT or GTS 250.
Rebranding is a different thing. They might carried this same chip to next gen dx11. How horrible is that?
If they did use the same G92 chip or make a DX11 revision of it and it works well, why not? The 4770 is just a smaller die revision of the 4830, which in turn is a cutdown 4850, which in turn is a GDDR3 4870 and a HD 4890 is just a binned 4870.
Posted on Reply
newtekie1Its only insulting if it isn't true. If he can manage to show me one of his posts in the past where he has done the same with ATi, then I'll believe he wasn't attempting to troll. Otherwise it is pretty obvious he was bashing nVidia looking to start an argument(AKA Trolling).
It's insulting even though its true.

@ my work, should i go and say to the 1st line support and user;
You just cant get more stupid.

It's the truth and still insulting, in the example im talking about a power cable that isnt plugged in for instance.

Back to nvidia.
Selling 3 year old cards, still is abit ... .....
Ati is a diffrent story, those cards are now 1 year and 1 month old and even less. but still 1 year old tech but not as crowded as nvidia 9xxx gtsxxx gtxxx 8xxx series.

Market is already stuffed with good nvidia cards.
Posted on Reply
These will basically be the new 8600GT--Cards that will basically run your system and allow a little gaming without being completely brutal. I like it.
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