Monday, September 14th 2009

First Radeon HD 5870 Performance Figures Surface

Here are some of the first performance figures of AMD's upcoming Radeon HD 5870 published by a media source. Czech Gamer posted performance numbers of the card compared to current heavyweights including Radeon HD 4870 X2, Radeon HD 4890, and GeForce GTX 285. Having not entered an NDA with AMD, the source was liberal with its performance projections citing AMD's internal testing that include the following, apart from the two graphs below:
  • Radeon HD 5870 is anywhere between 5~155 percent faster than GeForce GTX 285. That's a huge range, and leaves a lot of room for uncertainty.
  • When compared to GeForce GTX 295, its performance ranges between -25 percent (25% slower) to 95 percent (almost 2x faster), another broad range.
  • When two HD 5870 cards are set up in CrossFire, the resulting setup is -5 percent (5% slower) to 90 percent faster than GeForce GTX 295. Strangely, the range maximum is lesser than that on the single card.
  • When three of these cards are setup in 3-way CrossFireX, the resulting setup is 10~160 percent faster than a GeForce GTX 295.
  • The Radeon HD 5850 on the other hand, can be -25 percent (25% slower) to 120 percent faster than GeForce GTX 285.
AMD reportedly used a set of 15 games to run its tests. Vague as they seem, the above numbers raise more questions than provide answers. The graphs below are clear, for a change.
Update: Here are allegedly AMD's own performance figures sourced from Chinese website
Sources: Czech Gamer, ChipHell
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265 Comments on First Radeon HD 5870 Performance Figures Surface

Presumably the GTX295 compares well against 58x0 when is has good SLi scaling and a nVidia logo on the box but has it's ass served to it when the game runs better on ATi hardware and doesn't scale in SLi.

BTW I posted these here first.
Posted on Reply
tkpenaltywow. That is FAST.
My 4870x2 is starting to feel inadequate already!
Posted on Reply
Why am i not surprised that both benchmarks where done with AMD-Friendly games/applications ?
Had 3DMark Not disabled PhysX for NVIDIA cards this would be funny....

In any case wait for real reviews before judging any product, by NVIDIA or AMD.
Posted on Reply
The Witcher
Are those benchmarks really accurate ???

I only trust techpowerup and guru3d reviews...
Posted on Reply
HellasVagabondWhy am i not surprised that both benchmarks where done with AMD-Friendly games/applications ?
Had 3DMark Not disabled PhysX for NVIDIA cards this would be funny....

In any case wait for real reviews before judging any product, by NVIDIA or AMD.
Yeah and does physX = real gaming performance? No it equals an extra score to add onto the overall score because Nvidia's GPUs get to run again.

Synthetic benchmarks mean squat anyway and the card isnt even out yet so we're seeing what seems to be premature drivers from that range of improvement.
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Editor & Senior Moderator
The WitcherAre those benchmarks really accurate ???

I only trust techpowerup and guru3d reviews...
You can definitely trust us on the 23rd. Till then every media source is going to be the "drunk opponent at the bar" playing darts with you.
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thats insane:twitch:

100percent faster almost than the GTX295 in wolfenstein, i can't even believe that
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Big Member
btarunrYou can definitely trust us on the 23rd. Till then every media source is going to be the "drunk opponent at the bar" playing darts with you.
Hands down that is the most intelligent thing you have ever said. :laugh: You need not a grain of salt with these results but, a salt mine.
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I hope I can grab my 5870 in this month :)
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KainXSthats insane:twitch:

100percent faster almost than the GTX295 in wolfenstein, i can't even believe that
Some engines are especially nice to ATI cards and some to NVIDIA cards..
Do not expect ATI to post Game Benches that favor NVIDIA cards and vice versa.
Posted on Reply
If those official ATI benches are real, holy shitting cock nipples that's a powerful GPU.

Out does a card with two gpus in quite a lot of games!

And its not to far behind in the ones its not, amazing for a single gpu.
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Nvidia will come back to hunt them down eventually just like they did when the 48xx series came out. :P But hopefully the price range for the 58xx series will be good who knows might get one.
Posted on Reply
The Witcher
I won't buy any new hardware until they release the i9 (6 cores) : )

Just to make sure nothing will bottleneck my next dream computer.
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..'Ant'..Nvidia will come back to hunt them down eventually just like they did when the 48xx series came out. :P But hopefully the price range for the 58xx series will be good who knows might get one.
they will but the situation is different now, when the 48XX came out the G92's were still competing with them but once these cards come out, from the looks nvidia isn't going to have anything to compete for a while
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These results are to be taken with a salt mine (thanks MailMan LOL)...the drivers are fresh so I can only imagine how far out these benches are.

That being does show its potential and I fully expect it being a contender for the fastest card out there and without a doubt the quickest single-GPU card.
Posted on Reply
Those figures make sense (in the fact that they compete head on with the 295).

The GTX295 was only about 15-30% faster than a 4870X2, and given that the X2 had a massive price-drop (down to £240 in places) and then went out of stock about a month ago, it made sense that that price/performance zone was where ATI were going to position their new hardware.

But yeah, all that is very very vague. It doesn't even say whether it is a 1GB or 2GB model.

23rd is booked in as a review reading day.
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a) figures don't lie, but lies can figure

b) yes, it may be "twice" as powerful but if it uses twice the wattage you can forget it.
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Imagine the gains after driver maturity kicks in like vtec
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We do need to see real numbers (FPS) and not just percentages, because % is relative to something. For example 95% over 10 FPS is 19.5 FPS and 95% over 100 FPS is 195 FPS, and in both of this cases it makes no difference when you play the actual game...

We need new, graphically intensive games since they tell the story of future games and not games based on old dusty engines.

PhysX does matter. 3D Vision can be fun.

It looks a lot better then I thought it would.
Posted on Reply
It may be possible since the card has a lot more transistors, shaders, texture units, rops and more than a 4890.
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