Thursday, October 22nd 2009

ATI Catalyst 9.10 WHQL Released
AMD released the latest version of its ATI Catalyst software suite. Version 9.10 WHQL brings with it official support for the company's newest ATI Radeon HD 5800 series graphics processors, adds features that enhance usability under Windows 7, along with the usual list of bug fixes. The driver also adds support for Super Sample Anti-Aliasing, for Radeon HD 5800 GPUs. A complete list of changes can be read in the release notes document. The most important of them are listed below:
Application-specific Changes
- ATI Catalyst 9.10 now includes full GPU support for the award winning ATI HD Radeon 5800 series GPUs.
- Provides support for a new Anti-Aliasing method on the ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series. Users can now experience the high level of anti-aliasing image quality using Super Sampling anti-aliasing while maintaining good performance levels
- Adds GPU acceleration for the Windows 7 Drag and Drop video converting application
Application-specific Changes
- Ghostbusters video game no longer flickers between desktop and game play when anti-aliasing is set to 8X and game resolution set to 2560×1600
- Enabling Screen Space Ambient Occlusion option in "Riddick 2 Dark Athena" no longer causes the game to fail under Multi-GPU configurations
- Severe flickering no longer observed while running 3D games/samples on specific HDMI displays with configurations using ATI CrossFireX technology in tri and quad modes
- Desktop flashing no longer observed after driver installation and reboot with systems configured with Radeon ASIC in the primary PCIe slot and ATI Fire Stream ASIC in the secondary PCIe slot
- "Combat Mission Shock Force" no longer fails after a duration of game play
- Underscan/Overscan settings for TV can now be applied from the ATI Catalyst Control Center - TV Properties Adjustments page
- Changes to the "All Settings" and "Basic Quality" pages in ATI Catalyst Control Center - Avivo Video will now be retained after reboot
46 Comments on ATI Catalyst 9.10 WHQL Released
Prob nothing for me, I run xp with a 4850 and just the driver, no CCC, actually I think I am using 9-7 lolz.
Wonder if I should update??
if they've fixed it, i'll f*#king have AMD's babys
Hopefully another preformance boost :)
is this microstuttering ?
hope iam fast enough this time
they may have fixed it on SOME HDMI screens, but not all - and not on DVI :(
*Looks for tape*