Thursday, May 27th 2010

Apple Displaces Microsoft as Biggest Technology Company
For the first time since 1989, the era of Apple's market dominance over Microsoft is back. Shares of Apple on NASDAQ rose 2.8 percent on Wednesday, taking the company's market value to US $229 billion. As markets closed, Apple and Microsoft were poised at $222 billion and $219 billion. Microsoft stock fell 4 percent on this day. While the 4% may have contributed largely to the turn of events, Apple's emergence as the leading tech firm has been established, which is a watershed from 1998, when an almost broke Apple borrowed $190 million from Microsoft to stay afloat.
As far as revenues go, Microsoft is still leading. The Redmond, Washington based firm reported $14.5 billion revenue last quarter, compared to Cupertino, California based Apple, which reported $13.5 billion in the same period. While PC operating systems and software forms Microsoft's primary source of income, Apple sells a variety of computer hardware such as Macbook, software, and consumer electronics, including the popular Apple iPhone, and iPod.
Reuters, intelliot
As far as revenues go, Microsoft is still leading. The Redmond, Washington based firm reported $14.5 billion revenue last quarter, compared to Cupertino, California based Apple, which reported $13.5 billion in the same period. While PC operating systems and software forms Microsoft's primary source of income, Apple sells a variety of computer hardware such as Macbook, software, and consumer electronics, including the popular Apple iPhone, and iPod.
109 Comments on Apple Displaces Microsoft as Biggest Technology Company
Seriously, Apple's products are good. They come with a premium price for a reason.
Good for Apple. On the fronts which they compete, I don't think apple has the edge that people think they do, but I guess all you need to do is to convince them that your product is superior. Microsoft has quite a tarnished name to overcome and has by no means offered a perfect and polished product at every turn. Who knows, maybe Apple being 'the man' will be a good thing for Microsoft.
Your paying for an aluminum casing, and to feel smug, like your better than everyone else in the world. I'm in a graphic design program that is all Macs used, I talk with all Mac users everyday, they talk about how awesome Macs are, how crappy PC's are, but they are clueless when it comes to hardware, and I watch the Macs go down with issues constantly, makes me laugh. I hate Macs before, but graphic design has fueled that fire even more. /rant off
It is a hefty premium, but that is the consumers choice. Hate on the smug people instead. ;)
With that said, I would probably not buy a Mac, ever. The mini's look good and all, but I'm not interested.
I do dislike Mac users, and the reason I dislike Apple is because they are trying to sell an image and a lifestyle, not a product. They are selling "be different", "don't conform". And some idiots gobble that up and think they are special. I put their smugness on level with Prius owners and Scientologists, both of which are in smaller numbers and not seen publicly displaying how much cooler they are than everyone else is, nearly as often. You don't lie to me! :p The iphone I don't judge much over, the choices are limited in that market and the iphone was the first, it has a nice foothold, but is still a bit expensive. It's mostly computer, or wait, they don't like to be called computer users, they use something thats completely not a computer...
Also, People call the iphone a premium product. Its not. Its overpriced. People who call it premium are just trying to justify the huge cost they paid. Basic functions are missing from the iphone, which are included in almost every "low-end" handset released over the past 10 years.
The iPad? Thats a foolish product, designed specifically for fools who will go and buy it purely because it has a rotten apple stamped on the back of it.
I'm not necessarily a fanboy of either Mac or PC's. I'll use either given the chance. But I prefer PC's.
Why? Because I find less expensive hardware a lot more appealing than some JOKE of a premium product.
/mindless rant.
but noone has said yet. These companies are not comperable.
Microsoft is a technology driver and "occasionally" even an innovator (I DO count aquisition and incorporation of new tech from start up companies - after all, sure they may have come up with a novel idea, but MS can put their $$$ behind it and bring it to market). Their products drive productivity in every sector of the market, and the desktop world that we like to pretend is the most important, is just a miniscule portion of their reach. The Windows/Office suite (or monopoly, according to some - moot point) drives business and collaboration world wide.
Apples makes stream-lined, fancy internet-enabled appliances for Joe Plumber that cost far more then they probably should.
Can we please stop comparing Apples and Oranges? Apple is a lot more comperable to say, General Electric then it is to MS.
"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."
I avoid apple products for the same reason I avoid skinny jeans, starbucks, and fixed gear bikes.