Friday, May 28th 2010

NVIDIA Removes Restriction on ATI GPUs with NVIDIA GPUs Processing PhysX

NVIDIA has reportedly removed the driver-level code which restricts users from having an NVIDIA GeForce GPU process PhysX with an ATI Radeon GPU in the lead, processing graphics. Version 257.15 Beta of the GeForce drivers brought about this change. Possible commercial interests may have played NVIDIA's previous decision to prevent the use of GeForce GPUs to process PhysX with ATI Radeon GPUs, where users could buy an inexpensive GeForce GPU to go with a high-end DirectX 11 compliant Radeon GPU, thereby reducing NVIDIA's margins, though officially NVIDIA maintained that the restriction was in place to ensure Quality Assurance. The present move also seems to have commercial interests in mind, as NVIDIA could clear inventories of GeForce GPUs at least to users of ATI Radeon GPUs. NVIDIA replenished its high-end offering recently with the DirectX 11 compliant GeForce 400 series GPUs.

Update (28/05): A fresh report by Anandtech says that the ability to use GeForce for PhysX in systems with graphics led by Radeon GPUs with the 257.15 beta driver is just a bug and not a feature. It means that this ability is one-off for this particular version of the driver, and future drivers may not feature it.
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276 Comments on NVIDIA Removes Restriction on ATI GPUs with NVIDIA GPUs Processing PhysX

I play games
thats nice, too bad i don't have a dual pcie Mobo.

next rig baby.
Posted on Reply
I'm actually shocked nVidia went ahead and did this. I always hoped they would, but never thought they would go through with it. Thats cool. :D
Posted on Reply
Let's hope they don't take that back later (say, after you buy a 9800gt) ;).
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Big Member
Well I'm buying a Nvidia GPU now!
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Vanguard Beta Tester
Ima wait a cpl days to see if this pans out... I got 3 PCI-E slots so I could def throw one of these in there,,,,,
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Why do I get this feeling it`s only for the GTX470-480 line.......
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Overclocked quantum bit
Finally they see sense. :rolleyes: If it's to get rid of old cards, then does that suggest they'll reintriduce the restriction in a later driver, all in the name of "Quality Assurance"??
Posted on Reply
Well, this restriction was only hurting them, so it makes sense...
They want to sell as much new cards as possible while also get rid of old stock.
New users won't buy old crap and AMD users won't either. However with this restrictions lifted, many AMD users will probably buy some cheaper low-mid end GeForce to run PhysX. This is also a point where PhysX is starting to make sense for everyone. I just wonder if there is any way to get around Vista limitation, so you could run HD5850 as primary and a mid end GeForce for PhysX. Coz as far as i know this can only be done on Win7...
Posted on Reply
RejZoRWell, this restriction was only hurting them, so it makes sense...
They want to sell as much new cards as possible while also get rid of old stock.
New users won't buy old crap and AMD users won't either. However with this restrictions lifted, many AMD users will probably buy some cheaper low-mid end GeForce to run PhysX. This is also a point where PhysX is starting to make sense for everyone. I just wonder if there is any way to get around Vista limitation, so you could run HD5850 as primary and a mid end GeForce for PhysX. Coz as far as i know this can only be done on Win7...
Vista limitation will be there forever as far as I know since it uses WDDM1.0. This ensures that only one display driver can be used at a time so unless ATI cards start using nVidia drivers or vice versa or Microsoft brings out a WDDM1.1 patch to Vista, it will never work on Vista. ;)
Posted on Reply
LoL Nvidia are hurting bad from ATI's current popularity and sales, fermi sales are weak and profits marginal, they now open up physx to ATI cards in an attempt to capitalize on ATI's popularity, be in no doubt Nvidia are in pain financially, they didn't do this out of the kindness of their harts..:laugh:
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I'm waitin until WHQL driver release, and see what happens.
Posted on Reply
I'm out of PCIe slots but I do have a PCIex1 available, you guys think these new Nvidia drivers will work with my Ageia card?
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Is there any sort of official statement on this? Or are they just going to leave us up in the air? I too get the feeling they may pull the rug out from under everyone later on...I'd like to hear them say something like "We've decided to make it available to you...blah blah" Whatever, even if it's a very corporate response, just so long as I know this isn't a mistake in the current driver version.
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Xtreme Refugee
ohh good so nvidia kicks sand in my face and tells me no back when i actually had an nvidia gpu laying around that i wanted to use in tandem with my ati gpu...but now that i got rid of it im suddenly aloud to use it with my ati gpu? go f*ck yourself nvidia :shadedshu
Posted on Reply
WOW, great, now i need a NVIDIA card and a triple slot mobo
Phxprovostohh good so nvidia kicks sand in my face and tells me no back when i actually had an nvidia gpu laying around that i wanted to use in tandem with my ati gpu...but now that i got rid of it im suddenly aloud to use it with my ati gpu? go f*ck yourself nvidia :shadedshu
Thats hardly their fault
Posted on Reply
zAAmVista limitation will be there forever as far as I know since it uses WDDM1.0. This ensures that only one display driver can be used at a time so unless ATI cards start using nVidia drivers or vice versa or Microsoft brings out a WDDM1.1 patch to Vista, it will never work on Vista. ;)
I know, but SLi and Crossfire can be done. So it's not entirely locked. Unless it's limited to one model only even if you have more of them. Unlike PhysX where you'll have a different kind of adapter.
Posted on Reply
Xtreme Refugee
douglatinsThats hardly their fault
its hardly their fault that just out of the blue one day they decided to be dicks and block ati cards on a driver level? Ohh right i forgot that code just magically appears in drivers sometimes :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
is it really worth it? I mean really, how many games actually use PhysX

I had a 8800gt running with my 5870 at one point, wasn't worth the trouble to set it up though.
Posted on Reply
Well everyone who really wanted Physx was able to easily apply a patch to do it (I am running a GT 240 Physx with my 5870 Eyefinity). This just opens it to the masses who are too nervous to try a hack.

I think it is a smart move by Nvidia to allow them to start moving low end cards into ATI machines Although it would have been smarter if they hadn't been jerks in the first place by adding the restriction (in the name of some lame ass excuse about "quality"). How transparent was that....

Now watch the price of these low power GT220 GT240 GT250 cards take a bump as people jump on the band wagon... No extra pcie power connector required and more than enough shader power for Physx dedicated cards....
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BarbaricSoulis it really worth it? I mean really, how many games actually use PhysX

I had a 8800gt running with my 5870 at one point, wasn't worth the trouble to set it up though.
True enough. I did it because I am a HW junkie and if it can be done it shoudl be done :laugh:

About the only game I have that can use it is UT3 and that is only in 3 dedicated Physx maps. I have Mirrors Edge but I just can't get enthusiastic about that game. I am thinking about getting Batman Arkham Asylum just to try out the eye candy but I'll wait until the price drops a bit.

edit: Maybe this move will encourage developeers to start introducing more viable Physx games... but that could be months away in their development cycle...
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dadi_oh. I did it because I am a HW junkie and if it can be done it shoudl be done :laugh:
That's why I did it also, because I could.
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they only did this cause they know all there rebranded shit wont sell and all its good for know is the garbage ass Phyx chip on it now, there desperate
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This is a great marketing stunt for Nvidia, they were feeling the pressure and loosing customers now they still get some card sells even if its not the 300+ cards and they get physx out....If Nvidia keeps these drivers out i can see marketing next year...why buy 2 cards for physx when you can have just 1 card and get it all.
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Because it's easier to keep existing Radeon and buyng cheap GeForce as additional card opposed to buyng brand new super expensive GTX 470/GTX 480 card...
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Semi-Retired Folder
It isn't surprising, and btarunner pretty much hit the nail right on the head, this is done so they can clear out old weaker GPUs as PhysX cards. A quick trip over to eVGADIA...I mean eVGA...and they have huge adverts on the main page that say "GT 240 Makes a great Dedicated PhysX card!" and "Maximize your gaming experience with a PhysX card!" They aren't even calling them graphics cards at this point, they are simply referring to them as PhysX cards...:laugh:
lyndonrakistathats nice, too bad i don't have a dual pcie Mobo.

next rig baby.
You've got a PCI-E x1 a dremel and a super cheap $50 9800GT and make yourselft a PCI-E x1 PhysX card. I recently chopped PCI-E x16 card down to fit in a board with no x16 slot, and I was actually surprised at how easy it really was. I was affraid at first, and though it would be hard, but really it wasn't.
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