Wednesday, November 3rd 2010

Colorful Intros Long and Flexible SLI Bridge for iGame Graphics Cards
Graphics card maker Colorful, which recently designed the GeForce GTX 460 and GTS 450 iGame series of graphics cards, found out that its exorbitant cooler design (for mid-range graphics cards) may cause problems for users wanting to install two of these cards in SLI, because a large heatsink obstructs most rigid types of SLI bridges. Unlike with ATI/AMD, NVIDIA leaves it to the motherboard vendors to supply bridge cables. So Colorful designed its own flexible SLI bridge cable, which it might bundle with graphics cards. The cable uses a flexible membrane-type PCB, it's 12.4 cm long. That's long enough to hop over three expansion slots. There's also scope that Colorful will market it separately.
13 Comments on Colorful Intros Long and Flexible SLI Bridge for iGame Graphics Cards
They are already available direct from ASUS.:toast: