Thursday, January 20th 2011

Buffalo Intros New 3 TB USB 3.0 External Hard Drive
Buffalo Technology released a new 3 terabyte external hard drive that uses the USB 3.0 interface. The HD-LBV3.0TU3 from Buffalo uses the traditional chassis shared by several hard drives from the company, but makes use of a single capacious 3 TB HDD. It connects to the system over USB 3.0 and draws power over an external DC power supply. Measuring 39 x 123 x 189 mm, it weighs about 1 kg. Silicone padding inside allows some amount of mechanical shock protection to the drive. The drive normally draws 18W of power, but can reduce that to just 1.6W, using the bundled ecoManager software, which spins down the drive when idling. Slated for market release a little later this month, the Buffalo HD-LBV3.0TU3 will be priced at ¥26,400 (about US $320).
15 Comments on Buffalo Intros New 3 TB USB 3.0 External Hard Drive
i dunno... they bother for the extra storage capacity and speed?