Wednesday, January 26th 2011

AMD Radeon HD 6990 Pictured Up Close

Here's the Radeon HD 6990 up close. The HD 6990 is AMD's new dual-GPU graphics card that extends the performance leadership held by Radeon HD 5970. The pictures put rest to some speculation surrounding the cooler design. It now appears that the cooler design is similar to that of the GeForce GTX 295 single-PCB, as far as air-flow is concerned. A single long PCB holds two GPU systems on either sides, a centrally-located blower pushes air on either sides. The exhaust from one GPU is sent out of the case, while that from the other is pushed out of the card from its rear portion.

The Radeon HD 6990 uses two 40 nm Cayman GPUs, it packs a total of 3072 stream processors, and 4096 MB of memory between the two GPU systems. It also features a new kind of display output that consists of one dual-link DVI and four mini-DP 1.2. Power is drawn in from one 6-pin and an 8-pin PCIe connector. The card can pair with another of its kind for 4-GPU CrossFireX. It is expected to be released a little later in this quarter.
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124 Comments on AMD Radeon HD 6990 Pictured Up Close

So it has been confirmed that it will use two Cayman XT chips?

One 6 and one 8 pin? Wow!

No Quad crossfire?.....:shadedshu (sarcasm)

If that fan is only 8cm, I guessing it will be a little on the loud side.
Posted on Reply
I hope this card is a beast.
Posted on Reply
Cant wait to se this beast in action.
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cant wait to see benchmarks. still dont see y should i give up on my 5970. in my opinion design looks nothin less than 5xxx
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What have they done to reign this in to 325W power consumption? Is it running at 600mhz or something? Or am I miscalculating what 6 pin + 8 pin means?
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HossHugeIf that fan is only 8 inch, I guessing it will be a little on the loud side.
If that fan is 8 inches, the card wouldn't fit in a normal PCIe slot. :slap:
Posted on Reply
A monolith. With a red circle in the center. With the Radeon logo. Perfect!
Although it has a 6+8-pin config, you can see the shroud design left space in the 6-pin so that there could be an 8-pin...instead of a 6-pin.
And Quad crossifre seems enough.
Posted on Reply
4 miniDP connector?
Can it controll 12 dispalys? :)
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(FIH) The Don
Nettokunno HDMI output? :(
im sure there will be mini dp to hdmi adapters in the acc.
Posted on Reply
strange its 6+8 pin with the 6950 being 6+6 and 6970 being 6+8

i take its 2 6970 it there.

i dont get the no hdmi as well specially these days.
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theJesusIf that fan is 8 inches, the card wouldn't fit in a normal PCIe slot. :slap:
The right side of my face is sore now....:laugh:
Posted on Reply
HossHugeSo it has been confirmed that it will use two Cayman XT chips?

One 6 and one 8 pin? Wow!

No Quad crossfire?.....:shadedshu (sarcasm)

If that fan is only 8 inch, I guessing it will be a little on the loud side.
theJesusIf that fan is 8 inches, the card wouldn't fit in a normal PCIe slot. :slap:
Hopefully he meant 80mm? :P
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Crazy 4 TPU!!!
Super ugly having the stock blower fan in the middle like that. But still it should be shaping out to be a beast of a card performance wise and i hope the benchmarks show that.:)
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I bet its based off the XFX 5970 black heatsink

its a really good heatsink too, hope its a vapor chamber one though
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(FIH) The Don
the fan in the middle is prolly the best option unless they wanna make some sort of tri slot design cooler to cool the card properly

i had the single pcb 295 and it worked perfect, MUCH better than the 4870x2, gx2, 295 dual,
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So what do you guys think this monster will cost?
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SvB4EvASo what do you guys think this monster will cost?
Your soul.
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Crazy 4 TPU!!!
TheMailMan78I need a price already!
You can bet it's going to be at least $600 and up.

Way out of my wallets league.
Posted on Reply
(FIH) The Don
3870x2 was around 450 $
4870x2 was around 550 $
5970 was around 600 $

if they follow that pattern i say around 650-700$ for reference cards
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
Nettokunno HDMI output? :(
Just use the DVI output and lets face it the DVI connector is MUCH stronger than a HDMI port
devguyYour soul.
Sold. But really i was thinking of my marriage
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