Wednesday, September 28th 2011

Electronic Arts' Massive 2012 $1.6m Battlefield 3 Tournament: Consoles Yes, PC No
While PC gamers are getting understandably excited about one of the year's biggest releases, which is guaranteed to have standards-setting graphics at least, there's a kick in the teeth waiting just around the corner. EA and Virgin Gaming have teamed up to launch a massive BF3 contest with $1.6m in cash and prizes - for consoles only. Yes, you read that right. And the reason? Consoles are the "gold standard". That's the aging console platforms reported on TechPowerUp a few days ago. GameStop's president Tony Bartel said in an interview with IndustryGamers:
Maximum PC
We continue to believe that the console is a strong platform and will continue to be the gold standard.The competition website excitingly states:
The biggest, most realistic, room-shaking FPS ever demands a tournament that will always be remembered," the contest's sign-up page brags. "That's why Virgin Gaming, and EA DICE have come together to bring you an online competition you'll be telling your grandkids about. So strap on your boots and check your magazine-when the spoils of war are this rich, you can bet things are gonna get messy.That page then goes on to include links for PS3 & XBOX360 to register, but not the lowly PC. On top of that, it won't even be available on Steam, but gamers will instead have to sign up for the competing EA Origin platform.This strategy appears to make no sense. Why spend all that money on developing the game only to alienate a massive market segment, even if it's perceived to not be as big as the console one? It will very likely sell massively well to PC gamers regardless, but wouldn't it have made even more dollars by not artificially restricting the competition like this? This goes to show the arrogance and contempt that some big companies show towards their customers and EA is no stranger to controversy, restrictive DRM issues being a major source.
129 Comments on Electronic Arts' Massive 2012 $1.6m Battlefield 3 Tournament: Consoles Yes, PC No
EA: PC IS THE BEST!!!! So that's why PC is BF3's lead platform!
EA: But.... Consoles are also still the shit, so no Tournament for you awesome PC guys.
So you end up buying to play for Tournament and buying to play the game the way it should be played off PC.
Sadly they are going to get a lot of peple who will be buying the game twice at the very least, once for PC and then once for console.
EDIT- it probably also means the pc gamers will get fucked over on servers by EA too.
$100k every 1.5 months, not counting special events.
Or the recent DOTA 2 competition for $1million by Valve, we don't need console elitists to shaft us.
Well we can not blame EA as their guy in charge never even knew what a PC was or how gaming feels on a PC so what do we expect from EA / toddlers ??
Amazing so EA expects a child to play this tournament on their $30 pm allowance after school while renting a $1 a week game from some dvd rental joint on their $120 console. :nutkick:
Everything except my dvd drive cost more than this console toddlers whole gaming rig.
Surely this game is rated 13+ or something ??
So how can EA man in charge and the developers actually develop a game for a rating older than what EA staff is ?
Sounds like another remake of "Lord Of the Flies"
LOL Gold standard this sounds like Apple with their laptops, $799 old tech laptop with a $1400 half eaten 2nd hand Apple / logo on it. :roll:
I actually had someone the other day tell me that "Xbox360 has way better coding than PS3. They make the games look so much better on SD even though PS3 has HD since it's blu-ray" I can't remember exactly how he worded it, but he figured since the PS3 had blu-ray discs as its medium, that all content on said discs was 100% 1080P HD, and that XBOX was not HD because it uses DVDs. I'd wager 90% of PS3 content is 720P, with 5% above and 5% below. There is a difference between medium and content, and if you can't wrap your head around that, you'll be a lot easier for big companies to indoctrinate you into their "we're the best because we say we are" and "Boo YAH! Consoles RULE. WE LEAD THE INDUSTRY!!!!" crap they keep pushing. :rolleyes:
I think that they're simply attempting to lure console gamers away from yet another COD (4.2 now?), as when the beta's out there are going to be a lot of disappointed console gamers after the gameplay trailers shown...
PS Pre-order cancelled. Vote with your wallet folks. There are enough good PC games out now, and coming out. Send these guys a message where it counts, in their wallets.
Gobsmacked really...
Heck, I wanted to check out BF3, had no PC code, fired up my PS3, downloaded the client, and saw what I wanted.
We got DICE guys telling us you need dual GTX580's to play on Ultra settings, FFS. And peopel STILL think PC is the lead platform?
You've been had, been had, been H-A-D!!! WTF would you listen to DICE, whose job is to SELL YOU THEIR GAME. Of course they are going to tell PC users it's them they yearn for...
DICE, 3 months ago:
:respect::respect::respect: [PC]
:respect::respect::respect: [][][]
I say they cannot hack the PC coding(GTX580 SLi required for Ultra!), so dropped it(PC PLATFORM) like it's HOT.