Sunday, November 6th 2011

Call Of Duty Elite: Out For Consoles, Maybe For PC, Eventually

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, due for release on 8th November, will feature a new social network called Call of Duty Elite. However, this will only be available to console owners, which is sure to disappoint PC gamers loyal to this gaming series. Call of Duty Elite offers gamers a premium membership for $49.99, offering competitions, training videos and $60 worth of DLC, along with all the usual stats tracking and social features. OneOfSwords interviewed Beachhead Studio's Chacko Sonny, who explained the reason for this:
The issue here is that the PC is an insecure platform. Without a central, trusted resource for stats, a lot of our competition features become unfair. We can't give away prizes when people can easily cheat their stats. Leaderboards are less fun when a lot of the users are there unfairly.
It's not really clear in what way the PC is an insecure platform, so this apparent "insecurity" leading to "unfairness for gamers" may not be the only reason for the delay. The Call of Duty franchise is now console oriented and it seems that extracting money from console owners is somehow easier than PC owners. Therefore, Activision will be bringing Elite to the PC platform when they've worked out the kinks and can properly monetize it. However, it's not all bad news, at least dedicated servers will be supported at launch, unlike the previous MW2, which lead to a significant outcry.

Call Of Duty Elite official site:
Source: AnandTech
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43 Comments on Call Of Duty Elite: Out For Consoles, Maybe For PC, Eventually

qubitsure to disappoint PC gamers loyal to this gaming series.
meh. they deserve it ;)
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
digibuccmeh. they deserve it ;)
Ironically, I've bought most of the CoD games, but I don't care for Elite anyway, so it doesn't matter to me. :laugh:
Posted on Reply
ArticleThe issue here is that the PC is an insecure platform. Without a central, trusted resource for stats, a lot of our competition features become unfair. We can’t give away prizes when people can easily cheat their stats. Leaderboards are less fun when a lot of the users are there unfairly.
This made me "WAT" :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
Doesn't matter to me considering i haven't cared for COD since COD4.

Plus i never care about the social media accepts to games, i just want to play the game, not socialize.
Posted on Reply
Yea but the part left out is that there is a basic edition of the Elite service that is free.
Posted on Reply
The issue here is that the PC is an insecure platform. Without a central, trusted resource for stats, a lot of our competition features become unfair. We can’t give away prizes when people can easily cheat their stats. Leaderboards are less fun when a lot of the users are there unfairly.
What a lame excuse! According to that all of 3dmark, cpu-z, wprime and many other scores should be incorrect and unfair. Blame yourself for being lazy and untechnical to create a solid stats system. In short it's BS.
Posted on Reply
According to Gary's chart, if you don't have Elite, you won't have access to DLC?
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
DannibusXAccording to Gary's chart, if you don't have Elite, you won't have access to DLC?
Only if you don't have a premium Elite account(that you must pay for) according to that chart. So i think so.:shadedshu
Posted on Reply
yea but my question is that if you let your subscription lapse... is said DLC still your's if you choose not to renew?
Posted on Reply
CDdude55Only if you don't have a premium Elite account(that you must pay for) according to that chart. So i think so.:shadedshu
That would be bunk.
Posted on Reply
CDdude55Doesn't matter to me considering i haven't cared for COD since COD4.
Same here, they took wrong turn from there. Didn't even considered buying mw3
Posted on Reply
Now that I think about it. Not selling DLC outside of Elite would be doing something that ActiKotick is allergic to. Rejecting money. I bet you will be able to buy DLC outside of subscribing to Elite.

Of course, they'll probably make it more expensive to buy DLC separately.

The OP says every $50 subscription will get you $60 worth of DLC, meaning the 3 map packs will go up to $20 per. They'll bolster console Elite subs because the Hardened Edition comes with a year sub included.

I'm totally happy to skip this release.
Posted on Reply
I imagine that most of the services you'd get with the Elite is not something that most would use anyways... plus I have Every map pack for Black Ops but still mostly just play the original maps anyways so it's a non issue with me... This is going to turn into a fanboy thread
Posted on Reply
These mother fuckin son's of bitches.

This company is teribad now, they can fuckin go on the streets beging for bread for all I care now :shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu

50$ for Elite premium and 60$ for the game :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

If anybody trys to justify the 50 dollar premium price tag,


Nothing justify's this bullshit, period.

I can bet that after all said and done with the 50$ premium service, there's going to be a big 20-30$ DLC pack that you will still have to buy separately down the road.

Just strait ass money laundering NOW. :mad::shadedshu
Posted on Reply
Graphical Hacker
3volvedcombatThis mother fuckin son's of bitches.

This company is teribad now, they can fuckin go on the streets beging for bread for all I care now :shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu

50$ for Elite premium and 60$ for the game :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:shadedshu:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

If anybody trys to justify the 50 dollar premium price tag,


Nothing justify's this bullshit, period.

I can bet that after all said and down with the 50$ premium service, there's going to be a big 20-30$ DLC pack that you will still have to buy separately down the road.

Just strait ass money laundering NOW. :mad::shadedshu
The worst part is a majority of the COD community will pay for this.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
How is console more secure? My little brother's friends cheat in all the CoD's on their 360s. Pisses me off.
Posted on Reply
Overclocked quantum bit
Wile EHow is console more secure? My little brother's friends cheat in all the CoD's on their 360s. Pisses me off.
Is it more secure perhaps in the sense that hacks and cracks can't be run on them like they can on a PC? Just guessing here.
Posted on Reply
qubitIronically, I've bought most of the CoD games, but I don't care for Elite anyway, so it doesn't matter to me. :laugh:
same here and nor do I
Posted on Reply
Graphical Hacker
qubitIs it more secure perhaps in the sense that hacks and cracks can't be run on them like they can on a PC? Just guessing here.
Well I mean the console IS a PC with a different operating system. All it takes is know how to cheat. For example, people play cracked games on every system, have made the systems run Linux, etc. Anything can be broken.
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
qubitIs it more secure perhaps in the sense that hacks and cracks can't be run on them like they can on a PC? Just guessing here.
I think its more to do with aimbots & wallhackers rather then just people pirating the game. Afterall...people who pirate the game cant play MP unless its a cracked server which probably means Zero stats for the players as it aint hooked up to Activisions logging system.

Doesnt suprise me at all.. IMO they dropped punkbuster for the same crap that STEAM uses which is far from perfect compared to PB

MW2 became a fucking botfest. I encountered a lot of bots in the random 2hrs of that game I played, and since the game doesnt run on dedicated servers - there are no admins to boot or ban hackers.

players can cheat their way to the top using aimbot.


What Activision are doing here is exactly what EPIC GAMES did a few years ago - They left the PC market to focus purely on consoles because they claimed Piracy was getting the better of them/their sales when in reality, they just failed to make an awesome game that every PC player wanted to play.

If they suddenly turn around and say Elite wont be made available for PC not now & not ever then that wouldnt suprise me at all.

Not to be disrespectful but, only console fags are dumb enough to pay a $50 subscription charge for a $60 game. which gives them extra features which most of them dont even need.

I dont think many of the PC community really care about whats happening as they wont be buying the game anyway. I know i definitely wont.
Posted on Reply
It's a relief to me that many people think aimbots and other hacks/cheats don't exist for consoles. Please keep believing that. :)
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
erockerIt's a relief to me that many people think aimbots and other hacks/cheats don't exist for consoles. Please keep believing that. :)
Never said they didnt exist on consoles, though Ive personally never heard of aimbot on consoles.

theres just a lot lot more of them on PC - Hell in the BF3 Beta. there were HUNDREDS of them and they were all signed upto the same fucking platoon and were from the same fucking forum that makes the hacks
Posted on Reply
FreedomEclipseNever said they didnt exist on consoles, though Ive personally never heard of aimbot on consoles.

theres just a lot lot more of them on PC - Hell in the BF3 Beta. there were HUNDREDS of them and they were all signed upto the same fucking platoon and were from the same fucking forum that makes the hacks
I wasn't really responding to your post but there are most definitely aimbots and everything else out there for consoles with many games.
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