Thursday, February 16th 2012

NVIDIA Prepares GeForce GTX 560 SE to Thwart Radeon HD 7770
For an immediate relief from the market-threat looming in the sub-$200 segment with the introduction of AMD's Radeon HD 7770, NVIDIA is planning to carve out a new SKU based on the 40 nm GF114 GPU, the GeForce GTX 560 SE. The new SKU will be positioned below the GeForce GTX 560 (non-Ti), and target price-points well within $200. The new SKU is identical to the OEM-only model GeForce GTX 555. Its specifications follow:
- Based on 40 nm GF114 ASIC
- 288 CUDA cores
- 48 TMUs, 24 ROPs
- 192-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface
- 1 GB standard memory amount (asymmetric memory chip arrangement à la GTX 550 Ti)
- Clock speeds: 776 MHz core; 1553 MHz CUDA cores; 952 MHz (3.828 GHz effective) memory, 92 GB/s memory bandwidth
50 Comments on NVIDIA Prepares GeForce GTX 560 SE to Thwart Radeon HD 7770
sh1t"substandard edition".Just release a "555" edition on the market nV! And avoid enthusiast backlash like this!
This sort of pish makes me reactionary and very torn to just upgrade now to a 7970. Wouldn't care if GK104 came out and was better. I can get a water block and card for <£500 now. Though I'm waiting for the swiftech 7970 block.
Hmm... Mid feb and no offivial NV news on Kepler. :shadedshu
This would explain AMD arrogance with their crappy 7770 and the rest of the AMD 7*** prices, AMD knows there is no competition left in NVidia and that Nvidia will never be able to recover.
Nvidia just fire all your staff and declare bankruptcy to safe us all the effort of reading another NVidia news post. :nutkick:
what if the same guy who thought an xbox720 might only do 720p:p went into a shop and saw a 560SE for 120(weva a guess) and a 560TI for 180quids(again guess) and bought the cheaper one expecting TI performance , would it hurt to change number Gdam it:shadedshu
Both AMD and Nvidia are doing this for a long time, I realized these moves a long time ago, and I hate them, as any consumer should do, but that's what happens when you have only 2 players. It's just more profitable for them to play nice to each other instead of engaging in a price war. I hope Kepler changes that, but it's only hope.
You cant be serious?
What kind of market would it be if the only competition AMD has is themselves?
Go back to your fanboy dungeon where you belong.
Why do we need all this
Not trying to be a fan boy here, but will it have the same PCB as it's bigger bro's (therefore 2 6pin), me thinks the power efficiency isn't there :laugh:
Hm, I'm going to buy a new card today and I've heard a lot of good stuff about the 560 one. Oh, a 560 Second Edition? I'll go for this one. HUZZAH!!
FFS Nvidia, not only do you release the same card with two names (GTX555 for OEM and GTX560SE for retail), but you actually make it SLOWER clock for clock than the comparable card from the "last" generation.
560 SE
560 TI
560 TI 448
Why nvidia?
nV are literally throwing their goodwill away with bullsh1t like this. They will be known as a brand and product range not to be trusted.
Also if rumors about Kepler performance are finally true, Nvidia might not have a Kepler card to compete in that segment, GF106 could be much faster than HD7770. Considering the leaked specs I think that Nvidia just did a x2 increment to all the chips in the series, so GK106 could beat or come close to the GTX560 Ti.