Tuesday, February 21st 2012

Top NVIDIA GK104 Part Gets GeForce GTX 670 Ti Branding
NVIDIA has reportedly named the top desktop graphics card based on its upcoming 28 nm GK104 GPU GeForce GTX 670 Ti. The GK104 is a spiritual-successor to GF114 (which in-turn, to GF104), and NVIDIA is eager to get this part out fast, so it could consolidate on the performance thru high-end segment, before it's certain that it won't face issues with its foundry partners, so it could go ahead and launch parts based on the GK110. Interestingly, NVIDIA chose to name the highest-performing GK104-based SKU GTX 670 Ti and not GTX 660 Ti, probably indicating that this part will perform competitively with high-end parts out in the market today, including AMD's recently-launched Radeon HD 7000 series.
Speaking of performance, sources told SweClockers that they expect the GeForce GTX 670 Ti to outperform GeForce GTX 580 and Radeon HD 7950. Its specifications doing rounds on the web suggest it has a radically different number-crunching machinery. Industry analyst DigiTimes recently pinned launches of GeForce Kepler family to begin in April, though we're hearing there will be substantial activity surrounding these GPUs in March.
SweClockers, Chinese, English
Speaking of performance, sources told SweClockers that they expect the GeForce GTX 670 Ti to outperform GeForce GTX 580 and Radeon HD 7950. Its specifications doing rounds on the web suggest it has a radically different number-crunching machinery. Industry analyst DigiTimes recently pinned launches of GeForce Kepler family to begin in April, though we're hearing there will be substantial activity surrounding these GPUs in March.
32 Comments on Top NVIDIA GK104 Part Gets GeForce GTX 670 Ti Branding
What is up with that "Ti" bullshit?
Stop trying to make stuff more complex than it has to be.
what is wrong with something like:
Need another GPU between the GTX660 and the GTX670? call it GTX665
Hey, if you think NV's lineup is confusing, just wait till AMD gets done with all their GPUs + Trinity. Already got a glimpse of that with Llano. Zomg, too many numbers. Crossfire didn't help because APU + GPU added a letter on the end too. Now try to make heads of tails of performance levels from mobile and desktop lines.
I miss the days when both companies just had 3-4 basic models. Low end, mid range, high end. Then came XT, Ultra...gah. Really, we don't need that much! I would concede to allowing 6 variations, but more than that is just...wasting silicon. Just end up in bargain clearance racks in the end anyways.
Mid-range part clocked to be in the higher bracket.
I still think core ipc is slightly over half-way between 7870 and 7950. As-in, it will probably have 20% on Pitcairn, and 7950 will have 5-<10% on it, but 1.1875 greater clockspeed than 7950 will place it between the 7900 series skus. 5-<10% because of ipc, 6-8% because of memory bandwidth disparity puts 670ti ahead at those clocks.
I refuse to go by these arbitrary sku clocks when 28nm clocks so ridiculously high, none of the AMD skus seem to be held back substantially by powertune, the ppc on 7970 is so ridiculously small over 7950, and 7950/7870 should be boatloads more efficient while 7970 should be similar-ish to 670ti.
I'm waiting on power consumption at stock and when overclocked (TPU's specialty, thanks W1z!), and nvidia's clock potential vs AMD on the core and memory controller. Should be interesting vs. 7950 and 7870. I'm especially curious where each will stand when consuming approx. 225w...What I imagine will be the powertune limits for the amd skus and probably much closer to the stock tdp for 670ti.
nVIDIA are magicians and I just hope people don't want to be...fooled.
Oh thats right, nowhere.
Pro tip: think before you post because your comment really is just dumb.
I am not overwhelm(ed) by anything here, its just a stupid and unnecessary name scheme.
What they for example did with the 200 series is almost how it should be.
GTX280, Nvidia makes revision on that card and instead of calling it something stupid like GTX280Ti (which makes it look to most as if its some factory overclocked card like Evga's FTW name scheme) they called it the GTX285, simple and understandable for EVERYONE.
(seriously there are more people on this planet then you, you might want to think about those).
Now of course the GTX260 was a complete mess with its 2 revisions and worthless not really rename scheme.
Again think things through before you comment.
Your comment is so dumb honestly that it looks like its coming from some blind fanboy who can't handle people criticizing that which he worships.
I would say nVidia is releasing this first because its FAST and their yields are decent on it.
It wont be a good day if Nv releases this and its faster than AMDs best offering :shadedshu
With that said Nv seems adamant about how fast it is.
I challenge Nvidia to make a statement and stop being cowardly dicks.
I think Nvidia Fermi and now Kepler architecture has more production variances. Now given that TSMC price increase for 28Nm wafers killing the old value of moving to a shrink, Nvidia has no choice but spend more time sorting and binning to get the most from each wafer. Back in the old days the time (investment) it took looking at each chip verse making three sorts probably wasn’t worth the trouble, or wouldn’t generate a large enough number to bring to market. So, today more predicable variants from a wafer, cost prohibitive to just toss say 20%, and probably improve detection and speed of looking at and sorting chips has got us here. From a business standpoint it makes sense.
It leads to the divide and conquer strategy straight from the get go, in the hope buyers are so confounded that they just submit and pay more as they don't want to be seen as the Fri'er. As now it will be even more befuddling for reviewers to cross check 4 different variations along with the menagerie of AIB models. Because like today, it's getting harder to find specific reviews for a particular AIB offerings. For instance Zotac has six GTX 560 models and there's only one published review I've found W!zzard’s on a AMP edition. The problem is there a couple SKU that now show weekly as “deals”, but as we all know one AIB’s version may not always the cream or value when it gets down to testing like in a "round up" of say five different AIB’s versions. It's harder to spot the lame horse(s) in the herd. Come on really they aren't about to blow this, the strategy is to confounded and befuddle with the hope that it will keep a big bunch of folks to fence sit and it's working.