Saturday, February 25th 2012

New Metal Gear Solid for the PC

Apparently the Metal Gear Solid creators over at Konami are advertising for "Project engineers for the latest Metal Gear Solid targeted for high-end consoles and PC." There isn't anything really known about the fifth installment of the franchise yet. But its nice to see Snake coming to the PC. Time will tell if the game holds up to its pedigree. Unsurprisingly, the game is unlikely to be out until late 2013, or early 2014. So that is some far-away news. However if you want to apply for the job you can do so here.
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30 Comments on New Metal Gear Solid for the PC

Sounds great! Can't wait! :D

Inb4 AVs alerts when the game starts searching for your other game's save folders.
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"I go fast!1!11!1!"
I hope they port 3 and 4 too while they're at it.
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Vanguard Beta Tester
This is pretty cool. I don't think I have played an MGS since my PS2
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Not a Moderator
from what i know this is a seperate game from MGS Revengence which is also expected on the PS3 360 and PC

from the info ive gathered this is a seperate MGS game, MGS Revengence almost got shit canned, and is in the hands of a different studio

This title from Kojima is seperate and has him as the lead again, with his own studio doing the work, there rebuilding the FOX game engine, used in MGS 4
Posted on Reply
I remember specifically buying MGS1 from an EB Games (I still have the CD!) and experiencing the Psycho Mantis controller reversing that my high school buddies squealed about on the classic Sidewinder controller on PC. One of my dearest gaming memories, that.

Looking forward to MGS making its PC return.
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I'm happy that we are NOT getting shat on again
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Vanguard Beta Tester
FierceRedI remember specifically buying MGS1 from an EB Games (I still have the CD!) and experiencing the Psycho Mantis controller reversing that my high school buddies squealed about on the classic Sidewinder controller on PC. One of my dearest gaming memories, that.

Looking forward to MGS making its PC return.
I have one of those Sidewinders in my "pile" of dead end peripherals :rockout:
Posted on Reply
INSTG8RI have one of those Sidewinders in my "pile" of dead end peripherals :rockout:
Such a great controller. Good times.:toast:
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RecusIt ain't gonna happen.
Even if MGS Revengeance dosent come to PC i dont care games far to different for me to enjoy it, i play MGS for the difficulty the sneaking the ability to bypass guards and security to think ahead and get to objectives without using lethal force,

I play like the above to the extreme that MGS on Big Boss Extreme difficulty is the norm for me, what MGS 5 is becoming no longer holds any interest for me or the majority of MGS fans i know personally, altho the news that Kojima is making the next game and updating the game engine bodes well it means eventually i might end up with another Metal Gear game i can enjoy
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The Knife in your Back
TheMailMan78Apparently the Metal Gear Solid creators over at Konami are advertising for “Project engineers for the latest Metal Gear Solid targeted for high-end consoles and PC.”
I'm sorry, but the only reason I am posting here is because I am in a blind awe strucken rage. I mean seriously, WTF is a high end console.... I had to read that sentence like 5 times over, I kept read, "for consoles and high-end PC.". I haven't read anything past that sentence, after I see mention of a high-end console, anything after that just doesn't need to be read.
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Big Member
1Kurgan1I'm sorry, but the only reason I am posting here is because I am in a blind awe strucken rage. I mean seriously, WTF is a high end console.... I had to read that sentence like 5 times over, I kept read, "for consoles and high-end PC.". I haven't read anything past that sentence, after I see mention of a high-end console, anything after that just doesn't need to be read.
I think they mean next-gen consoles man. But you are right.....thats funny.
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The Knife in your Back
TheMailMan78I think they mean next-gen consoles man. But you are right.....thats funny.
Talking with Marineborn about this, he said the samething. If high-end console becomes a marketing term for games on the next gen of consoles, I might have to rampage a few Gamestops to get my point across. Thats like saying my old x850 Pro is "high-end" because it's faster than my 9800 Pro. I mean it's just a new generation, unless they come out with low, mid, high range consoles, they better not use that stupid marketing gimmick (though I wouldn't put it past them).
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technically thats what Microsoft might be doing

Xbox 360 is getting much cheaper to produce and may end up filling an entry lvl roll using Kinect, and older titles, while the next xbox will cost an epic shit ton more and will fill the next gen graphics category, at least thats how the news on Xbox development seems to be shaping up

with some companies even using the 360 as a damn cable box, it looks like it will get re-purposed and used as a multi media device, so you could say Kurgan that from current info and rumors that IS what there going to do lol
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Spaceman Spiff
FordGT90ConceptI hope they port 3 and 4 too while they're at it.

Emulation software for MGS3 is still way buggy for me, and the fps drops on MGS4 on PS3 make it frustrating. I would love to see those two games in all their glory. :toast:
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FordGT90ConceptI hope they port 3 and 4 too while they're at it.
Mmm, I would love to play MGS4 on the PC. That would be fantastic.
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The Knife in your Back
crazyeyesreapertechnically thats what Microsoft might be doing

Xbox 360 is getting much cheaper to produce and may end up filling an entry lvl roll using Kinect, and older titles, while the next xbox will cost an epic shit ton more and will fill the next gen graphics category, at least thats how the news on Xbox development seems to be shaping up

with some companies even using the 360 as a damn cable box, it looks like it will get re-purposed and used as a multi media device, so you could say Kurgan that from current info and rumors that IS what there going to do lol
Even like that, old hardware is old hardware, a new gen of hardware will be faster, to call it high end still doesnt make sense. After the PS3 came out the PS2 still was going strong, but I wouldn't have ever put them on a low-end/high-end realm.
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you might not but companies do thats the difference,
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wait a second, wasn't a certain company asking if pc gaming was dead?
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Next gen console = 8800gt under the hood? :laugh:
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DonInKansasNext gen console = 8800gt under the hood? :laugh:
consoles don't have to talk to drivers like a PC which makes them a lot more efficient.
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Not a Moderator
correct consoles when first released are around 80% efficient mid to late life cycle it around 95% for AAA titles

PC ranges from 20-50% efficient with 50 being a best case senario
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TheMailMan78Apparently the Metal Gear Solid creators over at Konami are advertising for “Project engineers for the latest Metal Gear Solid targeted for high-end consoles and PC.” There isn't anything really known about the fifth installment of the franchise yet. But its nice to see Snake coming to the PC. Time will tell if the game holds up to its pedigree. Unsurprisingly, the game is unlikely to be out until late 2013, or early 2014. So that is some far-away news. However if you want to apply for the job you can do so here.

Source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun
cheers for the news g, nice to have summat to read on a sat after some OT at work:)

i kinda missed 2,3, and 4 due to switching to pc by then , plus ps3 for me was a bit poo i did buy one ,but only for gta5 full and i sold it after smashin it in(GTA5)
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What a news! Thx! U made my day! :rockout:
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