Monday, March 26th 2012

Microsoft To Launch $100 Xbox Lite Before Moving to Durango
Shortly before launching its next-generation game console (codenamed "Durango"), Microsoft is said to be working on a new product (SKU, rather), called Xbox Lite. This new console will cost as little as $100. According to a source, Xbox Lite will be ARM-based, and scheduled for "late 2013 which does Arcade-style games & all the current & future media apps with Kinect (with near-mode)." What makes the rumor plausible is that ARM chips advancing faster than ever, and so is the ecosystem of casual games on Xbox Live Arcade, which don't have very high graphical detail (and hence, aren't resource-heavy). Many of these casual games, along with Kinect-enabled games, could make up the ecosystem around Xbox Lite.
54 Comments on Microsoft To Launch $100 Xbox Lite Before Moving to Durango
I don't know what to think about this system. I'm assuming the games will be a lot cheaper (indie games)?
Back on topic, I think that making the switch to ARM is an alright for something this cheap. Heck for using it as an arcade/netflix machine is a fantastic idea. I just don't know how many people would want it though.
So, what I basically understand is that we will be stuck with 2006 graphic engine games on our quad 680 SLI configurations at least until 2014 when the new generation of consoles will launch. Sweet!
Good for the new Xbox coming out should be based on HD 7870M.
For MS, "Xbox" isn't just games anymore, it's an entertainment portal. Recently they've been getting a lot of content providers on board. This will be a cheap portal to that.
I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
I was one of those back in the day, and I was lucky if my family would give me 1 game for christmas.
Think before you post.