Friday, March 30th 2012

Main Use of Xbox 360 is Not Gaming: Microsoft
According to Microsoft, gaming is not what Xbox 360 game consoles are being used for, now-a-days. People's primary usage patterns have shifted more towards listening to music, and watching TV through their Xbox 360 consoles. Gaming on it, comes next. "What we're seeing is that people are turning on the Xbox to play games and then keeping it on afterwards to get other types of entertainment," Microsoft's Yusuf Mehdi told the LA Times.
Tom's Guide
58 Comments on Main Use of Xbox 360 is Not Gaming: Microsoft
I bought an xboxO + kinect for xmas-1.
It's rubbish. Very rarely used. It is used about twice a week, once to watch a DVD movie 100mins...the other to waste a few minutes no a game waiting for everyone to get ready for the movie 10mins.
Ratio 10:1
After kinect experience (which is the "best" consoles have to offer at the moment)... I will never buy another console again, except an instant on gamer for holiday/summerhouse.
PC gaming is where it is at.
1 week prior: Now announcing whicked cool game that might have this this and that
Launch day: Wicked cool game review including changes from the pre-release demo
1 week after: After playing the game for a week we reviewd it some more the replay value is this. its a system killer and we have a bunch of screen shots
2 weeks after launch: Help i fell through the floor and I saved what do? Help it crashes ever 10min. Help my xbox blew up. Help my PS3 hardlocks 20min into game.
3 weeks after launch: Patch/Patch/Patch/Patch/Patch
1 month After launch: Patch/Patch review on looking back and how the game is still f@#$%d also $300 DLC 10+ minutes of game play, and if you order now we will ship you a pair of scissors with wicked cool game engraved on them!
I gave it to my mom, and she's been watching Netflix on it... 100% of the time.
There you go.
I've been using my xbox primarily as a doorstop ever since it RRoD'd on me a couple of years ago.
This is how I define current gen consoles: "360 and PS3, holding back graphical advancements since 2005 and counting, with no end in sight. Ruining shooters and driving RTS to near extinction. Enjoy."
My 360...just a glorified DVD player now. PS3...well, now that one still has use. Mostly just an Uncharted/Valkyria console now. Honestly I would still likely use my 360 if it wasn't for XBL. Sub ran out and I see no point in paying M$ money to use a service filled with nothing but horrid players.
Let's compare previous generations, 1989-1996 (7 years just like the current situation);
1989: Sega Genesis
1989: TurboGrafx-16
1991: SNES
1993: Atari Jaguar
1993: 3DO
1994: Sony Playstation
1994: Sega Saturn
1995: Nintendo Virtual Boy
1996: Nintendo64
We see more companies, more consoles, and more innovation. Compared to the past 7 years;
2005: Microsoft Xbox360
2006: Nintendo Wii
2006: Sony Playstation 3
2007-2012: :confused:
1989: Sega Genesis
1989: TurboGrafx-16
1991: SNES
1993: Atari Jaguar
1993: 3DO
1994: Sony Playstation
1994: Sega Saturn
1995: Nintendo Virtual Boy
1996: Nintendo64
These systems (some flops) had a kinda "magic" to them. These new consoles just feel like water down PC with one or two exclusives that are not system sellers. I want a REAL console for a change. I guess this is why I enjoy my 3DS so much. The games just "feel" right. IMO the last real console was the Dreamcast.