Thursday, April 5th 2012

EA is Consumerist's Worst Company in America for 2012
EA bagged another "achievement", Consumerist's Golden Poo Award for "worst company in America" for 2012. EA managed to beat Bank of America in getting there. Considering BoA has real potential to strip people of their savings, one can understand just how much of an effort EA put in winning this. Some might argue that EA and the video-games industry are too trivial compared to BoA and the finance industry, but this is exactly the argument that allows people to "ignore the complaints as companies like EA to nickel and dime consumers to death," according to Consumerist's consensus. People are particularly distraught with EA's practice of sandbagging game content and later selling it as DLCs that augment the main game, for a fee. Consumerist's "worst company in America" is an annual user-choice award given to companies with the worst business practices.
EA took the pains to respond to its achievement, by taunting The Consumerist for its choice of nominations for people to vote on, in a statement given to Kotaku.
The Consumerist, Kotaku
EA took the pains to respond to its achievement, by taunting The Consumerist for its choice of nominations for people to vote on, in a statement given to Kotaku.
We're sure that British Petroleum, AIG, Philip Morris, and Halliburton are all relieved they weren't nominated this year. We're going to continue making award-winning games and services played by more than 300 million people worldwide.
58 Comments on EA is Consumerist's Worst Company in America for 2012
Added a poll.
Looks like priorities have been misplaced, or arranged...differently, among the voters.
Oh yes, just so you know, there are other ways we can play your "award winning games" without supporting you. :nutkick:
Looks like making bad games and bad practices in the GAMING industry is MUCH MUCH WORSE than offering bad telecom services and bad practices in the telecom industry, cartel-like control of oil prices and bad practices in the oil industry, f**king up economies of various countries, spending money they don't have by giving it away to people who don't have the means to pay, too much focus on speculation, greediness in the banking industry... :shadedshu
I'll survive swimming in an oil spill?
And looks like you intentionally ignored the other things I've mentioned as well. :laugh:
And now I'm "defending" them? LOL I've just said they're doing bad things, and have done bad things, and have done bad games...that constitutes a "defense" of them now? :laugh:
Or are you under the assumption that I'd be wearing diving gear and a helmet? Then that's not swimming then.
Bad practices, still remain bad practices, regardless of the industry. I agree, there are far worse companies out there, some of them were not even listed. But you just went right ahead and assumed on my behalf, that I said, they are "MUCH MUCH WORSE" than the other companies out there. :rolleyes:
Forbes article on this held the best point. Polls and contests mean nothing compared to wallets. Even if you end up buying later on discount, companies only really care about the craze at launch. A game can sell millions of copies later at discount price, but what the execs want to see is those huge numbers before discount. So stick it to them.
I haven't bought 1 Mass Effect or Dragon Age game at launch. Always a year later on discount. Same with just about any EA title except for BF3 but I only got that on a special deal.
Will EA change from this. No. Till they start feeling some monetary backlash, a golden poo means squat. Hurt EA in the wallet. Don't buy on Origin, don't buy at launch, and don't buy DLC at launch either. If you must, wait for sales. You can live without that brand new EA game for awhile.
EA is garbage and it is about time they are recognized for the sneaky little creeps that they are
But yes I agree there are much much worse companies out there, however in the tech world, EA tops the list indeed.
EA: go fuck yourselves you gold digging leeches.
My vote goes to BP. EA was never bad enough to make a brown pelican.
Then sue you. For posting a screenshot of their game. :rockout:
edit.: btw, I'm not an EA hater at all, nor I agree with the result, just simply pointing out facts.
Watch when Valve announces CC-GS in store all these goats will buy the DVD and see EA on the box ....Like this lower right hand corner
Distribution By
Electronic Arts=EA
Day two with Origin: the licensing mechanism was still down, unable to start playing BF3.
Day three: Good luck playing BF3 on any server even though it's registered: plug in problems, battlelog problems, punkbuster gone nuts.
Day four: EA sticking an anal probe up my butt while I'm all confused as to what's happening.
Day ~150 (yesterday): Origin had major problems, unable to launch the game, massive servers down, battlelog went nuts, everyone getting kicked because of punkbuster.
Between day 4 and today, there have been at least a hundred times where either battlelog, origin or punkbuster gave problems, or their own updates(mainly server side updates) as well.
EA service: "Oh here are 15 step instructions (with an invalid link to download) on how to fix your problem."
FUUUU, they just can't do ANYTHING right. It's all EA, DICE works for them, Battlelog is theirs, Origin too.
Origin features: overlay with a browser. Can't even see the freaking time or do anything I can with Steam. :rockout:
Good one EA. You trolled us big time.