Tuesday, April 17th 2012

AMD Finalizes Radeon HD 7900, HD 7700 Series Price Cuts, Bigger Than Expected
AMD reportedly finalized the adjusted prices. The price cuts were first reported in a little earlier this month. The price of Radeon HD 7970 was slashed by as much as US $70, sending it down to $479, $20 behind that of the GeForce GTX 680. That of the Radeon HD 7950 was cut by $50, which will send its price down to $399. Lastly, the price of Radeon HD 7770 went down by $20, it is priced at $139. Although not formally part of these price cuts, the Radeon HD 7870 is now available for as low as $330.
34 Comments on AMD Finalizes Radeon HD 7900, HD 7700 Series Price Cuts, Bigger Than Expected
until $70 cut, so buy the lower then reflash it
Thats a HUGE drop. (~$95)
Our 7950s have dropped from £339 - £380 to £300 - £340
Another Huge drop (~$65)
Source: www.aria.co.uk/Products/Components/Graphics+Cards+-+AMD/Radeon+HD+7970
I'm regretting buying my 7870 for £265 now, for an extra £40 I could've had a 7950.
EDIT - There is actually no feasible reason to buy a GTX680 if your in the UK now, the cheapest one can be had for £409, a good £60 (~$95) above the cheapest 7970.
And don't forget that non-reference 680's are priced > $539 (and not available to buy).
I'm playing on a 22" 1680x1050 monitor with a GTX 560 ti OC (1 Gb) card and an upgrade to a 7950 1.5Gb would be, performance wise, enough for me imho...