Monday, May 7th 2012

Company of Heroes 2 Invades the Eastern Front

THQ Inc. today announced that a sequel to its critically acclaimed strategy game Company of Heroes is scheduled to be taking gamers to the frozen frontlines of war in Russia in early 2013.

As a true sequel, this game moves the battle away from the common Western Front focus of World War II and refocuses on some of history's most brutal and devastating conflicts on the Eastern Front, challenging players to take command of the iconic Red Army and repel the Nazi invaders from the very gates of Moscow.
Company of Heroes 2 utilizes Relic Entertainment's state of the art proprietary Essence 3.0 Engine to bring new technological advancements to the strategy genre in the form of innovative Dynamic Battle Tactics, increased graphical fidelity and new environmental destruction, ultimately putting the player in control with new Commander Abilities.

Greg Wilson, Producer at Relic Entertainment commented, "Company of Heroes 2 is a true successor, introducing a new front, new protagonists and new technology while retaining the unique mix of strategic gameplay and competitive multiplayer that made the original Company of Heroes such a success."

Danny Bilson, Executive Vice President of Core Games commented, "We are excited to announce a sequel to one of THQ's best loved properties. Company of Heroes 2 will deliver an amazing strategy experience along with a strong post-launch digital content plan that enhances and expands the product's lifecycle."

The original Company of Heroes was released in 2006 to critical acclaim and is currently the highest rated strategy title on (with more than five reviews) with an average of 93.82% based on 56 reviews. The game features similar acclaim on with a Metascore of 93% based on 55 reviews.

Company of Heroes 2 is scheduled to be available for PC in early 2013. For more information, visit the Company of Heroes website.

It is 1941 and the beginning of what will become the most brutal conflict of World War II, as Germany launches a full-scale invasion of the frozen tundra of the Soviet Union which would result in over 14 million military casualties. Take command of the iconic Soviet Red Army in brutal frontline warfare to free Mother Russia from the invading Nazis. Your strategic skills and tactical expertise hold the power to tip the very balance of this conflict in the sequel to the critically acclaimed and multi award-winning Company of Heroes. Engage in visceral tactical combat that will define you as a military leader and challenge you to wield the might of the Soviet Empire as you smash your way to Berlin.
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26 Comments on Company of Heroes 2 Invades the Eastern Front

How would they make the first few missions though? Would the tutorial mission be "How to move your units away from the enemy", "avoid being detected", "retreating successfully to the upper right portion of the map", "move as many units as possible away from the left side of the map"? :laugh:

Once the Wehrmacht gets closer though the missions would be much more obvious. Leningrad. Moscow. Kharkov. Stalingrad. Kursk. Battle for Poland. Race across the Balkans. Race to Berlin.
Posted on Reply
Fingers trembling, the excitement!!! Boxed copy it is... hoping for an awesome limited edition package
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Hope all units from the 1st CoH will still be available for multiplayer, and an extra unit after the Red Army...Japan maybe...BANZAI!!!
Posted on Reply
Wooo I sucked at the first one and I'm sure I will suck at this one also but I still loved the game, pls DX11 DX11 DX11 :)

Where's Mussels, I thought he would be here by now, he loved the first game me thinks :D
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I loved the first one but I was terrible at it. You see, you need something called skill to be good at this RTS.
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Yeah, eastern front RTS is rare, but an average gamer has killed more nazis than the entire russian army. Killing a horde of MP40-wielding soldiers is not really fun anymore, almost like zombies, they're endless.

That aside, I think this game should be produced as an expansion pack to the 1st game instead. Half of the belligerents is straight from the 1st game, hopefully it won't be just a reskinned version of original CoH, or it would be MW all over again.
Posted on Reply
Man .. I am so torn here.

First off CoH is A grate Game. One of my Fav.
2nd) THQ is the worst company ever.

They have wronged ppl over and over.
For my the last straw was CoH: Online .. Man I loved that game, even tho it was Free to Play and "beta" as they called it .. they still took ppls money for 2months and the canned it. How can you start too take ppls money and then canned it right after. They had to know they were going too cancel it.

The other issue ... Brian R. Wood (R.I.P) He was A lead designer for CoH / CoH:O. He died in A wreck why working on CoH:O ... THQ uses this as publicity too hype up the game. It was all over the net. They had A Copy of CoH with all their Signatures, Hell even bethesda got it on it (help them with the online auction for the charity ) .. The bad part .. everywhere their was info about how Brian Wood died (are brother in arms, they kept saying) .. they were pushing what he was working on and how awesome the game was and would add links too the game ... " are you advertising your game with death of a person " .. Shame on you THQ.

I will NEVER buy anything THQ again .. (even CoH2/ Metro 2)
THQ is in trouble right now ... avoid buying anything from them so we can end company.
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Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
kid41212003 and i played CoH all the time until we recently got bored. the two of us could beat any of you blindfolded in a 2v2 matchup. we actually joked about CoH having a russian class where you get 20 guys per squad but only 1 gun and a few bullets between them.
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still playing coh and i'm just hoping that devs support this one better than with coh
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Conrad, tie your f*cking shoelaces!!!!!
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TPU addict
Epically the best RTS! ever.

Hope they don't screw it up like most company's do. And hopefully they will not block 3rd party maps as that would be a true killer.

Probably hoping for to much i hope they get it on steam and with steams workshop :P.
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Freshwater Moderator
Crap DaddyGood!


CoH online was a flop
Posted on Reply
I see a phenomenal game and heavy bench for GPU's
Posted on Reply
Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
i see what essentially is a DLC that they will charge $50 for.
Posted on Reply
TPU addict


CoH online was a flop
Flop why ?, because everyone already owned the game due to all the crazy steam sales ?.. Sure you could buy stuff but it did not really get that far.

The main issue with Online to me was maps. Lets face it with COH i have at least 500 playable maps so how was it to beat that.

The only way it could of made it would be to allow all maps from COH to work with COH Online. They could of easily worked though the issue's of the maps and as seen as it was beta scoring could of been reset anyways.

So as i said before if they limit people from making maps for it the game will not be any were near a hit than the 1st one was..
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MT Alex
The only bummer about this is that Russian weapons suck. Big time. That takes some of the shine off of this for me.
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MT AlexThe only bummer about this is that Russian weapons suck. Big time. That takes some of the shine off of this for me.
That's not a bummer. They basically ignored that in real life, remember? :p

And besides, they have the T-34. And reserves. lol :laugh:

Hopefully they include tank desant in-game. That would be great.
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OMG YES YES YES!!!! I still LOVE CoH. And it still looks great with fantastic effects! I CANNOT WAIT!
Posted on Reply
Awesome news!!! glad its WW2 again would have been pissed if it was modern combat, CoH is my fav RTS ever and the only RTS that made me stop playing Age of empires II the former king imo
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Is there any game that illustrates the massive crimes of war the US has perpetrated in the middle east? Even a cell phone game? I'd be curious to see the point of view they take and if there is any spin.
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