Monday, December 3rd 2012

Futuremark Releases New Trailer and Screenshots of 3DMark Game Test "Fire Strike"
Futuremark announced that its upcoming version of 3DMark is undergoing its final stage of testing, and is polished enough to give the rest of us a glimpse of. The company released a trailer video, which was recorded at 2560 x 1440 pixels, and can be watched at that resolution. A couple of screenshots were also released. The screenshots and trailer revealing one of the upcoming 3DMark's game tests entitled "Fire Strike," which makes your GPU(s) crunch through tessellation, dynamic particle illumination and shadowing, smoke simulation using grid-based fluid dynamics, volume ray casting with shadows and a wide variety of post processing effects including depth of field, blooms, distortions and various lens effects.The trailer video follows.
To watch in 2560 x 1440, select "original" in the resolution menu.
25 Comments on Futuremark Releases New Trailer and Screenshots of 3DMark Game Test "Fire Strike"
Like it or not, PC games today, and tomorrow, are tied into the console life cycle, not vice versa.
i want full version......
I would love to see a remake of part 1 and 2 using this engine. CCCCCCCCOMBO BREAKER and your whole PC BSODs. :laugh:
Everything I've upload over 1080p,(1440p or 1200p) says that also
if i play games i usually dont have time to look for details...
so would i upgrade to be able to see a few more details in my games?
probably not... the difference between having physiX and not having will probably be bigger, and that didnt make me upgrade...
i suspect that the only thing new more powerful cards can do that current ones cant, that actually makes a notable difference, is advanced lighting and shape morphing... semi transparent objects and characters that bend and manipulate light, and characters and objects that change their shape and size. fm does a good job or giving us a preview about this... but i wonder if the way they do it is actually relevant to how games will do it... some of their benchmarks looked like games that later emerged, but it was rendered in a different way so the benchmarks didnt really serve as an indicator of how well cards would render those upcoming games.
those "new" effects sounds cool and visually appealing, but it doesnt make sense in most games...
i think there will be some eye candy games that use those new effects, just because they can, but the vast majority of games wont even touch it.
im really curious how amd and nvidia will sell their next gen vgas...
i think itll be mostly about price and not features and performance from here on...
the only thing that would motivate me to upgrade would be 240hz 3d gaming, but the display industry is moving ad an intolerably slow pace...
and im really worried IGZO might die with sharp which would slow down the introduction of high hz lcd panels even more :cry: :D
so in my opinion nvidias push for 3D was genious!
but it wasnt enough... they have to invest into the display industry and push them to innovate more...
because with the displays we currently have, and will have in the near future, we simply dont need more powerful pixel pushers (also known as gpus) :D