Wednesday, February 6th 2013

FarCry 3 Game Bundle Now With OCZ Vector SSDs
OCZ is giving away copies (U-play keys) of the hit first-person shooter title Far Cry 3 to new and existing owners of its Vector 256 GB and 512 GB solid-state drives (SSDs). A page has been set up where owners of the drives can enter purchase details of their drives to redeem their keys. Based on its newest Indilinx silicon, the Vector line of SSDs is OCZ's fastest in its consumer lineup.
22 Comments on FarCry 3 Game Bundle Now With OCZ Vector SSDs
Are they going to start handing out FC3 with kids meals?
RAM kit coming for example with some Half life parts trilogy, I bet many of the younger ones haven't played it, or some older Crysis or Assasins Creed when buying some CPU or mother board combo whatever, it should have more accent so the buyer can count these prices together as premium.
I got FarCry 3 from my 500GB Samsung 840 SSD purchase though,....UBISoft UPlay not steam which is a bit of a drag, though,.. ;)
The only problem with these games deals is, every time they are announced, (like the AMD one) I have already played the games. I usually play games as soon as they're released so its no benefit to me. I think most gamers buy the big games on release.
The only way it could really work is if they include games that havent been released yet. Even if its 6 months down the road, like a voucher for GTA V, it would be better than games that are months old. I know amd included bioshock infinite in one deal but most of them are old.
BTW, gun control works, it did in Australia. We had 13 mass shootings in 15 years until 1996 when some nutter shot 35 people in Tasmania. Gun control was introduced 2 weeks later and there hasnt been a single mass shooting since 1996, thats 16 years so its pretty good evidence. Homicide by gun dropped 50% overnight.
50% less gun homicides would mean 5000 lives saved a year in the US. Anyway no one is calling for the total banning of guns,(the americans love their guns more than anything including the safety of their children) just some sensible regulations about background checks and the types of weapons peope can own. Of course the gun manufacturing lobby (the NRA) will fight it so they can sell more guns to mexican drug cartels and US gangsters and not much will change. The US will continue to decline into selfishness,greed and civil violence, like mexico where thousands are being slaughtered every month.
The mexico violence will eventually spill over to the US then after 10's of thousands have died from shootings they will say gee we better do something about it.
But Far Cry 3 cost almost nothing now.. Remember its the standard version.. 20$/15€. So i would still buy Samsung 840 Pro :P
I dont even play my EA games because of Origin. I pirated Dead Space 3 because i dont want to use that Origin shit, I would gladly pay if it was on Steam or standalone. I know lots of ppl that do the same. I think EA would earn more if they just went back to Steam.
Let people have a pistol for protection with strict regulations on who gets them.
Having a gun ban in one state and free access in 2 or 3 neighbouring states obviously doesnt work. People just go across the border. Regulations need to be country wide. The current US regulations are a total joke. They are virtually non existant because of huge loopholes. Jim Bob cant buy his gun from walmart or a gun store because of background checks, no problem, Jim Bob can just go to a gun show or buy a gun off craigs list with no background check. So that regulation is totally useless.
As is stands , any idiot can buy a high-powered war weapon in the US. The violence in Mexico is caused by easy access to US guns, drug consumption in the US and a corrupt police force that is working with gangsters and turning a blind eye to criminals.
You cant force every criminal to stop using guns but with gun control but you can reduce the numbers drastically. When gun control is enacted, black market weapons become prohibitively expensive for all but the most wealthy criminals. When a pistol is $1500 on the black market, thats out of reach for most of your street punks. The kind of people who do the majority of robberies and carjackings. Crime figures drop dramatically. Guns are so cheap in the US that a teenage crim can buy a pistol with his pocket money.
The idea that we need more armed people(like in schools) to protect us from the crazies just doesnt work. When Columbine happened those 2 idiots were shooting kids while the police were camped outside because they were too scared to go in. A crazy guy with an assault rifle can shoot 25 people before the good guy can pull his weapon out.
I dont understand this US paranoia about tyranny. The US political system is setup so no one man can become a dictator. But if it was to happen, I dont see having guns would stop them. They would just turn off your electricity, water supply and food supply and most people would be at their mercy.
I just find it unusual that gun lovers want to protect criminals rights to obtain guns legally and are against any kind of gun regulations. I dont understand how you can send your kids to school knowing that the worst criminal or crazy guy can buy any gun he wants from a gun show or private sale.
Anyway, it might take some more time, it might take a school shooting every week before something is done. It seems like the land of the free, is the land of the scared and fearful.
soo...... anyone knows ?? cause i'm gonna get one soon :D