Sunday, February 10th 2013

No New GPUs from AMD for the Bulk of 2013
AMD's product manager for desktop graphics products Devon Nekechuk, in an interview with Japanese publication, revealed that his firm won't be launching any new Radeon GPUs in 2013, and that the company would instead play out the year on its current Radeon HD 7000 series' performance, with price adjustments and possible performance increments through driver updates. In a slide released to, AMD pointed that its Radeon HD 7900 series (high-end), HD 7800 series (performance), and HD 7700 series (mainstream), will carry on the company's mantle "throughout 2013."
This announcement is indication that GPU makers have decided to slow things down from the streak of rapid new GPU launches that lasted from some time around 2007, running up to 2012, which can be heavily taxing in terms of R&D costs for either companies. We know for sure that NVIDIA is clearing its backlog of consumer GPU development by releasing the GeForce GTX "Titan" graphics card in a couple of weeks' time, and we know from older reports that NVIDIA could launch a "refreshed" GeForce Kepler lineup, that largely retains the GeForce Kepler silicon while topping up with subtle changes (clock speeds, software features that don't involve redesigning the silicon, etc.,) but AMD coming out in the open with this announcement could change everything. NVIDIA has the opportunity to save a few coins by sticking to its current lineup (plus the upcoming GTX "Titan,") and responding to competition from AMD by price-adjustments and timely driver optimizations of its own.
This announcement is indication that GPU makers have decided to slow things down from the streak of rapid new GPU launches that lasted from some time around 2007, running up to 2012, which can be heavily taxing in terms of R&D costs for either companies. We know for sure that NVIDIA is clearing its backlog of consumer GPU development by releasing the GeForce GTX "Titan" graphics card in a couple of weeks' time, and we know from older reports that NVIDIA could launch a "refreshed" GeForce Kepler lineup, that largely retains the GeForce Kepler silicon while topping up with subtle changes (clock speeds, software features that don't involve redesigning the silicon, etc.,) but AMD coming out in the open with this announcement could change everything. NVIDIA has the opportunity to save a few coins by sticking to its current lineup (plus the upcoming GTX "Titan,") and responding to competition from AMD by price-adjustments and timely driver optimizations of its own.
233 Comments on No New GPUs from AMD for the Bulk of 2013
Also whats the point of releasing new series where top GPU does 20-30% better than previous gen for double the price? I am glad that they realised their current card have alot of potential and I hope we will see alot of driver improvements.
EDIT: for what is said above for Witcher 2, I played it with max graphics and ubersampling on 1900x1200 with a single overclocked 7970 and is was perfectly fine.
Actually i wanted to add that it is lame that they advertise their card's performance based on a single benchmark....
if newer cards comes out the current ones always will decrease in price at best the new ones will come at the old ones lauch prices so nowhere double; almost noone will buy them if they just double the $$$. it better max it for a $500 graphics card that dx9 game.
And seriously they put the HD7970 GHz edition ahead of the GTX680, way to mislead by using just one benchmark...
And if you prefer a few modern games to an actual idea of performance.
Assassin's Creed 3 GTX680 Outperforms HD7970-GHz:
Batlefield 3 HD7970-GHz outperforms GTX680:
Borderland 2 GTX680 outperforms HD7970-GHz:
Far Cry 3 HD7970-GHz outperforms GTX680:
They trade blows in modern games, that is why I said OVERALL they are equal.
Don't worry, i will help you:
Also, with the driver rewrites coming things are looking up.
No surprise.
For one thing, a lot of the signs had already been pointing to there being no new series of cards from either AMD or Nvidia this year, at least till the Christmas timeframe. It's likely that the GTX Titan will be the only new card before Christmas unless something unexpected happens.
For another, we don't know what Nvidia is going to do with this Titan card. We don't know if it's just a standalone release or if it will get the GTX 780 label, and we definitely don't know that their next chip will beat it or when it will be released.
Not only that, but a $900 single GPU card is more or less not going to change the current GPU world at all. It doesn't compete with any single GPU card because it's so expensive, and it doesn't look set to really do much to dethrone the current dual-GPU setups from AMD or Nvidia that are already here (690/7990 and equivalent dual-card configs).
AMD and Nvidia have been very even this round, which is a great thing for consumers. It looks like they're going to remain more or less even throughout the year (though AMD fans may get their feelings hurt a bit that Nvidia will have the fastest single GPU). Hopefully it will continue next year with new releases from both sides.
Old days are coming back :)
Games just cannot handle this much power, even AAA games.
As for Geforce Titan, I think it is just a counter part of Nvidia for the 7970 Ghz edition