Monday, February 25th 2013

AMD Teases New TressFX Technology
In our last teleconference with AMD's graphics team, the company briefly touched upon a new feature it was working with Square Enix to ship with the upcoming Tomb Raider franchise reboot game. It turns out AMD has a name for it, TressFX. The company is said to detail the technology tomorrow (26/02), but signed its teaser off with a catchphrase: "Render, Rinse, Repeat." To us, it sounds like a technology that helps GPUs render elements such as hair and foliage more accurately. Then again, we wonder how it would make Lara Croft look any hotter (who ties her hair into a French Braid). Something to look forward to 26th for.
51 Comments on AMD Teases New TressFX Technology
There is hope!
Imagine, the most realistic boobs and butt ever made in any game. Uh oh... :D
Soo? Where is the catch? DX11.1?
Target-Independent Rasterization (2D rendering only)
16xMSAA Rasterization (2D rendering only)
Orthogonal Line Rendering Mode
UAV in non-pixel-shader stages
So those DX11.1 features are missing on Kepler. Just my lucky evil guess :D
I'm too cynical about this now to even worry about this little thing. Back when Ageia and Havok got bought there was a real opportunity for gpu physics that would have made a difference. Rather than Ageia and Havok making their APIs run using either OpenCL or DirectCompute so that there could be competition, we wound up with this crap...All physics being limited by CPU forever. Nvidia can't get developers to alienate AMD gpu owners by making the physics that used physx too stressful, and I'm sure intel will never let Havok build a version of their api that makes use of GPU compute tools, it just strengthens AMDs position. The whole thing is a sad, fucked affair that will forever annoy me.
The point to all this's too late. The idea of a major third party stepping in with the skill to be competitive with either of Physx or Havok that would stay independent and simply license their API to keep the playing field level is just a pipe dream. It's not impossible for someone to do it, but don't hold your breath.
And more often in late years of the console life most of code parts are being rewritten in ASM by game devs itself - squeeze more out the existing hardware due to recompiling efficiency, there for is just plain metal with their raw calculating horsepower[I know horses now are bad tone to mention of :D] without any stupid driver and windows kernel layer, like we PC gamers have and causes lot of trouble just because of the insane hardware variety in the wild.
Dunno let them do what they want, just a good advert for Lara.
but remember everything amd makes possible on their cards will make their way to console since they are amd based, hence being ported to pc with such effects XD
whoever said monopoly is not good doesnt know what their talking about :P
AMD + TressFX = Evil Monopoly
Once more, AMD has nothing to do with software on consoles. They just bring the hardware. AMD driver-team has no slightest connection with plain metal hardware - running alien OS with shared memory and custom DSP's. It is Sony's and M$ work to do the bare metal coding part and build the SDK while looking at the engineering papers and registers.