Thursday, March 28th 2013

EK Water Blocks Announces De-Lidded Ivy Bridge CPU Cooling Solutions
EK Water Blocks, Ljubljana based premium water cooling gear manufacturer, is proud to introduce the EK-Supremacy PreciseMount Add-on Naked Ivy. This product is world-first of it's kind - it is the mounting mechanism upgrade for existing cooling device, designed to support delided 3rd Generation Intel Core i3/i5/i7 Ivy Bridge CPUs. This product is the perfect upgrade for all those EK-Supremacy users who want to use their delided 3rd Generation Intel Core i3/i5/i7 CPU safely and squeeze the last megahertz out of their processors.
EK-Supremacy PreciseMount Add-on Naked Ivy is an add-on for EK-Supremacy PreciseMount universal mounting mechanism that offers error-preventing, tool-less installation. The result is a perfect installation which results in perfect performance every time. It is compatible with EK-Supremacy series water blocks only! All enclosed screws are made of high-quality nickel plated brass. EK recommends the normal orientation of EK-Supremacy water block for optimal results! Using the water block rotated by 90° may result in less than optimal cooling.But beware, this product is not for the faintheated
In fact it is intended to be used by expert users only as removing the CPU IHS is a delicate process. EK Water Blocks will not be held responsible for any failed removal operation that resulted in death of the computer component! Also worth considering is the fact that removing the IHS from the Intel CPU will result in voiding your warranty. Please do not try to remove IHS from previous generation Intel Core i3/i5/i7 CPUs (such as Sandy Bridge, Clarkdale and Arrandale) as the core (die) is soldered to the IHS on aforementioned models. Any attemps to remove the IHS from such processors will surely result in irreparable damage to the CPU.
A truly extreme product for the most extreme users. By experts for experts. Made in Slovenia - Europe!
EK-Supremacy PreciseMount Add-on Naked Ivy is an add-on for EK-Supremacy PreciseMount universal mounting mechanism that offers error-preventing, tool-less installation. The result is a perfect installation which results in perfect performance every time. It is compatible with EK-Supremacy series water blocks only! All enclosed screws are made of high-quality nickel plated brass. EK recommends the normal orientation of EK-Supremacy water block for optimal results! Using the water block rotated by 90° may result in less than optimal cooling.But beware, this product is not for the faintheated
In fact it is intended to be used by expert users only as removing the CPU IHS is a delicate process. EK Water Blocks will not be held responsible for any failed removal operation that resulted in death of the computer component! Also worth considering is the fact that removing the IHS from the Intel CPU will result in voiding your warranty. Please do not try to remove IHS from previous generation Intel Core i3/i5/i7 CPUs (such as Sandy Bridge, Clarkdale and Arrandale) as the core (die) is soldered to the IHS on aforementioned models. Any attemps to remove the IHS from such processors will surely result in irreparable damage to the CPU.
A truly extreme product for the most extreme users. By experts for experts. Made in Slovenia - Europe!
33 Comments on EK Water Blocks Announces De-Lidded Ivy Bridge CPU Cooling Solutions
Edit:never mind just saw its for EK-Supremacy only,wish it was universal...
I even bought a spare Foxconn socket 1155/1156 bracket to shave enough off the top so the water block would make contact.
The metal retainer bracket only holds down two pressure points on each side of the IHS, so I can't imagine much of an issue with 4 posts and pressure on the top of the die with a water block holding it in place.