Friday, April 12th 2013

NVIDIA to Bundle Metro: Last Light with GeForce GTX 660 and Above
Game bundle wars between NVIDIA and AMD have been a one-sided contest in favor of the latter, with AMD bundling the hottest AAA titles with its Radeon hardware, compared to NVIDIA offering in-game currency on popular free-to-play games. Following news of AMD stepping up its "Never Settle Reloaded" with Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon on all GPUs upwards of Radeon HD 7750, we've learned that NVIDIA is frantically responding by preparing to give away Metro: Last Light with all GeForce GPUs upwards of the $200 GTX 660. The bundle will go live from April 16th.
34 Comments on NVIDIA to Bundle Metro: Last Light with GeForce GTX 660 and Above
EDIT: I somehow misread and thought it will go with the GTX 680....the GTX 660 might have a hard time running Metro.
I'm a die hard Metro fan, and this does not make me want to buy this card.
That's if its coded similarly.
the game has not been released yet and already know all about it?
Being a complete reworking of, if you all see the video already published until now
The game has lost all that heavy graphics and has been optimized.
You see a softness and smoothness of the engine in the video immediately visbile.
Im pretty sure this game runs smooth at medium details on 1080p even with this 660.
I have seen videos and from it it looks to be even more heavy than 2033...I sure hope you're not comparing it with the console gameplay video that's out there...
This not means that the engine is more heavy...
A refinement of the egine involves not only a visual improvement on graphics but also on the technical.
If the engine is more optimized fine, but the graphics stayed the same or have been improved.
2033 was already quite well optimized for PC IMO, no CPU bottleneck and good use of modern GPU's at the time.