Monday, June 17th 2013

AMD FX-9000 Series Processors Available For Pre-Order
On Friday, we published and commented on The Tech Report's FX-9000 insight and findings from their interview with an unnamed AMD official, among which was the undecided or improbable retail availability of the new processors. Today, the exact same two processors which made the object of AMD's Friday disclosure are available for pre-order from online retailers such as PCSuperStore, and while speculation on the causes or reasons of the apparent misinformation might be expected and could even be interesting, I will spare you the usual AMD bash and just point out the prices of these two new AMD processors, $ 960 for the FX-9590 and $ 576 for the FX-9370, vexing, to be blunt. Unless we're dealing with circumstantial speculation by a retailer (not unheard of), these prices would put the two new CPUs in direct competition with Intel's Core i7 Extreme processors, very unlikely targets for AMD's Vishera chips. We'll know soon enough, with retail availability imminent, it shouldn't be long before benchmark scores and charts start surfacing.
CPU World
45 Comments on AMD FX-9000 Series Processors Available For Pre-Order
not at a grand...:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
And so far, I'd say things are going exactly as rumored. While the price is quite steep, I still see enough enthousiasts buying this. With that price, it doesn't really matter whether volume is low, they'll make a profit anyway.
Some reviews if possible guys :toast: Yep. Thats ^^ an AMD bash! :roll::roll:
I wonder what people would think if AMD came out with an even higher clocked 7970 and charged Titan prices for it even though it's performance doesn't match it?
Meh, this CPU might as well not even exist.
OT the prices are over the top ,I can't see them selling many if this is true, it's in epeen / nitrogen jocky territory and beyond a reasonable purchase , id buy a 750 watt phase changer, 8350, mobo and mem for that 1000 $.
Edit: If it was $100-150 more than the 8350 I would not mind it (would not buy as it is the same cpu)
.......waiting for the first post of someone's pre-order.... One cant only charge theses prices if it has the performance to match....but not to worry Amd.... people will still buy it........ just because ....and 2 points for that.......its good to see that your learning......:laugh:
key word: burn (220w) XD
For everyone here going on about either the price or the TDP; what do you care lol. The rest of the CPU's on the market didn't all of a sudden get worse compared to what they were before this was announced, and the 8350 will retain the same price/quality it had. Nothing changes, apart from some system builders/(rich)enthousiasts gaining another option, and AMD potentially generating a tiny bit of extra revenue(with attention probably being their biggest gain here).