Wednesday, September 25th 2013

Radeon R9 280X is Rebranded HD 7970 GHz Edition
AMD's approach to the next-generation product stack isn't structured too differently from that of NVIDIA's current. The company is launching just one big (high-end) chip, codenamed "Hawaii," based on which it's launching the Radeon R9 290X. It's been detailed to death in our older posts. The Radeon R9 280X, on the other hand, is we're hearing a re-badged Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition. At the most, expect a slight clock speed bump, and a different reference-design board, but for the most part, it's shaping up to be identical. The approach draws parallels with the NVIDIA's lineup. The Radeon R9 290X is expected to compete with the GeForce GTX TITAN, R9 290 with GTX 780, and R9 280X with the GTX 770. While launch of the R9 290 series will be tightly controlled by AMD (i.e., don't expect non-reference designs for a while), the R9 280X will launch entirely by non-reference designs. The three cards will launch a little later this week.
35 Comments on Radeon R9 280X is Rebranded HD 7970 GHz Edition
I hope that R9 280X reaches ASUS MATRIX PLATINUM HD 7970GHZ performance for a price of US 300,00 :toast:.
Seems I may be right, we'll wait and see.
This makes me believe the 290 will hit the $600-650 mark to trade blows with the 780, while the 290x will likely cost a little less than a Titan, for that segment. Both contenders will be battling with 2500SP's and 2800SP's.
INB4 NVidia goes "JK JK FULLY ENABLED TITAN-LOL" then we're back to square 1.
I'd like to see MSRP on these R9 280X to start at $350 with minor tweaks to Boost/Mem although the "different reference-design board" is cutting cost. So this will be par or best GTX670/770 while way more perf/content (3GB/384-Bit) over a GTX260. I think AMD will ask more, but I hope not the compulsory $400.
AMD GPU 14 Product Showcase Livestream - YouTube
It does tell me one thing, and that is they either have no or almost no failure rate on the new cores so they have no cores for a high/mid segment, or they have a high failure rate and only have limited cores for the board they are producing. Availability will tell.
290x looks bad.
I didn't say I'd buy one… just it's my speculation. Either you can buy now, or wait and watch the pipes clear, and then pay MSRP till prices settle out. Yes you might lose on nth-degree OC and voltage control etc, but they’re now mainstream market and that is less important. While then perhaps better 8 Stage Powertune offers better performance and lower power. More average folk who look to purchase over the next 6-8 months feel that has merit to them. IDK
A Tahiti LE could be a $250 part.