Wednesday, October 30th 2013

Radeon R9 290 (non-X) Launch Pushed Back a Week
Launch of AMD's Radeon R9 290 (non-X) is reportedly pushed back by a week, to Tuesday, November 5, 2013. The card was expected to launch on October 31, 2013. The reason for this delay? AMD reportedly developed a new driver that significantly improves performance on the R9 290. AMD pushed this driver onto reviewers at the last minute, and asked them to re-bench their R9 290 samples from scratch, extending their NDA till the 5th. The driver reportedly makes the R9 290 extremely competitive with GeForce GTX 780. A side-effect of that would be that the recently launched Radeon R9 290X could be rendered unattractive. It remains to be seen if the driver also proportionately improves performance on the R9 290X, and how AMD ends up pricing the R9 290.
64 Comments on Radeon R9 290 (non-X) Launch Pushed Back a Week
EDIT: May be this driver update is welcome party for 780Ti ?,3173.html
This is what most guys that bought a 290x should have waited for ,IN my theory ,its if I Spend lets say $459 for the 290 and flash it to 290x specs, How much is in my pocket after ........:toast:
So i also think that driver is either 13.11 beta8/9 or 13.12 whql? So the Green has not oh they are the almighty Graphics Gods ...really dude look up the green team also got caught a few times.It is Monkey see Monkey do world you now,Also they both got caught price fixing ......
click a link ........
are you afraid that this card would do more serious damage to nvidia? :laugh:
relax dude :roll: my reliable source told me that this card will have price point MSRP US 449$
Someone at already tried to re-flashing this card to 290x with Asus R9-290x bios but unfortunately its shaders could not unlocked
btw it is possible to tweak/gain moar performance out of drivers and cards without cheating.., and am pretty sure 290X will become faster too
This is a brand new card that hasn't even been released yet. Its perfectly normal to see big performance jumps with early drivers.
And BTW, for every negative AMD story, there are 5 stories that Nvidia have done over the years so don't even go there.
I am pretty sure that there is nothing fishy here. They couldn't lower the price a month ago, and they weren't selling A1 chips while having a B1 revision ready for months.
Keep supporting Nvidia blindly.
Really?? :wtf:
Even R9-290 not yet released.. :o so, what do you want to say then? telling all people on how bad AMD is? even its product not yet released? Really? Telling all people on how good nvidia is with the price cut already? :confused: :confused:
The amount of irony cheerleaders tossing around these days is simply mind-blowing.
Likewise the 290 uses a new GPU that is not even released yet, it's normal from both green/red sides to see nice driver performance boosts following a GPU introduction.
To just get the clock speeds at matching 290x is great news indeed.:respect: Nope not fanboys or anything ,Your post made it sound like it is "You Basically accused AMD of driver tampering and never included Nvidia`s tampering or the price fixing" . And your not even running any of the AMD drivers on your system are you ,They have had major improvements the last few beta`s Shit a 20% improvement in BF3 and Bf4 in the last 2 betas(which are at least 3 weeks old) and your accusing them of tampering when your not even using their hardware. So who sounds like the fan boy now....
I don't know what you are drinking but it must be good.
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