Monday, December 2nd 2013

NVIDIA Rolls Out GeForce Experience Update
NVIDIA has now made available a new version of the GeForce Experience software, bringing improved gameplay recording via ShadowPlay as well as more user control over the game-specific optimal settings. This release is version 1.8 and is available here for Windows Vista/7/8/8.1.NVIDIA GeForce Experience 1.8 Release Highlights:
Optimal Settings
Optimal Settings
- New optimal settings slider adds fine grained control over performance and quality tradeoff
- Ability to select and optimize for different resolutions
- Ability to select Windowed, Full-screen, or Windowed Borderless modes.
- Removes 3.8 GB file limitation in Win7.
Record up to 20 minutes in Shadow Mode
Unlimited recording in Manual Mode
ShadowPlay creates new files once 3.8 GB is reached - Captures video without re-scaling at up to 1080p. At higher resolutions, aspect ratio is preserved.
- Adds microphone recording
- Captures video at 60 fps instead of 62 fps
- Reduces stuttering in captured video
- NVIDIA "UpdatusUser" user account is no longer required for installation
- Adds ability to scan for games in folders and network drivers with user read-only permissions
3 Comments on NVIDIA Rolls Out GeForce Experience Update
go to settings
go to games
delete location c:
add location d:\games
run search for games
run apply optimizations
if game "G" custom settings: yes then:
yell @maximum volume "Damn my personal game "G" optimizations are gone"