Tuesday, May 6th 2014

AMD Pulls Catalyst 14.4 WHQL, Reposts it with a Cautionary Note
Over the weekend enthusiasts couldn't find AMD's Catalyst software suite 14.4 WHQL on the company's Game portal. The company reposted it a little later, with a cautionary note about why they had to pull the download. Apparently, the AMD motherboard chipset drivers included in the suite were later found to be unstable on some systems, particularly the southbridge AHCI driver. The issue seems to affect only certain southbridges, the SB700, SB710, and SB750. There's no word on newer generations of southbridges with SATA 6 Gb/s controllers and FIS switches, such as SB850, SB950, and A-series FCH chipsets, being affected. Our SB950-based motherboard isn't showing any signs of instability. AMD rebuilt the suite without the affected driver when it re-posted the suite later on Monday.
34 Comments on AMD Pulls Catalyst 14.4 WHQL, Reposts it with a Cautionary Note
my graphic driver only crash upon unstable OC well ... Aquinus answered pretty right.
and also whether you install AMD AllInOne driver or Catalyst the program choose the right component to install or let you choose the one you want upon system configuration detection (expert installation : custom installation) ... so where is the problem to pack 2 set of drivers in 1 package???
The problem was that at windows logo the system wouldn't continue booting but instead it was like getting stuck doing retries again and again. Something wasn't right.
*latest meaning a few versions not the last one
Does NVIDIA have driver issues? SURE! But.....they are far less common on the green side. My sympathy goes out to anyone who got a BSOD because of this. I've been there and it sucks. AMD needs a driver team like NVIDIAs because their hardware is awesome. Its the damn software that sucks.
and BSOD
~once a day my monitor won't wake up from sleep, have to replug DVI cable to get picture
seems like turning the TV off counts as unplugging HDMI, and the PC gets a bit unhappy if that happens before its asleep.
and as you can read i had several gpus from both brand and never had any serious issues ... just the one with the A88X and the GTX580 was annoying
Individual experiences may vary of course. It's the nature of PC builds.
Or the people, Why isn't my 9800 AGP card getting updated drivers, this one causes it issues!!!!!!!