Friday, August 29th 2014

NVIDIA Cuts GeForce GTX TITAN-Z Price by 37 Percent, But for OEMs Only

With a price-tag of US $2,999, the GeForce GTX TITAN-Z from NVIDIA is the most expensive consumer graphics card in recent times. You needn't be a Vulcan to tell that it's overpriced by a lot, and that NVIDIA is selling these cards at a gargantuan margin. In a bid to see more system builders sell the card to their high-paying customers, NVIDIA cut prices of the card, by as much as 37 percent. An OEM partner will now be able to source a GTX TITAN-Z from NVIDIA for as less as $1,830. What they do with the cards - such as charging the full $2,999 for the option, is their business. DIY users will still have to cough up three grand for one of these illogical cards.
Source: Sweclockers
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28 Comments on NVIDIA Cuts GeForce GTX TITAN-Z Price by 37 Percent, But for OEMs Only

1800 ish $ still make it worse than a 295x2, c'mon nV 295x2 already dropped price you find them at retail for 1300ish where i am, and they still woop T-Z's asse (for those who don't need DP computing and have a spare 120mm spot for it, or a FCWB)... oh well at last it's cheaper than 2 T-Black with WCloop but it's still a 3 slot aircooled frequencies crippled card (well .... for OEM's ... )
Posted on Reply
If we went down to 60%, many would not opt to buy !The price is still very high and ces 14 days will not be bought by anyone who knows what they are buying!
Product for the rich and stupid that they do not know what they are buying. Only the $ 600 price I would be interested. 900 series is at the door ! Kepler goodbye .I hope it was a good lesson when and for how much to sell 2 GPU card in future.
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lol nice marketing there nvidia, so basically its back down to the normal price as buying a store bought computer is 37% more then a home built one anyway? lol
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What is FCWB?
bogamiIf we went down to 60%, many would not opt to buy !The price is still very high and ces 14 days will not be bought by anyone who knows what they are buying!
Product for the rich and stupid that they do not know what they are buying. Only the $ 600 price I would be interested. 900 series is at the door ! Kepler goodbye .I hope it was a good lesson when and for how much to sell 2 GPU card in future.
No offense man, but as HumanSmoke said: 10% of all topics are devoted to TitanZ. In my opinion leave people be. It's their free will, their money, end of story.
Posted on Reply
OEM: $1830

Nvidia fanboy 24/7 on the internet fighting the red guys without sleep, food and... toilet: $2999
Posted on Reply
Why TTZ is so expensive?
What they want?
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia S
DarksovietWhy TTZ is so expensive?
What they want?
nvidia are money-grabbing greedy monkeys. You give them millions, but hey no, they wanna billions. :D :laugh:
Posted on Reply
Pro Indian Modder
DarksovietWhy TTZ is so expensive?
What they want?
they vant yor monies
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia S
de.das.dudethey vant yor monies
Yup, and preferably - ALL OF IT, so they leave you homeless, hungry and thirsty without present, without future, without even hope for any light in the future. :(
Posted on Reply
lZKoceWhat is FCWB?
Full Cover Water Block I think is what it is.
Posted on Reply
...and again Nvidia says a big F%@& YOU to the gaming community........
Posted on Reply
Ah, so much Sturm und Drang for a card that no one here would buy and maybe represents 0.00000001% of graphics sales....what's that? TITAN Z you say! Well carry on!!!

Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia S
HumanSmokeno one here would buy and maybe represents 0.00000001% of graphics sales..
If that thingie was $750, I and many others would be more than happy and applaud nvidia, and ultimately we would give them the damn money. Price defines demand. ;)
Posted on Reply
ouch..... what a price tag. nvidia is really something....
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia S
night.foxouch..... what a price tag. nvidia is really something....
they are really ON something, smoking something which I don't even want to know anything about... :D :laugh:
Posted on Reply
+1 [/thread]
Posted on Reply
lZKoceWhat is FCWB?
Full Cover Water Block?
adulaaminFull Cover Water Block I think is what it is.
crossread xD
Posted on Reply
Serpent of Darkness
DarksovietWhy TTZ is so expensive?
What they want?
NVidia felt that the R9-295x, AMD Dual GPU solution for gaming, was going to be a Frame Time Variance Flop like the AMD 7990. As if history was going to repeat itself a 2nd time for AMD, and that's the error NVidia made with the pricing of the GTX Titan-Z. You see, in NVidia's mind, they felt AMD was going to fail, AMD Consumers would face-palm, NVidia Consumers would call AMD on their fails, and NVidia could reap the benefits of AMD's 2nd failure at producing a properly functioning, dual GPU card. Sadly for NVidia, it didn't happen, and they basically over-priced a GTX Titan Black x2 on one video card at 2x the Price for 2x the revenue returns. If the competition (AMD) couldn't produce a functioning product, consumer from both sides would flock to the NVidia Dual GPU Flavor of the Year, and pay outrageous prices for it.

Sadly, a GTX 780 Ti SLI setup is cheaper and performs better than a GTX Titan-Z on 1080p, and in some cases, GTX Titan-Z does better at 4K resolutions to an extent. R9-295x does about the same or better than GTX Titan-Z on both 1080p and 4K for roughly 1/3 of the price. GTX Titan-Z, GTX Titan Black, and GTX 780 Ti all have the same Cuda Cores Count.

Again, I believe this card should have been advertised and made as a Quadro successor, or an in-between-er before a K7000 Quadro card. Yes, you only have 6 GB Framebuffers to 1 GPU, but you have twice the GPU horsepower with twice the 64bit floating point precision action at around the same price as a AMD Firepro 9100 Accelerator Card. Pop a few more $$$ on to it, and it would sale like hot cakes.
Posted on Reply
The Von Matrices
Serpent of DarknessNVidia felt that the R9-295x, AMD Dual GPU solution for gaming, was going to be a Frame Time Variance Flop like the AMD 7990. As if history was going to repeat itself a 2nd time for AMD, and that's the error NVidia made with the pricing of the GTX Titan-Z. You see, in NVidia's mind, they felt AMD was going to fail, AMD Consumers would face-palm, NVidia Consumers would call AMD on their fails, and NVidia could reap the benefits of AMD's 2nd failure at producing a properly functioning, dual GPU card. Sadly for NVidia, it didn't happen, and they basically over-priced a GTX Titan Black x2 on one video card at 2x the Price for 2x the revenue returns. If the competition (AMD) couldn't produce a functioning product, consumer from both sides would flock to the NVidia Dual GPU Flavor of the Year, and pay outrageous prices for it.
I love your wild explanation, but it's completely unsubstantiated and doesn't even hold up to a cursory examination of the facts The R9 290X was in the public market at least six months before the Titan-Z was released. Even you, having no special access to GPUs, could have bought two R9 290Xs in December and known that there wouldn't have frame timing issues; there's no possible way their AMD's direct competitor did not know this. And even if in some leap of the imagination NVidia had made such a blunder, they could have easily changed the price of their product shortly before launch as they have done so many times in the past.

NVidia is clearly saving face by not lowering the price publicly, and I can't blame them. Even if the card was priced cheaper in retail than the R9 295X2, the number of additional sales they would get at this point would be inconsequential (most of the market that buys these products at retail doesn't have price as its first priority). And lowering the price publicly would be a net negative PR move; not only would it admit that the Titan-Z is overpriced in the first place, but it would not resolve the negativity aimed at it in initial reviews and online communities like TPU and would anger the people who already spent $3000 on one. Still, it's not like it matters to the gaming crowd since the GTX 900 series will be available within a month.
Posted on Reply
Super Intoxicated Moderator
Sony Xperia SYup, and preferably - ALL OF IT, so they leave you homeless, hungry and thirsty without present, without future, without even hope for any light in the future. :(
Jeeping fuck man, what are you smoking?

OMG! Rolex charge $20 000 for a watch, a freaking watch man, they want to rape my babies and burn the moon. They worship Satan and march on Iraq with IS.


FTR, I bought an initial Titan, I also bought a 780ti Classsified. (I also gave the Titan away to the crunchers/folders). I didn't buy a Titan Z because it was silly expensive but at no point did it make me cry and think how bad the world is. You think PC component pricing reflects the morality of the world, go and watch the news FFS!

Go and denigrate Intel, they've just released another $1000 chip. :D
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia Snvidia are money-grabbing greedy monkeys. You give them millions, but hey no, they wanna billions. :D :laugh:
Sony Xperia SYup, and preferably - ALL OF IT, so they leave you homeless, hungry and thirsty without present, without future, without even hope for any light in the future. :(
Sony Xperia SIf that thingie was $750, I and many others would be more than happy and applaud nvidia, and ultimately we would give them the damn money. Price defines demand. ;)
Sony Xperia Sthey are really ON something, smoking something which I don't even want to know anything about... :D :laugh:
I don't think I've ever seen anyone get so worked up about a card price. I agree with you that it's priced ridiculously high for a gaming card but relax a little. :)
Posted on Reply
Sony Xperia S
64KI don't think I've ever seen anyone get so worked up about a card price. I agree with you that it's priced ridiculously high for a gaming card but relax a little. :)
lol, guys, I'm just making fun of the situation. :)
But in my full honest, since I do not wanna nvidia to be doing well, maybe I should really be happy that they release relatively poorly recognised products. ;)

... or maybe after all, I am not that bad and want them releasing fast affordable products.

And by the way, I am already sick of that stupid argument about no one forcing you. Actually I do wish this product but they don't give it to me at decent and fair price. :D rofl
Posted on Reply
Well this explains the OEMs "low" pricing of machines with Titan-Z.

I can see one fanboy doing his usual crying because his favorite company is getting made fun of.
64KI don't think I've ever seen anyone get so worked up about a card price. I agree with you that it's priced ridiculously high for a gaming card but relax a little. :)
Lol indeed, everyone though whether it be about making fun of it or crying because they don't want people to make fun if it get worked up beyond belief.
The Von MatricesI love your wild explanation, but it's completely unsubstantiated and doesn't even hold up to a cursory examination of the facts The R9 290X was in the public market at least six months before the Titan-Z was released. Even you, having no special access to GPUs, could have bought two R9 290Xs in December and known that there wouldn't have frame timing issues; there's no possible way their AMD's direct competitor did not know this. And even if in some leap of the imagination NVidia had made such a blunder, they could have easily changed the price of their product shortly before launch as they have done so many times in the past.

NVidia is clearly saving face by not lowering the price publicly, and I can't blame them. Even if the card was priced cheaper in retail than the R9 295X2, the number of additional sales they would get at this point would be inconsequential (most of the market that buys these products at retail doesn't have price as its first priority). And lowering the price publicly would be a net negative PR move; not only would it admit that the Titan-Z is overpriced in the first place, but it would not resolve the negativity aimed at it in initial reviews and online communities like TPU and would anger the people who already spent $3000 on one. Still, it's not like it matters to the gaming crowd since the GTX 900 series will be available within a month.
I think the biggest problem at least in my book was always the idea behind the card made no sense. In the past dual GPU cards normally conform (reference) to a 2 slot form factor and while performing as well or slightly worse than the single GPUs they are based on fit a price point fitting enough to be worth saving the extra space for the tiny machine builds (or running quad with 2 cards) and many other scenarios.

This one just never met that criteria which completely ruins many if the reason to buy a dual gpu card. 3 slot design reference, significant lower performance than 2 single GPU variants, and cost of 3 single gpu variants. It just did not fit any ideas properly except in a few small situations where it could fit in some MITX cases. Not to say 295X2 had its flaws and was still hard to work with as well along with a high price (almost 3x the gpu it was based on).

It's probably the best move for nvidia to do this in all honesty because the only people who would probably want this either want a special small case machine or do not want to build their own.
Posted on Reply
Serpent of DarknessNVidia felt that the R9-295x, AMD Dual GPU solution for gaming, was going to be a Frame Time Variance Flop like the AMD 7990....
I think the scenario is somewhat simpler than what you've postulated. The HD 7990 had power-to-heat-to-performance issues (evidenced by basically everyone on the net). The previous HD 6990 also suffered from the same issue and needed some jiggery-pokery with dual BIOS switches to somewhat conform to the PCI-SIG. Nvidia likely felt that AMD would suffer the same heat/power/perf quandary with the 295X2 - what they obviously didn't account for was AMD going for broke - adding a hybrid watercooled solution and thumbing its nose at not just the PCI-SIG but the electrical specification guidelines for PSU cabling. Probably safe to say that the 295X2 if saddled with air cooling would have performed to a much lesser degree. In that scenario the Titan Z would outperform it, and as top dog, command the halo pricing.
Serpent of DarknessAs if history was going to repeat itself a 2nd time for AMD, and that's the error NVidia made with the pricing of the GTX Titan-Z. You see, in NVidia's mind, they felt AMD was going to fail, AMD Consumers would face-palm, NVidia Consumers would call AMD on their fails, and NVidia could reap the benefits of AMD's 2nd failure at producing a properly functioning, dual GPU card. Sadly for NVidia, it didn't happen, and they basically over-priced a GTX Titan Black x2 on one video card at 2x the Price for 2x the revenue returns.
Basically yes I think, and as the54thvoid alluded to, Nvidia doesn't undermine the brand by excessive price cutting (especially for new SKUs) - it's never been their way. A small percentage of people will work themselves up into hysteria, but the vast majority of consumers just tend to concentrate on the models within their budget.
Serpent of DarknessIf the competition (AMD) couldn't produce a functioning product, consumer from both sides would flock to the NVidia Dual GPU Flavor of the Year, and pay outrageous prices for it.
I don't know if "flock" is the right word. The Titan Z (and the 295X2 for that matter) are more marketing tools than any significant sales factor. The 295X2 is supposed to be all that and a bag of chips according to its admirers - what's not to like? two $550 video cards selling for $1500, yet you don't see any meaningful sales penetration.
Serpent of DarknessSadly, a GTX 780 Ti SLI setup is cheaper and performs better than a GTX Titan-Z on 1080p, and in some cases, GTX Titan-Z does better at 4K resolutions to an extent. R9-295x does about the same or better than GTX Titan-Z on both 1080p and 4K for roughly 1/3 of the price. GTX Titan-Z, GTX Titan Black, and GTX 780 Ti all have the same Cuda Cores Count.
...and two factory OC'ed R9 290X for $1100 (or less) would run rings around all of them on a price-performance basis ( or two 290 (non-X) for ~$800). Even comparing like-for-like how does a $1500 295X2 justify its premium - is an AIO worth $400? Is the world full of deep pocketed people with SFF systems?
Pricing at the high end seldom makes sense at a performance PoV - or depreciation for that matter considering we're only 6-8 months from seeing a new lineup from both companies. FWIW, 16nmFF already has production underway, and the follow-on 16nmFF+ will be qualified next month - from TSMC's Q2 2014 earnings transcript (PDF)
Mark Liu - Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd - President & Co-CEO
Okay. 16 FinFET plus will be qualified in September. But remember, we and our customer work on 16 FinFET design one and a half years before. So all the customer already design -- the design is on 16 FinFET, okay. So the customer -- for those customers when the product tape out -- for example, we have a first product tapeout this month, it will ride on 16 FinFET process. And for those customers taped out in the second half, mostly, I would say mostly, will be riding on the 16 FinFET plus. So I would think majority of our process customers will run on 16 FinFET plus. And looking into the volume for the next year, I would say that most of the product will be run on 16 FinFET plus.
Does any kind of major high-end graphics expenditure now make that much sense?
Serpent of DarknessAgain, I believe this card should have been advertised and made as a Quadro successor, or an in-between-er before a K7000 Quadro card.
According to some sources, the dual GK 110 will be offered as the Quadro K80
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