Wednesday, December 17th 2014

Corsair HX1200i PSU Pictured
Here's the first picture of Corsair's second 1200-Watt PSU, the HX1200i. A notch above the HX1050W and one below the AX1200i, this unit reportedly features 80 Plus Platinum efficiency, a load-based fan, which stays off, and spools up only beyond a load threshold; and fully modular cabling, with enough juice and straws to go around for a high-end gaming PC build with three or more graphics cards. The "i" in its name denotes that the HX1200i will be a "smart" PSU, supporting the company's Corsair Link technology, which interfaces with your operating system over USB, letting you monitor load, efficiency, fan-speeds, etc. There's no word on when Corsair plans to launch it.
16 Comments on Corsair HX1200i PSU Pictured
>MFW someone says they buy Corsair PSUs or RAM for any reason other than the styling.
As for price, other units than Seasonic can also perform good and be inexpensive as well, like for example certain units from EVGA or Cooler Master VSM which uses a different platform/OEM than Seasonic.
They're not always the best value and they're not the best quality. Yes, they often do well in reviews, but reviews do not reflect the larger scope of actual QA issues that result in DOAs and inevitable failures.
Seasonic is very good quality. Certainly better than Sirfa, HEC, etc. But just not the best and that's really the point I'm trying to make. If you're happy with them and have had no issues, by all means stick with them. I just think it's really silly for some people to say "I don't understand why people buy anything other than Seasonic." I mean.... MIND = BLOWN. I don't see why anyone buys anything but Hyundai cars? How does that sound to you? ;)
Thing is corsair does not make their psu ,nor then make they memory ,nor watercooling units ,nor usb sticks nor nothing they just stick their name on other s work so seasonic for me to ;)
Someone said that Seasonic made most PSUs, and that is factually incorrect.
That same person, however, also said that Seasonic PSUs tend to have loud fans. Someone else said that 90% of the time, most manufacturers use the same fan OEMs and models. That is also factually incorrect as Seasonic is one of the few, if not only manufacturers, that use San Ace fans and those fans often have a bearing click at low RPMs. And the fan controller's profile is very aggressive once the fan does kick in. And it's only the newer units that are ErP 2013 compliant also tend to buzz.
I did say that they are not the best, but when you have companies out there like Delta, Flextronics, Emerson, etc. making PSUs, one would be quite naive to say Seasonic is the best. You can LOVE Seasonic all you want and that's ok. But you're naive to think they're the best. I love Hyundai vehicles. Own two. But I'm not stupid enough to say "they're the best".
So is all that really spitting on Seasonic? Really?
Spitting on Seasonic would be saying they are shit, produce shit and die all the time. That would be a proper spitting. But I never said any of this. I merely said that they weren't perfect.... and they're not. Fantastic. But also learn to read by-lines. Jeremy wrote that review. Not me. And that review was written over three years ago.
The PSU did get a 9.7. And it was said that the PSU had the best voltage regulation "to date". Again, that was three years ago and many PSUs have scored as high or higher with tighter regulation. Also, that PSU wasn't ErP 2013 compliant, it is ErP 2010 compliant, and it doesn't have the primary buzzing sound that a lot of the newer units have.
So it's not a bad PSU. It's a GREAT PSU. But it's not the best and it's not perfect.... but it doesn't need to be, does it? Point? Nobody said Corsair actually makes anything. But I fail to see what that has to do with the price of labor in China. At the end of the day, someone has to design the PSU, get the PSU out to the consumer and warranty the PSU after the fact. Not many companies do all that as well as manufacture. Seasonic happens to be one of them and if that's your criteria for buying a product, more power to you.
And if you really think companies like Antec, Cooler Master, SilverStone, Corsair, etc. "just stick their name on other's work", please get a clue. You have no idea.