Monday, February 23rd 2015

AMD Seeks New GPU Driver Developers for CPU Optimization
AMD put up a new Linkedin job post, looking for a new engineer that can better optimize graphics drivers for CPUs. AMD graphics drivers are known in the developer community to be rather CPU-heavy compared to NVIDIA's drivers. The company changed that perception to some extent with the development of its own Mantle 3D API, which is essentially a CPU-optimization exercise disguised as new technology. Sensing that not every developer is willing to implement Mantle, the company is looking to optimize its drivers to be CPU-efficient across other more industry-standard APIs. If you have the chops, and you're willing to work out of Boxborough, MA or Sunnyvale, CA., find the posting here.
32 Comments on AMD Seeks New GPU Driver Developers for CPU Optimization
With nVidia a ways off from 1000 series, might be good to finally have one less knock against Radeons to give me a reason to try them again.
But if they are successful with it, then maybe all products will look better in all applications.
But what does "CPU-heavy" mean? That AMD cards show lower scores in lower resolutions or that the CPU is used too much? :confused:
There are a few reviews with relative scaling. Eurogamerhas a reasonably good overview.
Before that, 9700 Pro years back and even with ATI, the drivers were blech.
Then you had the period where they could never get Crossfire to work right and it scaled really poorly. Took years before AMD caught up in multi GPU and managed to scale as well as NV SLI.
I know it sounds discouraging but I'd still consider another Radeon. Just AMD has more hurdles to get over before getting my money. Honestly, neither company has wowed me much since Fermi. Both have been rebadging far too much. But NV has started to earn some ire from me for wreaking the x60 cards. Don't like this...charge premium for 04 chips then release the 10s only to counter AMD. They keep on purposely holding back the 10s and getting premiums off the 04s.
It's not all titles, and it usually doesn't matter because most gamers have enough CPU power, and instead lack GPU power.
The problem shows up more with people gaming on budget gamers with something like an i3 or APU, where the nvidia systems *can* get a decent performance lead, especially in CPU intensive titles.
Nvidia drivers are negligibly better touched but to claim that AMD drivers are "blech" is stupid.
Any time stuff like this comes up, I always feel compelled to tell AMD they owe him a job.
Having issues because the names are different is fairly obvious - you think they could copy nvidias layout and naming scheme without nvidia crying about it and trying to sue?
Well the location for this work is not in Austin :(
And they both suck (AMD and NVIDIA) when it comes to tray icon and tray controls. Why is it so freaking hard to give users quick direct controls for FSAA, AF, Transparency AA and MLAA/FXAA filtering options? Stuff that you fiddle most often and it's digged inside freaking 5 submenus. Fucking retarded.
Other games such as the Stalker games, Alens vs Predators, Dirt, etc. are more CPU bound on Nvidia cards from what I've seen.
I'd like to see a thorough review of CPU performance with both AMD and Nvidia cards.