Monday, February 23rd 2015

Intel Delays 14 nm "Skylake" Desktop CPU Launch
Intel reportedly delayed the launch of its next-generation "Skylake" desktop CPUs to August 2015, from its usual schedule of launching new CPUs each Q2. Skylake is Intel's next-generation CPU architecture, built on the company's new 14 nanometer silicon fab process. Sources in the motherboard industry based out of Taiwan tell DigiTimes that launch of Skylake and its companion 10-series chipset, and hence they won't be able to show their latest products at this year's Computex trade-show, in June. Intel is either tweaking production of its new chips, or is waiting for the market to digest inventories of its current-generation products.
35 Comments on Intel Delays 14 nm "Skylake" Desktop CPU Launch
Why don't you just skip the negative word "delay" and just say that those will be launched in August for the back-to-school season.
I fucking hate those people who write articles. :(
Learn to read news and PR. The keywords there were Skylake, August 2015, 10-Series Chipset. Done, got everything of note out of it.
This world is absolutely insane.
I miss the days when people were normal. :(
This sentence doesn't even make sense. Do you guys even proofread this stuff?
Gee I wonder which one :rolleyes:
These are both Intel's big money makers where performance per watt matters most.