Friday, September 11th 2015

AquaComputer Announces Kryograpics Radeon R9 Nano Water Block
AquaComputer announced one of the first full-coverage water blocks for the Radeon R9 Nano, the Kryographics R9 Nano. This single-slot thick block made of copper, with an acrylic top (opaque brushed aluminium top option also available), covers almost the entire area of the incredibly compact PCB of the R9 Nano, its coolant channel passes over both the GPU and VRM areas of the card. Pre-orders for the card will begin on Friday (11/09), the block will be available the following week.Update: AquaComputer put out prices.
- kryographics for kryographics Radeon R9 NANO - 94,90 Euro
- kryographics for kryographics Radeon R9 NANO acrylic glass edition - 104,90 Euro
- kryographics for kryographics Radeon R9 NANO black edition - 104,90 Euro
- kryographics for kryographics Radeon R9 NANO, nickel plated version - 109,90 Euro
- kryographics for kryographics Radeon R9 NANO acrylic glass edition, nickel plated version - 119,90 Euro
- kryographics for kryographics Radeon R9 NANO black edition, nickel plated version - 119,90 Euro
32 Comments on AquaComputer Announces Kryograpics Radeon R9 Nano Water Block
Seriously, got to be retarded to buy a Nano and slap a block on when its only marginally larger but better big brother is the same price.
Nanos only purpose (over Fury X) is an exceptionally small case. Adding a block and hence custom loop removes its reason to exist.
and black? oh please, it's Aquacomputer not XSPC or EK, they do pure copper or Nickel coated for "color" no excessive paint-job witht them. well that would still cost less than my GTX980 Poseidon Platinum, tho the size of that thing would look a bit off in my AIR540 ...
if the MSRP was respected ...
hum technically if ALL msrp would be respected in Switzerland .... a 980 would not cost like a 980Ti msrp and a Fury X or 980Ti would not cost 99% of a Titan msrp .... which means the Nano will cost around 800-850chf instead of 650-660chf
in the end: it does not clash it blend quite correctly, and even if it is standing out a bit it give a "charm" to it too ...
and nope not you don't need to have other stuff in pure copper ... and also there is not "zero" component with that look, VRM/PCH block CPU block even CPU HSF can be found in copper (or nickel plated).
searching a bit help's a lot ;)
what's good with Aquacomputer is they are cheaper than XSPC and EK, well thanks to the "no gimmick" build ... :laugh:
The54void never trashed AMD, nor did he trash the consumers of the high-end demographic of the graphics card market. If you had bothered to read the post prior to going on a tangent(which I will NOT quote) you would have understood this.
I clearly said: You clearly said: So, if you untangle your knickers for a moment, you'll see that your very definition of it being for ITX clearly validates my post that adding a block and therefore requiring a custom loop (rad/res/pump) takes it away from all fitting inside an ITX case. Nano was released to be powered by a single fan - that is the ONLY reason it is power throttled by AMD. The addition of a water block and custom loop makes it:
1) too big for enclosure in an ITX case
2) slower (using overclock in both cards) than Fury X
3) taking points (1) and (2) into account, you'd have increased cost of $100-300 above a stock Fury X to implement the custom loop which will sit outside your cute ITX case, breaking the argument for it being an ITX card.
As my lawyer clearly stated (thanks dude, cheque's in the post :toast:) I have nothing against the Fiji core or Nano or Fury X. However if you can't see that putting a water block on a Nano destroys it's intended ITX case fitting use - you are a moron. If you are going to invest in an AMD high end card for ANY price under the Sun, you'd put a block on a Fury X (or leave it as it is).
The logical corruption of brand die-hards is truly bewildering.
If you want a powerful card that fits in an ITX case that doesn't fit a standard sized card - buy a Nano. As soon as you talk about custom loops, the size is irrelevant - an ITX case that can't contain a standard card cant contain a Nano plus custom loop.
Addressing the pricing is simple. At $650 which is better Nano or Fury X? In all non-ITX case requirements the Fury X is better (pump noise <if any> is less than definite Nano coil whine). In ITX only cases where only Nano fits - Nano is the ONLY option. But if you add a custom loop to a $650 Nano - you cant use the said ITX enclosure, therefore the Fury X is faster and fits the same case the Nano custom loop will fit.
Titan X buyers retarded? No. Titan X has 'limited' advantages over a 980ti (memory and cores). Also, a 980ti has to clock slightly higher than a Titan X to be faster due to the core difference. Is the price jump justified - yes, if it's deemed that by purchasers. Is Nano worth $650? Yes, if it';s deemed that by the ITX market for the fastest card on earth in that form factor. Is it worth $650 when you cant put it in an ITX case because you have a custom loop attached? Of course it's bloody not, the Fury X is CHEAPER, FASTER, and not thermally locked down as tight as the Nano.
Do you see now?
ITX case - tiny card required = Nano
Nano plus custom loop doesn't fit in small tiny case, ergo = buy a Fury X.
Custom loop makes the Nano card a complete waste of money unless you actually want a tiny card. And even if your water blocked tiny Nano hides inside that tiny cute case, that tiny cute case is spilling out tubes and rads.
Notice, I've at all times said - buy a Fury X if you're thinking of going custom water with a Nano.
It doesn't help anybody.
So this is your break in. Calm down, be tactful.
case ofc will be coustom with very limited hardware compability and while technicaly fulfilling some of itx specs wont be very correct to be named itx
as for the rest i quite agree with you. nano is just halo product targeted to itx niche and have very limited sense ouside of this niche with current price/performance. taking into account that most of current itx cases are designed to fit 250-260mm cards and 120-140mm aio for cpu at 650$ price tag furyX is better purchase which leaves for nano only the halo even in its very specific market.
EDIT: FTR - AMD could easily make a full fledged Fury X, in Nano dimensions but not for SFF. Nano is a contrived product for solely PR. Nano sized full Fury X with loop = really interesting. Cue the Fury X2.
No but seriously, yea I can see what you mean. Though it will be even more niche to do something like that, there are people who are probably trying to make something with it. I would enjoy trying to make a single slot GPU with this card on liquid in a tiny case in the same loop as the CPU or something to that effect as it would be cool looking and still portable.
But its obviously easier and probably smarter to buy a Fury or Fury X and do the same thing since they are already quite small.
Have to admit that the block looks pretty sweet.
but more i think about such "one of a kind" case less reasons i see for nano to exist outside of pure epen like "look guys what we can do and we did it first".
cause if man has to make a special case in order to utilize the only advantage that nano has over furyx then the only people that can be interested from nano are modders and their customers.
all standard itx cases you can fit furyX and full loop (2 exceptions come to mind but they cant fit nano on air not to mention full loop) and being at the same price this makes nano unappealing even to itx users (lets say wb for nano and furyX cost the same and expenses for rest of the loop will be the same for both cards so the only difference will be in price/performance ratio for both cards and here is where nano utterly fails) i never said your logic doesnt stand. as you see above i completely agree with you yes and amd deadly need very successful PR product and they have it with nano but they destroyed all positive PR they've got or could've got from it with shortage of review samples nonsense and shitty statements from that roy guy.
negatives from reviews could've been fix with some hot glue in serial manufacturing and fan curves adjustment (titanX under load isnt quiet as well but no one complains much about this) instead all halo that nano has is buried under the dirt and everything that will be related to it will be shit storm caused by 2 dumb tweets.
gj amd. very gj. :shadedshu:
those guys act more like they are major nvida share holders rather then high lvl amd management.:wtf:
It basically comes down to the fact that Aquacomputer could easily scavenged the work from Fiji(s), and with a slight adjustment in SolidWorks, and a quick CNC re-program... BAM! They've something that can be introduced and their brand is being splattered all over the web, smart for them. They'll sell a couple, there's always someone, who will do it just because they can. Aquacomputer is not going to distress if they sell 4 and scrap 6 two year from now, the advertising buzz pay dividends.
And you figured out why AMD didn't price Nano for less, such set-up would eat some FuryX sales. The Nano is a niche offering, because AMD could. It doesn't have to have wide appeal or work with regular sensibility, so neither does a water block some company makes for it.
For the few that just crave building an "itsy bitsy box with a wicked bite" while cooling everything through a red glowing hour glass on its bottom, this might be what they're after.
Edit: Ok I agree to this: He's got a point in that any (or any showing any point soon) ITX case where the PCB length is preeminent concern probably isn't going to make a custom loop possible without hanging it outside the enclosure, nullifying a smart/cool looking package. Building your own custom M-ITX enclosure and you can just as well roll with the slightly longer Fury's in most every sensibility.
or some silly full sized system with 7 of them XD