In this episode of TechPowerUp News, we talk about the spectacular Surface Book, one of the most talked about products launched at the unexpectedly awesome Surface launch event; plus get our take on the brand new Oculus VR-ready gaming desktops co-designed by AMD and Dell.
8 Comments on TechPowerUp News Episode 2: Microsoft Surface Blitz and Oculus PCs by AMD
Dunno if it's just me, but the fact you aren't centered is disturbing. Keep expecting a window to pop up next to you like in the news ... And as mentioned before, that background.
Lastly, try to pick up the pace just a little. At times you did, and I thought it was really good.
I love all the feedback. It helps immensely! I want to make this the best thing ever. :3 Thanks guys.
It would also look better if viewers could see your desk, or if you are standing, then more of your arms. This would make the presentation appear more visually interesting instead of flat since it allows better use of body language.
I think you being off-centered is fine; this would actually allow you to add a TechPowerUp log to the top-left corner as long as it was somewhat small so that it wouldn't draw attention too much attention from you. A great example of how it could look in a similar fashion is the image in this very thread.
Your personality was an improvement as was your tone. Improvements are a process and take time. Good job.
or you can give @Rezasam1 theme, ask him to make you rendered background (like this one) and add it in video during post processing
more of his work