Monday, December 21st 2015

NVIDIA Releases GeForce 361.43 WHQL Drivers
NVIDIA released one of its last GeForce driver releases for the year, version 361.43 WHQL. Surprisingly, these drivers aren't "Game Ready," and as such aren't built around optimization for any new game releases. They instead bring along GameWorks VR 1.1 support, including SLI support for VR applications that use OpenGL. The latest version of Occulus SDK also comes included. The drivers add/update SLI profiles for DayZ, Dungeon Defenders 2, Elite Dangerous (64-bit executable), Hard West (DirectX 11 renderer), and Bless.DOWNLOAD: NVIDIA GeForce 361.43 WHQL
19 Comments on NVIDIA Releases GeForce 361.43 WHQL Drivers
Powered on my system in the morning (before I go to work) and was prompted to install this new driver by the Nvidia GeForce Experience application. Okayed the installation....
Halfway through, the installation failed at the Driver upgrade stage. Selected retry again still failed. Now my Win 10 with 3-display setup defaults back to the low resolution singe display.
Restarted the system and tried the driver upgrade again... still failed. Dig out the previous driver and tried... also failed! Luckily saved a System Restore System point only yesterday. Rolled back to the previous System Restore point and my perfect configuration is back again.
Immediately turned OFF the check for updates and auto download options. So much thanks to Nvidia for almost destroying my setup. Also downloaded Win Updates Disabler and disabled Windows Updates. Not giving any of these s***holes another chance to turn my system into another Guinea Pig...
Rushed off to work (late)
Nelson Ng Yeng Wai
Sadly, too late for me. Lovin my 390, see ya in another few years nVidia!
No issue/bug so far.
What's the best and latest drivers I can download for my gtx 780 to play black ops 3 on Windows 10. 64 bit?
I'm using the previous WHQL game ready drivers currently.
GUYS, also please be aware that if you're trying to update your driver through GeForce Experience that there is an update for the application as well that fixes a lot of the issues with installing drivers that were mentioned here. Make sure you're running the latest version of GFE!!
Since VR renders two virtual screens, it leverages one buffer to update one eye when the other is rendering, instead of waiting for both to be done. The term "front buffer rendering" sounds a bit confusing since it's used as a virtual back buffer.
For anything like this to work the game needs strict control over framerate. It will also limit the ability to optimize the geometry workload, which will be the same for both eyes.