Tuesday, February 2nd 2016

AMD Rolls Out Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.1.1 Beta
AMD rolled out the latest version of its Radeon Software Crimson Edition drivers. Version 16.1.1 Beta adds optimizations for "Rise of the Tomb Raider." This includes performance/quality optimizations for the game. In addition to this, the company added a long overdue CrossFireX profile for "Fallout 4." A number of GPU- and game-specific bugs were fixed. Grab the drivers from the links below.DOWNLOAD: AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.1.1 Beta for Windows 10/8.1/7 64-bit | Windows 10/8.1/7 32-bit
17 Comments on AMD Rolls Out Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.1.1 Beta
Hah, called it. No crossfire profile for Tomb Raider.Hurr Durr read release notes.Well, ill give it a try and see what happens.
I stand by my original statement - AMD still haven't brought a working crossfire profile for Rise of the Tomb Raider
Also, i'd take off any AA in the game, and enable MLAA. The post processing is better, imo.
@ Rcoon,
Sounds like you have a driver issue. Re-install it properly, or wait for AMD/Tomb Raider Devs to patch a fix.
In other news, I think I've heard the up-coming Assassin's Creed Game is going to AMD now. Didn't the last Assassin's Creed suck because it wasn't rendering things properly, and it was an NVidia Supported Game? Meh!
based on the above posts, glad i'm not running CFX.
Sounds like an AMD issue to me.
I was going to say that I'be not experienced any audio switching issues with my receiver but then realized that I still had 5850s the last time I was using it. Maaaaaybe not so relevant to a brand new driver.