Monday, December 14th 2020

CD Projekt RED Apologizes to Console Gamers for Buggy Cyberpunk 2077 Release, Offers Refunds

CD Projekt RED today issued an apology to gamers for a buggy release of Cyberpunk 2077, a game that the studio treated as its magnum opus. The open-letter apology addressed to gamers at large, and signed by CDPR higher-ups; in particular expressed regret to gamers on older-generation game consoles such as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Cyberpunk 2077 looks and plays terrible on these older consoles, despite the studio charging the same $60 for the title. Game assets such as textures are of the lowest possible resolution, as is the geometry, draw-distance, and even crowds and character models. In particular, CDPR acknowledged the fact that before launch, the studio hadn't shown footage of how the game plays on these older consoles, which deprived gamers of making more informed choices.

As a token of apology, CDPR offered gamers on these older consoles full refunds on their games purchased on Xbox or PSN. Those with physical copies of the game may return it to their retailers for refunds. CDPR set up an e-mail support service for those facing difficulties in getting refunds. For those who decide to give CDPR a chance at redemption; the studio promised a major game patch slated for January 2021, and a follow-up second-patch in February. The PC version of Cyberpunk 2077 is getting regular updates through all the platforms it's sold on (GOG, Steam, and EGS).
Source: CD Projekt RED (Twitter)
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103 Comments on CD Projekt RED Apologizes to Console Gamers for Buggy Cyberpunk 2077 Release, Offers Refunds

windwhirlEr, no.

The Xbox Series X GPU has 3328 SP. The 6900 XT has 5120. Basically, in terms of stream processors, the Xbox has around 65% of the capability of AMD's most powerful GPU.
I referenced custom built because there is not a direct comparison.
Posted on Reply
I play this on two different PCs one PC is connected to a 82" 4k TV so I play with everything on low and it's playable, just not very smoothly. My other computer is hooked to a 1440p monitor and it runs much better, much smoother with higher settings although this computer is better in terms of hardware. However, on both computers I have played with lots of bugs. It's clear this game was never tested or they simply didn't give a sh1t how buggy it was upon release. I've only had two crashes but I have never had anything crash on me before on that computer so...I don't know. It's just screwed up that they could put out a product that is clearly poor. When I do my job I try for perfection and ultimately my jobs turn out very nice, this is some sloppy, hack work in my opinion.
Posted on Reply
JeagerMan are you saying outloud that console players are dumb ? Please, dont, they still want to believe that their new 2 months old console will bring 60FPS@4k for only 500€/$
More of ignorant? They buy consoles BECAUSE they're ignorant and couldn't care to do research on pc hardware. Then expect a 7 year old console to be able to run a new next gen game normally. Even if CDPR claimed it would work fine I would have been wary of buying it for a PS4 if I had one since I know that thing has some slow ass AMD Jaguar CPU cores in addition to some GCN 1.5 GPU cores that doesn't even pass a HD 7790 in performance.
RavenasXbox Series X is nothing but a custom built 6900 XT. It is capable of native 4K, and Microsoft claims 60fps/120fps. Cyberpunk is running dynamic 4K on Xbox Series X using the Xbox One backwards compatibility, hovering around 45-50 FPS.
The GPU is only a claimed 12tflops which is below even the RX 6800 at 16tflops. So no not a 6900XT by any stretch of the imagination.
RavenasI referenced custom built because there is not a direct comparison.
How does having it custom built make it any faster? That thing is still a RDNA2 architecture just like the desktop GPUs.
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Minus Infinity
Maybe this game should have been delayed until Hopper, RDNA3, Zen 4 and Alder Lake were released. 8 years doesn't sound enough to polish a turd, 10 years would have done it more justice.
Posted on Reply
TheDeeGeeSo because CDPR offers a refund it's all good now?

This bullshit with buggy releases like this has to stop.
Customer due diligence needs to start.

Don't pre order, its not hard. I say it often lately, but, you get what you pay for. Goes for console, goes for game, and goes for when you give your money away.
BonesOK - Now we've gone from Fallout 76 to Fallout 2077.
Go figure.
Only in the mind of people who determine their taste of content based on what others think about it.

I'm having fun and take bugs for granted because I bought into this straight at launch. I don't usually... I wait a year or when its content is all out, because this whole course of events is business as usual and people should know this by now. If you don't... well... its a bit like buying Titans and then being surprised an x80/x90 comes out at half price. Or crossing the street with your eyes closed hoping all goes well.

But, its easier to blame others, case in point, 85% of Cyberpunk and hardware release topics :)
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@Ravenas A custom 6900XT..? With its 52 CUs vs 80 CUs? Sounds about right. Not even mentioning the price. :laugh:
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Rahnak@Ravenas A custom 6900XT..? With its 52 CUs vs 80 CUs? Sounds about right. Not even mentioning the price. :laugh:
Flip the coin and you get wider memory and bandwidth. Differences not allocating to enormous FPS gains at 4k when advantage leans to 6900 xt.
Posted on Reply
TheDeeGeeSo because CDPR offers a refund it's all good now?

This bullshit with buggy releases like this has to stop.
Vayra86Customer due diligence needs to start.

Don't pre order, its not hard. I say it often lately, but, you get what you pay for. Goes for console, goes for game, and goes for when you give your money away.
Or better yet, play it on a PC, the way it was meant to be played...

I mean seriously, PS4/PSPro/XBO owners are whining because it doesn't run well on an 8 year old platform? What a shock..
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterOr better yet, play it on a PC, the way it was meant to be played...

I mean seriously, PS4/PSPro/XBO owners are whining because it doesn't run well on an 8 year old platform? What a shock..
"But the PS4Pro was super duper much fastererer!"

History repeats. What do people say about the XSX today :roll:
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterOr better yet, play it on a PC, the way it was meant to be played...

I mean seriously, PS4/PSPro/XBO owners are whining because it doesn't run well on an 8 year old platform? What a shock..
Uhh.. Damn straight it's a shock. After their own CEO said in an investor conference call that the performance on base consoles was surprisingly good. Did you even watch footage of the pre patch version of the base consoles? It's embarassingly bad. It makes Bethesda look like programming gods. For base console standards it neither looked good nor performed good. It's not like they pushed the hardware to its limits and that was the best the hardware could do.

PS4/XBO owners are complaining because CDPR told them they would get to play Cyberpunk. No one in their right mind was expecting it to be close to PC in quality, like every other multi-platform. But a working, playable game nonetheless. That's not what they got.

"It works fine for me, here in PCland, so screw everyone else." I don't really get that attitude.

CDPR done goofed up this launch hard. It's not that difficult to recognize.
Posted on Reply
It should never have been released on the old gen consoles. Them users should have understood they where going to have to buy a next gen console or PC. It is a next gen AAA title after all. they have to stop releasing new games for them old consoles sometime.
tiggerIt should never have been released on the old gen consoles. Them users should have understood they where going to have to buy a next gen console or PC. It is a next gen AAA title after all. they have to stop releasing new games for them old consoles sometime.
If this is the quality of work they can do on base consoles, I 100% agree. But they decided to release anyway. Then lied about how "good" it was and to add insult to injury prevented reviewers from reviewing the game on base consoles.


@tigger Also, why exactly is this a next gen game? I've seen some people say that, and I don't get why. PC is always evolving, there's not really next gen over here, every year it gets better, so it's usually a term used for consoles. Next-gen games are usually games that have been developed on next-gen console hardware. Cyberpunk 2077 was not, it started development before the dev kits were available, and as a result, the version for next-gen consoles is only coming next year, according to CDPR.
Posted on Reply
RahnakIf this is the quality of work they can do on base consoles, I 100% agree. But they decided to release anyway. Then lied about how "good" it was and to add insult to injury prevented reviewers from reviewing the game on base consoles.

Could it have been money based? or they just wanted to release for all devices.
Vayra86"But the PS4Pro was super duper much fastererer!"
To be fair, the PS4Pro was a decent upgrade, but not nearly enough for CP2077.
RahnakUhh.. Damn straight it's a shock. After their own CEO said in an investor conference call that the performance on base consoles was surprisingly good. Did you even watch footage of the pre patch version of the base consoles? It's embarassingly bad. It makes Bethesda look like programming gods. For base console standards it neither looked good nor performed good. It's not like they pushed the hardware to its limits and that was the best the hardware could do.

PS4/XBO owners are complaining because CDPR told them they would get to play Cyberpunk. No one in their right mind was expecting it to be close to PC in quality, like every other multi-platform. But a working, playable game nonetheless. That's not what they got.

"It works fine for me, here in PCland, so screw everyone else." I don't really get that attitude.

CDPR done goofed up this launch hard. It's not that difficult to recognize.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was talking about PS5 and the new Xbox not the old systems. But even if he wasn't, who cares? It's a modern game and people expect it to run well on 8 year old tech? Seriously? WTH is that? Try running CP2077 on 8 year old PC parts and let's see how well it runs. Yeah.

To all the whiners, time to upgrade. Get a good PC, PS5 or new XBox(the nice one, not the gimped version).
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterTo be fair, the PS4Pro was a decent upgrade, but not nearly enough for CP2077.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was talking about PS5 and the new Xbox not the old systems. But even if he wasn't, who cares? It's a modern game and people expect it to run well on 8 year old tech? Seriously? WTH is that? Try running CP2077 on 8 year old PC parts and let's see how well it runs. Yeah.

To all the whiners, time to upgrade. Get a good PC, PS5 or new XBox(the nice one, not the gimped version).
But the console gamer is not the PC gamer. There is marked difference in perspective and perception of the market and of performance. We all know you are correct. But those who don't... just don't. Can't expect them to magically know it anyway.

Consider what those console peasants hear every day: 'The PS4 is the next gen console' They buy it. 'The PS4Pro is a much faster version of this console, and games will look and run much better!' They buy it.

Why would they not think they have fantastic hardware? Last I checked they were told the PS4 was capable of 1080p gaming. It never did, at least not at a half decent framerate. The PS4Pro can't even carry that proper. Now the next hurdle is 4K on a set of machines that can barely output 1440p medium. Luckily the internal upscale tech has advanced a lot these days, eh ;)

And then there is another reality they also get served every day: lots of other games that look largely the same, but dó run fine. Consider Overwatch for example. Smooth as butter, looks crisp and detailed, barely wants resources. Now put that next to the CBP release on PS4... you can't explain that.
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Solid State Soul ( SSS )
RahnakJust a reminder that this game was anounced before the PS4/Xbone even came out and has been in development for a looooooong time. Not to mention the original release date was April 2020. Expecting the game to be on the PS4/Xbone wasn't a bit much at all, imo.
I totally agree with you, this game was announced when the PS4\XBOX One were the upcoming next gen consoles, CDPR KNEW the limitations they were working for, there is no excuse for this, its their fault and their fault alone, dont put it on consoles. Uncharted 4 and God of War 2018 are console games and they look much better than most maxed out PC games, including Cyberbug, seeing people defending CDPR and this game inspite of that is just comedy, if this was an EA game or a Bethesda game all hell would break lose
Posted on Reply
Solid State Soul ( SSS )I totally agree with you, this game was announced when the PS4\XBOX One were the upcoming next gen consoles, CDPR KNEW the limitations they were working for, there is no excuse for this, its their fault and their fault alone, dont put it on consoles. Uncharted 4 and God of War 2018 are console games and they look much better than most maxed out PC games, including Cyberbug, seeing people defending CDPR and this game inspite of that is just comedy, if this was an EA game or a Bethesda game all hell would break lose
Uncharted and GoW are also super on-rails linear and very short. You're loading a tiny map compared to an entire city, and 100% scripted stuff versus almost everything done on the fly.
Solid State Soul ( SSS )And they straight up lied about this for months, saying it plays well on consoles, yet people still defend them, this whole tribalism around CDPR is just ridicules
Alright, point me to another game dev that was this keen on providing full refunds and an apology like this.

I'll be waiting.
Posted on Reply
Solid State Soul ( SSS )
RahnakThis is some incredibly shady shit from CDPR and offering refunds is the bare minimum.
And they straight up lied about this for months, saying it plays well on consoles, yet people still defend them, this whole tribalism around CDPR is just ridicules
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
Solid State Soul ( SSS )I totally agree with you, this game was announced when the PS4\XBOX One were the upcoming next gen consoles, CDPR KNEW the limitations they were working for, there is no excuse for this, its their fault and their fault alone, dont put it on consoles. Uncharted 4 and God of War 2018 are console games and they look much better than most maxed out PC games, including Cyberbug, seeing people defending CDPR and this game inspite of that is just comedy, if this was an EA game or a Bethesda game all hell would break lose
I agree this was a bad misstep but unlike EA or Bethesda they are owning up to the mistake and will actively do their best to rectify it. They should have just targeted PS5, XSX
Posted on Reply
Solid State Soul ( SSS )
Vayra86Uncharted and GoW are also super on-rails linear and very short. You're loading a tiny map compared to an entire city.
Ok then, would you saying that Cyberpunk look better than horizon zero dawn ?
Posted on Reply
Solid State Soul ( SSS )Ok then, would you saying that Cyberpunk look better than horizon zero dawn ?
Whát?! Absolutely man. Holy crap. Horizon ZD environments are just polished Far Cry Dunia engine, not much more. Come on.

Did you even look at the game proper? Horizon has fantastic animation work, but graphically its really not super impressive at all.

Cyberpunk is miles ahead in graphics but also in art direction and the way the game world is made. The attention to detail is mindblowing.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterTo be fair, the PS4Pro was a decent upgrade, but not nearly enough for CP2077.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was talking about PS5 and the new Xbox not the old systems. But even if he wasn't, who cares? It's a modern game and people expect it to run well on 8 year old tech? Seriously? WTH is that? Try running CP2077 on 8 year old PC parts and let's see how well it runs. Yeah.

To all the whiners, time to upgrade. Get a good PC, PS5 or new XBox(the nice one, not the gimped version).
Yeah, no. One of the investors asked specifically about the base consoles and Adam said that although it wasn't as good as the Pro versions, as it was still surprisingly good. And wow man, the who cares attitude again. You don't care being lied to? You just don't care because it doesn't affect you.

Dude, not everyone can afford a good PC or a PS5 (if they even can find one to buy). The fact of the matter is that CDPR promised a game (visually compromised as it would've had to be) to PS4/Xbone owners and it failed to deliver a playable game. And instead of recognizing CDPR's fault, you and many others are blaming the "victims", basically saying "git rich, scrub".

I mean, just go on youtube, on Cyberpunk's channel there's a gameplay trailer of the game supposedly running on the PS4 Pro and PS5. And guess what.. that's not how it looks on the PS4 Pro. More lying.

If this was EA or Bethesda would your opinion really be the same?
Vayra86Alright, point me to another game dev that was this keen on providing full refunds and an apology like this.
Yeah, that's another shitshow. More empty promises by CDPR who didn't even get in touch with Microsoft and Sony before posting that. Those stores have their own return policies (Sony's in particular, is pretty bad.. but that's beside the point) and guess what, most people don't qualify. So not a whole lot of people getting refunds.
Vayra86Whát?! Absolutely man. Holy crap. Horizon ZD environments are just polished Far Cry Dunia engine, not much more. Come on.

Did you even look at the game proper? Horizon has fantastic animation work, but graphically its really not super impressive at all.

Cyberpunk is miles ahead in graphics but also in art direction and the way the game world is made. The attention to detail is mindblowing.
Are you making that comparison based on the base PS4 of both games though? Or based on the PC version?

Because the PS4 version of Cyberpunk features some next level PS3-like textures in some places.
Posted on Reply
RahnakAre you making that comparison based on the base PS4 of both games though? Or based on the PC version?

Because the PS4 version of Cyberpunk features some next level PS3-like textures in some places.
Oh I understand you better now, yes, if you compare the PS4 Horizon ZD to Cyberpunk, shit.

But let's not be oblivious to the fact we're talking first party console exclusive versus third party PC port that was postponed and long in development, and CDPR can't look into the future either. Still, I completely agree with you. Game should've never come out like this for the PS4. Expectations might have been too high for that machine but what was presented is below every possible expectation tbh.

Still, Horizon is a bad bad example. The complexity of the game world is another point... I mean, HZD is 99% grass, trees and mountains, not exactly the hardest things to render. If you look at the sheer variety and number of different assets in CBP... each with its own texture and surface characteristics, lots of them reflective...

I'm not with you (yet!) on the shitshow supposed to happen with refunds. Now that the statement is out, they can't crawl back and they'll have to be generous even if the terms don't allow for it now. With that apology they basically publicly admitted the product does not live up to what could reasonably be expected, and any store or party in the chain disagreeing with that deserves the banhammer. Its clear as day they can't sell this crap as is.

I reckon the PS4 even chokes on the sheer number of draw calls so unless they vastly reduce the game's complexity for the PS4, it will remain crappy... and if fixed it'll look empty.
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