Thursday, December 2nd 2021

FTC Sues to Block $40 Billion Semiconductor NVIDIA and Arm Chip Merger

The Federal Trade Commission today sued to block U.S. chip supplier Nvidia Corp.'s $40 billion acquisition of U.K. chip design provider Arm Ltd. Semiconductor chips power the computers and technologies that are essential to our modern economy and society. The proposed vertical deal would give one of the largest chip companies control over the computing technology and designs that rival firms rely on to develop their own competing chips. The FTC's complaint alleges that the combined firm would have the means and incentive to stifle innovative next-generation technologies, including those used to run datacenters and driver-assistance systems in cars.

"The FTC is suing to block the largest semiconductor chip merger in history to prevent a chip conglomerate from stifling the innovation pipeline for next-generation technologies," said FTC Bureau of Competition Director Holly Vedova. "Tomorrow's technologies depend on preserving today's competitive, cutting-edge chip markets. This proposed deal would distort Arm's incentives in chip markets and allow the combined firm to unfairly undermine Nvidia's rivals. The FTC's lawsuit should send a strong signal that we will act aggressively to protect our critical infrastructure markets from illegal vertical mergers that have far-reaching and damaging effects on future innovations."
Arm, which is owned by Tokyo-based Softbank Group Corp., does not supply or market finished computer chips or devices. It creates and licenses microprocessor designs and architectures, referred to as Arm Processor Technology in the complaint, to other technology companies, including Nvidia. These companies, in turn, rely on Arm Processor Technology to make computer chips that power a wide range of modern computing devices, from smartphones to tablets to driver-assistance systems to computers in large datacenters. Arm also provides important related support and services. Arm licenses its Processor Technology using an industry-described neutral, open licensing approach and is often dubbed the "Switzerland" of the semiconductor industry, according to the complaint.

California-based Nvidia is one of the world's largest and most valuable computing companies, according to the complaint. Nvidia develops and markets computer chips and devices and is best known as the dominant supplier of standalone graphics processing units, or GPUs, for personal computers and datacenters, which are used widely for artificial intelligence processing and graphics processing. Nvidia also develops and markets products for advanced networking, datacenter central processing units, and computer-assisted driving. In these areas, both Nvidia and important competitors to Nvidia rely on Arm's technology to develop their own competing products.

Because Arm's technology is a critical input that enables competition between Nvidia and its competitors in several markets, the complaint alleges that the proposed merger would give Nvidia the ability and incentive to use its control of this technology to undermine its competitors, reducing competition and ultimately resulting in reduced product quality, reduced innovation, higher prices, and less choice, harming the millions of Americans who benefit from Arm-based products, the complaint alleges.

According to the complaint, the acquisition will harm competition in three worldwide markets in which Nvidia competes using Arm-based products:
  • High-Level Advanced Driver Assistance Systems for passenger cars. These systems offer computer-assisted driving functions, such as automated lane changing, lane keeping, highway entrance and exit, and collision prevention;
  • DPU SmartNICs, which are advanced networking products used to increase the security and efficiency of datacenter servers; and
  • Arm-Based CPUs for Cloud Computing Service Providers. These new and emerging products leverage Arm's technology to meet the performance, power efficiency, and customizability needs of modern datacenters that provide cloud computing services. "Cloud computing" refers to the increasingly popular computing business model in which large datacenter operators provide computing services remotely and/or directly offer computing resources for rent, as well as provide other support services to customers who can then run applications, host websites, or perform other computing tasks on the remote servers—i.e., "the cloud."
The complaint also alleges that the acquisition will harm competition by giving Nvidia access to the competitively sensitive information of Arm's licensees, some of whom are Nvidia's rivals, and that it is likely to decrease the incentive for Arm to pursue innovations that are perceived to conflict with Nvidia's business interests.

Today, Arm's licensees - including Nvidia's rivals - routinely share competitively sensitive information with Arm. Licensees rely on Arm for support in developing, designing, testing, debugging, troubleshooting, maintaining, and improving their products, according to the complaint. Arm licensees share their competitively sensitive information with Arm because Arm is a neutral partner, not a rival chipmaker. The acquisition is likely to result in a critical loss of trust in Arm and its ecosystem, the complaint alleges.

The acquisition is also likely to harm innovation competition by eliminating innovations that Arm would have pursued but for a conflict with Nvidia's interests. The merged firm would have less incentive to develop or enable otherwise beneficial new features or innovations if Nvidia determines they are likely to harm Nvidia, the complaint alleges.

The complaint names Nvidia Corp., Arm Ltd., and Arm owner Softbank Group Corp. The Commission vote to issue the administrative complaint was 4-0. The administrative trial is scheduled to begin on August 9, 2022.

Throughout the investigation, Commission staff has cooperated closely with staff of the competition agencies in the European Union, United Kingdom, Japan, and South Korea.

NOTE: The Commission issues a complaint when it has "reason to believe" that the law has been or is being violated, and it appears to the Commission that a proceeding is in the public interest.

The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition, and protect and educate consumers. You can learn more about how competition benefits consumers or file an antitrust complaint. For the latest news and resources, follow the FTC on social media, subscribe to press releases and read our blog.
Source: FTC
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62 Comments on FTC Sues to Block $40 Billion Semiconductor NVIDIA and Arm Chip Merger

R-T-BGPUs might come down, but crypto is well beyond going away at this point in time. That ship sailed years ago.
Truth. At this point, it would require nearly all the governments in the planet to come to an agreement to ban the whole thing entirely. Or introduce some incredibly restrictive regulation.
Posted on Reply
maxflyNow the question becomes, is their a buyer out their that has the capability to turn ARM into a profitable enterprise. While avoiding the same FTC anti competitive issue? Perhaps they will have to partner up with a smaller richer company that has the technological means?
shhhh... gotta make sure the fruity boys don't get wind of this, or else they might try to pull some shiitzu, if for no other reason than to put a hurtin on ngreedia & Intel..... HEHEHE
Posted on Reply
W1zzardand NVIDIA stock didn't move down a bit today
I don't think anyone is bothered, the cash cow lives on still.
And my what a fat cow it already was.

And they still can make what they want with arm tech /IP.

I didn't want this to go through, I imagine it would be something like Microsoft owning Intel, a complete elimination of innovation and diversity.

And a blood bath of so many other companies.
Posted on Reply
bonehead123shhhh... gotta make sure the fruity boys don't get wind of this, or else they might try to pull some shiitzu, if for no other reason than to put a hurtin on ngreedia & Intel..... HEHEHE
Funny enough, I would support fruit company buying arm, despite the upheaval that would ensue in its ranks. They have enough of a lead to play fair, remember they revived microsoft back in the day.
Posted on Reply
mtcn77Funny enough, I would support fruit company buying arm, despite the upheaval that would ensue in its ranks. They have enough of a lead to play fair, remember they revived microsoft back in the day.
You're joking, right? There is absolutely zero chance that Apple would keep licencing ARM cores to anyone else if they bought it. Zero. None.
Posted on Reply
ValantarYou're joking, right? There is absolutely zero chance that Apple would keep licencing ARM cores to anyone else if they bought it. Zero. None.
Don't care. They would not cast it in bad light. Let us face it, there are people in the world that still recall how better apple with motorola 68000 was next to the competition.
Posted on Reply
Resident Wat-man
RoutedScripterThis "value" of things on stockmarket can be incredibly deceptive, everything that's negative is always regarded/reported as "lost", did they even deserve to "gain" the stuff they "lost", did they even got it at all, stock market value is just what someone else thinks of what they're worth, it's a dream, a thing that does not exist, but magically real money, physical action can be pulled out of it which is the most ridicolous thing ever, so basically what the world relies on the most are not physical things such as food, water, resources, materials, space, but some virtual nonsense that gives things "worth", and this virtual nonsense that happens in random investor's minds and other players is such a ridicolous concept. This virtual thoughts of "worth", the way it depends on irresponsible-joke-like personal feelings and psychological phenomena that can be so easily manipulated and so easily influenced by so many invalid factors, but also on personal greed, could be compared to an analogy of how many beans did a random investor fart the other day, is what they're going to think something is "worth", it is just so ridicolous, it's astonishing.
In the words of Elon Musk:
“It’s like having a manic depressive who’s constantly telling you how much your company’s worth. And sometimes they have a good day, and sometimes they have a bad day, but the company is basically the same. The public markets are crazy.”
Posted on Reply
enzoltIf this deal happens, RISC-V adoption will increase.
NVIDIA is licensing whore. These guys charge for every single service.
They will probably raise the price for ARM licensing. If/once that happens, RISC-V is a winner.
Even if nvidia own ARM the licensing pricing will not going to change. One of the reason softbank decided to ditch ARM was because ARM refused to increase the existing licensing fee. They know that is quick way to discourage existing licensee to continue using the ISA. And surely nvidia also understand that completely. Nvidia is the type that play the long game. Rather than making people moving away from licensing the ISA because of nvidia want to make quick buck they will keep the price and start building an ecosystem that the industry won't be able to ditch just like what they did with their CUDA.
Posted on Reply
R-T-BGPUs might come down, but crypto is well beyond going away at this point in time. That ship sailed years ago.
Yes but one can hope or dream can't they? Just like how I'd love to be able to see vast open fields, from decades back, around me instead of this concrete jungle extending miles & miles even into rural areas!

Like I said many times before this Crypto is just a manifestation of human greed & the destruction we've done to earth is beyond irreparable now! I'm a part of it & not really proud of some of the goals or decisions I made a few years back. You remember some of those sci-fi movies during childhood? Yeah I guess hoping for something like that to come real has led to many issues we see today with humanity, even if it is guilt by association it's hard to get over what I've contributed to :shadedshu:
Posted on Reply
renz496start building an ecosystem that the industry won't be able to ditch just like what they did with their CUDA.
Now read that again for Tegra.
Posted on Reply
Adam Krazispeed

ValantarYou're joking, right? There is absolutely zero chance that Apple would keep licencing ARM cores to anyone else if they bought it. Zero. None.
apple or nvidia, you relly think we wold be geting better Rasberry pis or anyting with Arm from anyone else but Nvidia... or Apple. ha.... they would b the olny one or other makeeing them.. o oone else (at least not no 128core mobile arm low power SoC on a pi in 2030 if nvidia took over. no sirree
Posted on Reply
R0H1TLike I said many times before this Crypto is just a manifestation of human greed & the destruction we've done to earth is beyond irreparable now!
Crypto is a small drop in the bucket there. If you want to pick a reason to hate crypto that is the last I'd pick.
Posted on Reply
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