Monday, April 9th 2007

Xbox 360 thumb keyboard addon official

There have been rumors of an Xbox keyboard, with confirmation today. Microsoft will be launching a thumb keyboard addon, which plugs into the audio/data port of your controller. The features in short are:
  • The thumb keyboard plugs into the headphone / data jack on the bottom of the controller. It comes bundled with its own headset, since it doesn't pass the signal through, and cannot work with current peripherals.
  • The keyboard is backlit; the chat bubble icon in the photos will be an MSN icon.
  • It will be released in the summer. No word on how much, though.
  • We got a chance to check it out. The tactility is nice, but it's a bit heavy with all the rest of the weight of the 360 controller.
Source: Engadget
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12 Comments on Xbox 360 thumb keyboard addon official

Interesting, I guess you have to be tiny (gnome size) to touchtype with that.
Posted on Reply
tis for kiddie fingers,not large pudgy adult man fingers i guess.
ZalmannInteresting, I guess you have to be tiny (gnome size) to touchtype with that.
Yeah, that's why all adults carry really BIG cellphones with them right? Oh wait, they don't... nvm...
Posted on Reply
They should intergrate a screen onto it and make it into a pocket PC LOL.
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Bird of Prey
That is actually a pretty cool add on. I dont see this going for more than $40.00 though, if that. Typing with your thumb is easy on a cell phone, its just 12 buttons and you cycle through what you need up there. On this however, its a bit different, as you have individual keys. Looks like it would be easy to do actually though. Id like to see some reviews on this and eventually get me one.
Posted on Reply
Now that's pretty nice, if I had a 360 I'd want one of those. Looks easy enough to type with.
Posted on Reply
Well crap, soon they'll just attach a mini "thumb" mouse too . . . Then we'll be out of our keyboard/mouse FPS advantage, LoL
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Some people do better with an analogue stick.
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look nice & cute.. but seems not so comfortable to use, and not-so practical... the keyboard too small...
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DarkrealmsWell crap, soon they'll just attach a mini "thumb" mouse too . . . Then we'll be out of our keyboard/mouse FPS advantage, LoL
one finger will do
Posted on Reply
it looks kinda... well... clunky.

and IM'ing with that thing? my fingers would die. Maybe for the once and awhile casual im, but for heavy messaging, keyboard ftw.

but interesting idea nonetheless. i wonder if any games will take advantage of it, instead of just using it for IM stuff. mmorpg's, anyone?
Posted on Reply
ktrone finger will do
YOUR RIGHT! Crap THEY have the advantage! LoL
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