Monday, July 24th 2023

Elon Musk Announces that Twitter Will Change Name to X

After having paid US$44 billion for Twitter, it appears Elon Musk isn't happy with Twitter being Twitter and is now getting ready to change the name of the social media platform to X. For those that aren't familiar with Elon Musk's company history, X was his online bank that preceded PayPal, or rather, a domain name that is still owned by Elon Musk and currently redirects to Twitter. It appears that Elon Musk and Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino have big plans for X, at least according to several posts by the Twitter CEO.

Yaccaranio in a post on Twitter states that "X is the future state of unlimited interactivity - centered in audio, video, messaging, payments/banking - creating a global marketplace for ideas, goods, services, and opportunities. Powered by AI, X will connect us all in ways we're just beginning to imagine." Make of this what you want, but it appears that Twitter is about to go through some major changes, some that had already been mentioned by Musk as early as last year. Time will tell if this will be a direction that Twitter's users want things to go, or if the platform will end up dying a death of a thousand cuts.
Sources: @elonmusk on Twitter, @lindayacc on Twitter
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178 Comments on Elon Musk Announces that Twitter Will Change Name to X

AsRockTwitter as a name has so much shit on it
That's the political angle, specifically 'shit' in the eyes of extremist right wing and conservative groups.

And that's also the echo chamber Twitter had to become in the eyes of Musk. Musk likes those guys. They're gullible. They feel threatened, they need enemies. Musk is happy to provide, like I said misery loves company. Lost of cash to be made there, and Musk has indeed made cash off them, from the pre order for that Cybertruck to the 'buy this or that crypto coin' shenanigans. It also helps Musk as the selfmade 'I don't need anyone'-man fits right in that corner too. Probably for as long as he thinks it benefits him :)

In the rest of the world X tries to nudge more people into that camp. Twitter in the eyes of that camp was the left wing bastion where the sad puppy right wing supposedly didn't have a voice, much like how it puppy eyed about that missing voice on other media outlets. The reality though is that minority voice had its chances in history and failed miserably at common sense and good behaviour.

Its all more of the same really, and it is absolutely pointless, the last dying breaths of a movement that still pops up from time to time but is hopelessly outdated. The vast majority isn't on these far ends of the spectrum and they'll never go there either. X however doesn't speak to that vast majority as Twitter did - and that's where the brand's value was truly at. All these platforms in the end only thrive on one thing: large amounts of visitors and traffic.
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Hey where's my FSD Tesla :wtf:
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AsRockHe was trying to back out of it as it was not worth as much as they claimed.
He made the offer at that value, so who claimed what now?
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TPU addict
R-T-BHe made the offer at that value, so who claimed what now?
I believe it was Musk as it was some thing about all the bots that appeared to be on the site

EDIT: i don't care tbh they are all a holes, what bothers me more is how scared people are to talk to people these days. How this part of the US has changed over 20 years is just sad and part of the blame is social media and the media it's self.

But thats were they want us, divided
Posted on Reply
AsRockI believe it was Musk as it was some thing about all the bots that appeared to be on the site

EDIT: i don't care tbh they are all a holes, what bothers me more is how scared people are to talk to people these days. How this part of the US has changed over 20 years is just sad and part of the blame is social media and the media it's self.

But thats were they want us, divided
The pen is mightier than the sword...
Posted on Reply
A Computer Guy
AsRockI believe it was Musk as it was some thing about all the bots that appeared to be on the site
I remember there being an issue with bots. There was a strong suspicion of a significant number of bots on the platform artificially driving up the value of the platform (among other things). Subsequently there were supposedly a large number of bots purged from the platform during this period of time Musk was in transition to buy Twitter.
AsRockEDIT: i don't care tbh they are all a holes, what bothers me more is how scared people are to talk to people these days. How this part of the US has changed over 20 years is just sad and part of the blame is social media and the media it's self.
What's even scarier is the level of involvement of Gov't in social media. This is also has changed over 20 years.
AsRockBut thats were they want us, divided
Who is "they"? (that aside) On the other side of the coin we allow ourselves to be divided (by various forces that want to avoid accountability) and until we can get over or around that, many problems will remain unsolved as we bicker among ourselves on the platform formerly known as Twitter.
Posted on Reply
A Computer GuyI remember there being an issue with bots

That's why Elon Musk wanted to buy Twitter, to fix the bot problem.

No wait, its the reason why Elon Musk DOESN'T want to buy Twitter. No wait... you got confused, didn't ya? This is what happens when someone repeatedly talks shit on the internet, they control the narrative.

Don't let Elon manipulate your understanding of history. Elon's trickery only works if we forget and get amnesia. And it's easier and easier to forget when he talks so much crap so much of the time.


The "bots" thing was a distraction from the very start. Elon never cared about bots. Its just an excuse to buy (erm... not buy?) Twitter.

For those who don't know the history here: Elon's buyout of Twitter was accepted by the Twitter board on April 25th:
SAN FRANCISCO, April 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Twitter, Inc. (NYSE: TWTR) today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by an entity wholly owned by Elon Musk, for $54.20 per share in cash in a transaction valued at approximately $44 billion. Upon completion of the transaction, Twitter will become a privately held company.
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trsttteSlap fighting is also extremely dangerous, while you avoid most of the body risk there's a much bigger risk of concussion and brain injuries!
That shows lol, I had to watch the entire video to find a single face with a speck of intelligence left on it. When I saw one at the end it was a black screen reflecting my own face apparently. Wow.

Learning experience of the week, knowing this exists :D
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I literally Couldn't care any less if I tried.

About X or Elon.

Guy's an over rated marketeer, at best.
Posted on Reply
TheoneandonlyMrKI literally Couldn't care any less if I tried.

About X or Elon.

Guy's an over rated marketeer, at best.
When I call him a modern day Edison, it's really more of an insult than compliment. Strange how a lot of people still hold Edison in a high esteem too, despite being much of the same.
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Why_MeElon working with Giorgia Meloni. Epic :cool:

Why hasn't he spoken with Zuck yet?
I love this sport and I've been ready to fight since the day Elon challenged me. If he ever agrees on an actual date, you'll hear it from me. Until then, please assume anything he says has not been agreed on
Not holding my breath for Elon, but I'll share details on my next fight when I'm ready. When I compete, I want to do it in a way that puts a spotlight on the elite athletes at the top of the game. You do that by working with professional orgs like the UFC or ONE to pull this off well and create a great card.
Surely you need a date before you have a venue or location? If they don't have a date, then its all hot-air.
Posted on Reply
claesIt’s so weird that you applaud literal fascists and wonder “why me?” when you get called out for platforming racists. Thanks for being honest at least
Anyone I don't agree with is a fascist, racist and bigot.
dragontamer5788Why hasn't he spoken with Zuck yet?

Surely you need a date before you have a venue or location? If they don't have a date, then its all hot-air.
Elon is a go big or go home type of guy. I can see this fight taking place in the Coliseum.

Posted on Reply
A Computer Guy
dragontamer5788Why hasn't he spoken with Zuck yet?

Surely you need a date before you have a venue or location? If they don't have a date, then its all hot-air.
I thought this fight thing was just a parody? Who actually thought Elon vs. Zuck in the ring was a real thing and why?
Posted on Reply
Why_MeElon working with Giorgia Meloni. Epic :cool:

I'm surprised he had some self control to not outright say it would be on the Colosseum :D

What a bunch of meaningless atention seeking bullshit, oh really Italy with some of the greatest cultural sites in the world with nothing to gain from 2 idiot multi billionaires doing a one off fighting match just instantly agreed on a location - because government work is always expedient as we all know - and it went right up to the PM's desk given how much of a national priority and how big this event would be for Italy. It makes perfect sense....
Posted on Reply
A Computer GuyI thought this fight thing was just a parody? Who actually thought Elon vs. Zuck in the ring was a real thing and why?
Not a parody. Elon has Zuckerberg in his sites after Zuck ran his gob. Rumor has it Elon has been practicing with swords of late.

trsttteI'm surprised he had some self control to not outright say it would be on the Colosseum :D

What a bunch of meaningless atention seeking bullshit, oh really Italy with some of the greatest cultural sites in the world with nothing to gain from 2 idiot multi billionaires doing a one off fighting match just instantly agreed on a location - because government work is always expedient as we all know - and it went right up to the PM's desk given how much of a national priority and how big this event would be for Italy. It makes perfect sense....
Italy is the perfect setting imo. At one time Rome was the center of the world. That and Italy will probably get a cut of the gate proceeds along with media rights. The Italians are looking at making bank off of this fight if they play their cards right.
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A Computer Guy
Why_MeNot a parody. Elon has Zuckerberg in his sites after Zuck ran his gob. Rumor has it Elon has been practicing with swords of late.

So Elon's trying to restore the honor of his gob by engaging in a posturing contest with a Zuck? I feel like there some some zoolander or Guardians of the Galaxy meme I can insert here but I don't have the time to find it at the moment.

Let's not forget they already had a battle. Who won? You decide.
Posted on Reply
Why_MeAnyone I don't agree with is a fascist, racist and bigot.
Georgia Meloni and the Brothers of Italy are actual, literal fascists. Meloni regards Mussolini as the greatest politician in Italian history. The Brothers of Italy logo and historical legacy is borrowed from the “post-fascist” National Alliance, of which Meloni was a member, and Italian Social Movement, which was the rebrand of Mussolini’s National/Republican Fascist Party after his execution.

You can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig
Posted on Reply
claesGeorgia Meloni and the Brothers of Italy are actual, literal fascists. Meloni regards Mussolini as the greatest politician in Italian history. The Brothers of Italy logo and historical legacy is borrowed from the “post-fascist” National Alliance, of which Meloni was an member, and Italian Social Movement, which was the rebrand of Mussolini’s National/Republican Fascist Party.

You can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig
Nobody cares. Meanwhile we get to see two billionaires who made their money off of tech go at it in the ring. If only Zuck were replaced by Bill Gates.
Posted on Reply
A Computer GuyI thought this fight thing was just a parody? Who actually thought Elon vs. Zuck in the ring was a real thing and why?
I'm still convinced its just Elon Musk trying to prove how much mind-control he has over his followers. Its not about actually fighting Mark Zuckerberg. Its about Elon Musk proving that Musk's supporters are loyal.

Enjoy the mental gymnastics that will be shown off. Musk does this kinda thing every couple of weeks. I've posted other times he's done this sorta thing and it always turns out to be crap. The important bit is just being an annoying guy that sucks up the attention economy. There's varying amounts of success to what Elon Musk can convince his followers to believe in. I mean, a fight-night with another billionaire is at least more amusing than trying to convince everyone that an exploded rocket was a success story.
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He’s just in it for the spectacle of the culture wars, much like he was when he bought Twitter without thinking it through
Posted on Reply
A Computer Guy
To drift back on topic I have to say since the change to X, it has inadvertently caused me to try to click on it more than few times to close the tweet... um I mean the window... err what's it called now?
Interestingly it's a cognitive reminder how conditioned we become to common cues we sometimes simply automatically function ironically like NPC's when given certain signals.
[begin theory] One might argue that Musk is aware of this and it's his subtle way of getting people to realise this reality and become more self aware to self-correct one's perception of the world as they interact with it. [/end theory]

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I think we can all agree Elon isn't serious and it's time to move on. I offered a real date. Dana White offered to make this a legit competition for charity. Elon won't confirm a date, then says he needs surgery, and now asks to do a practice round in my backyard instead. If Elon ever gets serious about a real date and official event, he knows how to reach me. Otherwise, time to move on. I'm going to focus on competing with people who take the sport seriously.
Picture of the post as of today, in case Threads ever fails or something.

So can we stop pretending like this fight will happen now? At least until a date is agreed?
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