Saturday, April 5th 2008

Bill Gates: Windows 7 May Ship Next Year

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates said on Friday that Windows 7, the next major version of Windows, could come within the next year, far ahead of the development schedule indicated by the software maker. In response to a question about Windows Vista, Gates, speaking before the Inter-American Development Bank, said: "Sometime in the next year or so we will have a new version." Referring to Blackcomb or Windows 7, the code names for the next full release of Windows client software, Gates said: "I'm super-enthused about what it will do in lots of ways." Previously it was generally believed that Windows 7 OS would ship sometime in year 2010. The current version of Windows, known as Vista, shipped in January 2007. Microsoft's Windows XP is still widely available though, with no plans to be stopped until Windows 7 is released, Microsoft also announced yesterday.
Source: CNET News
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156 Comments on Bill Gates: Windows 7 May Ship Next Year

wewt? i hope they at least include efi and winfs ...
Posted on Reply
The people have spoken and Microsoft has listened! Thank you Mr. Gates.:toast: This is very good news.
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Interesting, I guess all those who despise vista may not have to move to it eventually after all. I personally hope they keep most of the functions of vista. We should see stuff soon if its coming out next year.
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farlex85Interesting, I guess all those who despise vista may not have to move to it eventually after all. I personally hope they keep most of the functions of vista. We should see stuff soon if its coming out next year.
Which ones are those? :laugh:

Oh, you mean the ones that break the enjoyability of the PC, got ya (the only ones available) :p
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Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
maybe they will offer free upgrades to those who bought vista. if not, im never buying an OS again :laugh:
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TheGuruStudWhich ones are those? :laugh:

Oh, you mean the ones that break the enjoyability of the PC, got ya (the only ones available) :p
Mostly aero, I actually find it very much increases my enjoyability of using a pc. And other small little things that make me enjoy using vista more. I will eventually get sick of it, just in time for 7 hopefully....:)
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Easy Rhinomaybe they will offer free upgrades to those who bought vista. if not, im never buying an OS again :laugh:
you want them to refund cost of Vista, the OS that they worked on for 5 years? No, I don't think they are going to do that :laugh:
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He used the words "could come within the next year" sure he didn´t miss the s as in years :laugh:
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Its been rumored that Windows 7 is a hell of a lot closer to being released than they had originally stated. These things happen when people actually do WORK on an OS instead of rehashing a broken OS over and over again. I think the horrible inefficiencies of Vista were realized too late in the development process, not enough hardware wanted to get on board with it, and it got pushed out the door anyways. Considering how much is charged for each copy, I'd imagine they've made their money back already, and don't want to piss off their consumer-base any further. You know a version of Windows is doing poorly, when you can find Linux based systems on retail at Wal-Mart (they were discontinued a few months later however). Probably a big wake up call to the sleeping giant we call M$. I expect Windows 7 to be RTM mid 2009, and on retail shelves by q4. Or earlier.

When you finally get a program right, there's very few bugs to be found. I think they may have gotten it right this time, hence the earlier release.
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Editor & Senior Moderator
Right. They want to get back to releasing a new OS every two years or so. They don't want people to become addicted to an OS (like were to XP, 98) and then stay away from a new OS.
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As a fellow who messes with lots of OEM machines, I dunno if this is good or bad. Customers generally dislike Vista, don't blame em, its slow, buggy and unresponsive OS. It does not help that big companies bundle it with crappy comps with less than 2GB memory, ofcouse M$ is to blame here also.

So yes a new OS is welcome, but Iam afraid as Iam pretty sure we are going throught the same driver mess as with Vista, and Vista is slowly getting working drivers as we speak.
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Windows 7 = Vista 1.01

A marketing ploy to calm the masses and muddy the waters. Display of progress yet there is none.

Most excellent! :D
Posted on Reply
AddSubWindows 7 = Vista 1.01

A marketing ploy to calm the masses and muddy the waters. Display of progress yet there is none.

Most excellent! :D
1.) fail at producing a news OS, so slap shit on top of XP

2.) make another shitty OS and call it the best ever so ppl pay to get rid of vista

3.) ????

4.) profit
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Jimmy 2004
Well, if they're moving it forwards by that much I hope they don't rush it and completely ruin it.
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Windows 7 May Ship Next Year ??

I dont think this will happen some how...they are just trying to keep the punters happy lol!
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Dont think it will either ms if windows 7 is not the greatest os ever there will be a revolution no pressure.
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erockerThe people have spoken and Microsoft has listened! Thank you Mr. Gates.:toast: This is very good news.
Um.. what's so bad about Windows Vista? :wtf:
Posted on Reply
If ya ask me id say nothing but then ive thought that for a while.
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seems as tho Vista is fast becoming the modern day Win ME :)
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WeerUm.. what's so bad about Windows Vista? :wtf:
Nothing at all if you've got a half decent desktop rig.

Everything and anything if you've got a run-of-the-mill desktop you brought from Dell when it was on offer...
Posted on Reply
Ill wait for benchies then see about getting it. Im overly happy with XP x64.
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Remember that Vista was only really in development for 2 years. From 2002-2005, Microsoft was working on Longhorn. After that point, they reset the whole development process and modified server 2003 into Vista... That's why you can run Windows Server 2003 compatibility mode in Vista.
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Oliver_FFNothing at all if you've got a half decent desktop rig.

Everything and anything if you've got a run-of-the-mill desktop you brought from Dell when it was on offer...
Could not agree more with this one, good comment.
Posted on Reply
My rig is more than half decent(imo) and Vista ran good yea but games did not..
Posted on Reply
i would rather wait and have a good OS that is better than XP than have another rushed OS that is buggy and slower than the OS it replaced (Vista)

If M$ want to make another good OS and convince the people who are firmly sticking with XP to change OS they need to:

1. Not have crazy system requirments, the reccomended amount of RAM should be around 512MB and should run pretty well with that, 1GB is far too much for an OS to be "all right"

2. Can be advanced as it is simple, making an OS too simple can make it very annoying for anyone who wants to do things other than word processing and looking at images.

3. Have far better backwards compatability with applications than Vista did.

4. Not change the GUI significantly, M$ need to remember that people love the lay out of XP/2000/98.

5. Not copy Apple's every move with there GUI and design there own for a change.

6. and finally not do the typical M$ thing like they did with Windows ME, Xbox 360 and Windows Vista and release somthing that is full of bugs, no better than what it replaced, slow and unreliable.
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