Tuesday, July 1st 2008

AMD Intros New Phenom X4 Processors

AMD Introduces New Phenom X4 Processors

AMD Introduces three new Phenom X4 quad-core desktop processors, the flagship Phenom X4 9950 Black Edition along with two low-power parts, the Phenom X4 9350e and Phenom X4 9150e.

The Phenom X4 9950 Black Edition is targeted at the performance/enthusiast segment, it features a 2.60 GHz clock speed and comes with an unlocked FSB multiplier among standard AMD Phenom specifications. This part however has a rated TDP of 140W and not all motherboards will be able to run it owing to its thermal and power characteristics. ASUS have already released a partial list of their motherboards that are ready for these 140W CPUs we covered here. You have to check with your motherboard vendor for compatibility. This chip attains its speed at a voltage of upto 1.3 V.
The Phenom X4 9350e and 9150e have 2.0 GHz and 1.80 GHz clock speeds respectively. They have standard Phenom X4 features but what comes as a surprise is that these chips have a rated TDP of a mere 65W. A great feat considering these are still manufactured on the 65nm SOI fabrication process. These chips operate at a relatively low 1.125 V.

The Phenom X4 9950 Black Edition is priced at US $235, the Phenom X4 9350e and 9150e are priced US $195 and $175 respectively.
Source: AMD
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19 Comments on AMD Intros New Phenom X4 Processors

Awesome news, good to see they made it out in close proximity to the new graphics cards. Smart move...seems AMD is rolling along nicely these days. :) I wonder how far people will be able to go on these 9950BE's with the current group of motherboards available...and how low can you run the voltage on them at max speeds more importantly ;). My 9850BE is really really really good on low voltages, hopefully the 9950BE is just as good at it.

Posted on Reply
My prayers answered. Woo Hoo.

"The Phenom X4 9350e and 9150e have 2.0 GHz and 1.80 GHz clock speeds respectively. They have standard Phenom X4 features but what comes as a surprise is that these chips have a rated TDP of a mere 65W. A great feat considering these are still manufactured on the 65nm SOI fabrication process. These chips operate at a relatively low 1.125 V.

When are they releasing these? I will go for the 9150e. I don't need speed, just need 4 cores with less watt consumption so I can put it into as small case as possible (Media center and Servers). Don't care if it completes the work few secs slower.

AMD :rockout: :respect:
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Bird of Prey
Good news is, with the 9950 coming in at the current street and msrp of the 9850 BE, I suspect that to go down. I wonder if my gigabyte board supports these. I know Crackerjack said something about his board melting because of the 9850be, even though gigabyte supports that.
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Very nice as well as decent prices. Good for AMD, good for the consumer! :D
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Bird of Prey
Ooer, it does support it. Bios F5C. I guess its the newest one gonna be released. They finally answered my prayers :D
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WarEagleAUGood news is, with the 9950 coming in at the current street and msrp of the 9850 BE, I suspect that to go down. I wonder if my gigabyte board supports these. I know Crackerjack said something about his board melting because of the 9850be, even though gigabyte supports that.
It might but...it won't for long. I built a spider platform (9850, two 3870 in CF) on the 790FX-DS4 and had VISTA fully updated and loaded all software, then the mobo died. RMAd for a replacement, and it didn't even complete one POST cycle before it too went poof (Gigbyte shows the Phenom being supported on their website, AMD only shows 2 ASUS and one MSI mobo supported for the 125W TDP Phenom). The VR just can't hack the 125W chip. I ended up replacing the with the MSA Platinum K9A2.
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Just saw your update...new BIOS improve performance of the VR??
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WarEagleAUGood news is, with the 9950 coming in at the current street and msrp of the 9850 BE, I suspect that to go down. I wonder if my gigabyte board supports these. I know Crackerjack said something about his board melting because of the 9850be, even though gigabyte supports that.
You're lucky if it does turn out to have support (I'd think Gigabyte would, at least) -- my MSI CF-F (the v.1 I have) doesn't support it -- I've heard tales of this board melting down with 5000+ BE's... :shadedshu

But, hell, it was cheap, had Crossfire, and does fine for the voltages I'm running at (nothing but stock!). One of these low-voltage quads would be okay, though.
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where the hell are my stars
mdm-adphYou're lucky if it does turn out to have support (I'd think Gigabyte would, at least) -- my MSI CF-F (the v.1 I have) doesn't support it -- I've heard tales of this board melting down with 5000+ BE's... :shadedshu

But, hell, it was cheap, had Crossfire, and does fine for the voltages I'm running at (nothing but stock!). One of these low-voltage quads would be okay, though.
dont feel to bad my K9A2 started crying when i pumped my 5000BE up to 140w ;)
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Editor & Senior Moderator
What a shame, my M3A (AMD 770) can't run the 9950. And they market it with a "4 + 1 phase power design for greater CPU stability".
Posted on Reply
ouch 140w, amd really needs to get that down, especially being that my quad is at 95w at the same clock speed. what happens to that 140w when you oc that bad boy? seems like the phenom x4 is getting closer and closer to the performance per watt ration of the pentium d's lol.
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yogurt_21ouch 140w, amd really needs to get that down, especially being that my quad is at 95w at the same clock speed. what happens to that 140w when you oc that bad boy? seems like the phenom x4 is getting closer and closer to the performance per watt ration of the pentium d's lol.
Aye -- just like the Pentium D's all over again. Hopefully, the cycle will continue to repeat itself (it usually does), and AMD's next chip will be as amazing as the Core series was for Intel. :rockout:
Posted on Reply
Bird of Prey
I havent updated to the bios yet, not sure if its public. Gigabyte has all this marketing going on about ferrite cores, japanese caps, etc. Plus the Vr and phase power and crap. It should take it. Ill be highly pissed if it dont, theyll just RMA me one or something :D. I think I might grab that MSI K9A2. I dont think I want to mess with Asus and their overpricedness :D
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mdm-adphAye -- just like the Pentium D's all over again. Hopefully, the cycle will continue to repeat itself (it usually does), and AMD's next chip will be as amazing as the Core series was for Intel. :rockout:
I like the way you think. that sounds good to me. we need a more competitive amd to bring back the price wars.
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WarEagleAUI havent updated to the bios yet, not sure if its public. Gigabyte has all this marketing going on about ferrite cores, japanese caps, etc. Plus the Vr and phase power and crap. It should take it. Ill be highly pissed if it dont, theyll just RMA me one or something :D. I think I might grab that MSI K9A2. I dont think I want to mess with Asus and their overpricedness :D
The advertising was one of the reasons I selected that bd (and it was $10 cheaper than the MSI). I've had good success with Gigabyte builds. This was my first encounter with the issue of the 125 TDP. It taught me to look at the CPU manufacturers data and their recommendations, not to just trust the advertising of the partner.

I hope you have better luck. Hopefully the BIOS tweak can fix it, but Im not sure how it would improve performance of the VR:confused:.
Posted on Reply
140w :wtf: talk about a step back,, there too hot and power hungry for my liking, amd need to really spend some time in their design dpt and do what ati did with the 48** series and realise intel are still kicking there ass and actually do somthing about it and show they still have what it takes to compete by bringing out some kick ass shit to show they wont just lie down and be shafted by the competition, c'mon amd open that can of whoop-ass already :toast:
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cdawalldont feel to bad my K9A2 started crying when i pumped my 5000BE up to 140w ;)
Damn, I thought the Platinum model could take anything -- you gotta admit, though, 140w is a lot for any motherboard. :p
WarEagleAUI havent updated to the bios yet, not sure if its public. Gigabyte has all this marketing going on about ferrite cores, japanese caps, etc. Plus the Vr and phase power and crap. It should take it. Ill be highly pissed if it dont, theyll just RMA me one or something :D. I think I might grab that MSI K9A2. I dont think I want to mess with Asus and their overpricedness :D
Well, if you do, spend that extra $50 bucks now and get the K9A2 Platinum -- you get four Crossfire slots and much stronger voltage regulators, not to mention all the cool heatpipes. :D
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