Monday, July 7th 2008

Diamond HD 4870 XOC Premium Black Edition: First Picture

As we reported earlier here Diamond Multimedia is preparing a special unlocked Black Edition Radeon HD 4870 card. We just received a first picture:
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61 Comments on Diamond HD 4870 XOC Premium Black Edition: First Picture

so this probably is the reason why I can't take my hd 4870 above 840, it just seems to crap out, so this is basically unlocked meaning just liek the hd 3870's were first locked in bios at 862, since this is on regular stock cooler, there is no reason our cards should not be able to hit the speeds diamond claims. I can't wait until this bios becomes available.
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Graphical Hacker
I want it... but just bought my 4850... so...
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sexy cooler, too bad i've never kept a factory heatsink on any of my vid cards. stock is for loosers. no offence meant to anyone running stock
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That is so hot.... Wish the PCB was black also....
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Bird of Prey
::drool:: thanks for the appetizer W1zz, Im ready for the main course now ::grumble::
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Semi-Retired Folder
Very nice heatsink. I want performance data, and pricing.
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Stock fan.. No thanks. If im gonna pay extra for a card it should have a good cooler.
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Looks like the exact same stock cooler that has new artwork on top. Ohh and a modded bios i guess.
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MMMMMMMM!!! I think I found my card since now I wont be buying my co workers 3870X2.
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ShadowFoldStock fan.. No thanks. If im gonna pay extra for a card it should have a good cooler.
I thought the stock cooler was great and only held back by drivers. Shouldn't it be more than adequate for this version of the card?
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That is the stock cooler, just black plastic with a sticker on it. I cannot wait to get my hands on the bios.
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stock cooler is fine it is fairly quite up until 37-38% and cools my card down to 48c idle even running at 840mhz/1100 and bearly reaches 65c under load. so even at 950 this card whould be fairly cool because I am sure they have turned up the fan speed on this card.
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Card OK, bios GREAT. The card is nice and all but I think we just want to see that bios in action. The 4870 deserves this bios more than anything. The feeling of being held back is almost too much to bare :(

But it is about time that ATi sandbags one of their cards by underclocking so badly, although it doesn't do us a bit of good. Sandbagging never does :shadedshu
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I don't think it's sandbagging, I think it's more ATi covering thier butts in case there are problems with the card. Brand new cards are like this, there are always problems, or obstacles to overcome. All will be fixed in time.;)
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I'd wait for Gigabyte's non-reference design thats due to be released in August-september. Remember that Gigabyte's non-ref cars usually have the GAMER HUD which allows voltage control lol.
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video cards have looks the same for the last 10 years. but this one does have some cool flames painted on it. awesome!
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ShadowFoldStock fan.. No thanks. If im gonna pay extra for a card it should have a good cooler.
I'd figure the same thing . . . but considering how well everyone seems to report the stock cooler works once you bump the fan speed up . . . I'm sure that the BIOS on these things will have a higher set fan speed

Give it time, though, Diamond isn't exactly known for utilizing their own or 3rd party cooling mechanisms like Sapphire, HIS and ASUS are
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ShadowFoldStock fan.. No thanks. If im gonna pay extra for a card it should have a good cooler.
the stock cooler is alot better than you think
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wasn't there supposed to be a Diamond watercooled one to
oh well Sapphire, HIS and ASUS the first one that puts a ek or dd waterblock on one with 1gb, unless the x2 come first
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wiakthe stock cooler is alot better than you think
It works magnificently when cranked up to 100%, nearly as well as my delta fan, but it sounds like a jet fighter @ mach 1.5 :rolleyes:
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my 4870 is set at 33% idles at 49c and can't make it go over 85c with furmark
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bill_dmy 4870 is set at 33% idles at 49c and can't make it go over 85c with furmark
Those temps are terrible but at that fan speed I can see why.. Why not have it at 100%?
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ShadowFoldThose temps are terrible but at that fan speed I can see why.. Why not have it at 100%?
i don't play flight sims:)
and temps are same as my 3870's where at same speed
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