Tuesday, July 8th 2008

New Intel Wolfdale Derivative Overclocks Like Dream
Chinese website Coolaler.com has access to an engineering sample of the upcoming Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200 processor. This processor is based on the 45nm Wolfdale core and features a total of 2 MB L2 cache. It has a default 200 MHz FSB and 12.5 x FSB multiplier and clock-speed of 2.50 GHz. Owing to this high multiplier and the Wolfdale design, this chip facilitates high overclocks, Coolaler.com has been able to take this chip to 4.00 GHz core with a FSB of 320 MHz and Vcore of 1.384 V. More than impressive for a budget processor.
45 Comments on New Intel Wolfdale Derivative Overclocks Like Dream
- Christine
- Christine
- Christine
The price however might be the real sweet part, and with 2MB its not as limited as the E2000 series
just looked up in wiki apparently the e5200 has a MSRP of $84 usd.
- Christine
this is going to be the new E2200! and with such a low FSB many more cheaper motherboards can handle it.
at that price, i almost want one...
- Christine
The difference between 512kb and 4mb is ALOT but the difference between 2mb and 4mb like Calvary said, is only a few FPS.
The ultimate in the E8000 series could be the 333 x 12 ? = 4.00 GHz. Then I guess Intel will jump to 1600 FSB and lop the multipler and we have E8x50 series?
There already is a Wolfdale 1600 Xeon sold in the market for...ehm...~$1200.
this chips meant to be under $100 USD, for a 4GHz 2MB CPU. price to performance, you cant really find better on the market today (especially since it doesnt even need 333 FSB to do that)
- Christine
Anyway i'm actually agreeing with you. the most SEVERE performance difference is about 15%, in a worst case scenario.
To be honest, this does have a spot in the intel line-up. Phase out e1X's, bump the e2x's to budget.
You guys would be surprised but the cache is limiting but not as much as you would think. When gaming if at hi-res 1440x900 and above, only about a 7%-9% difference. Which equates to what, about 5-7fps drop?
seriously: you need to work for a huge ass website with tons of media pull, and then suck up really, really hard to (insert company here) to get one of their products.
Ok I will try ... I am trying to make such a big website .... click my sig