Tuesday, March 17th 2009

Sapphire HD 4890 Begins Getting Listed

Weeks ahead of launch, Sapphire's Radeon HD 4890 graphics accelerator has already started to to get listed on online stores, not concentrated in a particular region. The HD 4890 is characterized by the upcoming RV790 graphics processor, it is a current-generation successor to the HD 4870 accelerator. Its specifications are unclear, though most sources in the industry and press have so far revealed it not to be much of a featureset expansion over the RV770.

Dutch retailer Salland Automatisering BV has listed the Sapphire-made accelerator for € 253.95 inclusive of VAT (€ 218.95 excluding it). Another retailer, PB Technologies Auckland (New Zealand), has listed it for NZ $613.97 (325 USD), including applicable taxes. The Dutch retailer went on to list some of the card's specifications. It features 1 GB of GDDR5 memory clocked at 3.90 GHz (975 MHz actual). Its core is clocked at 850 MHz. No pictures, or information about the GPU's internals (such as stream processor count, TMU/ROP counts) were provided. Both retailers have put the product on pre-order. AMD is expected to release the card on April 8, 2009.
Source: TechConnect Magazine
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28 Comments on Sapphire HD 4890 Begins Getting Listed

330.00 usd.......... I hope this thing pwns
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
crtecha330.00 usd.......... I hope this thing pwns
That's 330 USD in New Zealand, 337 USD in The Netherlands. It should be lesser in the US.
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
I'll get whatever Nvidia brings out.:)
Posted on Reply
330 New Zealand ?? That's £124 UK...

"330 New Zealand dollars = 124.363481 British pounds"
Posted on Reply
MoonPig330 New Zealand ?? That's £124 UK...

"330 New Zealand dollars = 124.363481 British pounds"
But they always cost more over here :(
My 3870 is still at £117 on Ebuyer!
Posted on Reply
hope this 4890 is really a real killer...
Posted on Reply
Resident Grammar Amender
I hope the power consumption is dropped dramatically compared to the 4870. If so, then I'll look into one instead of the 4870.
Posted on Reply
MoonPig330 New Zealand ?? That's £124 UK...

"330 New Zealand dollars = 124.363481 British pounds"
It's 614 New Zealand dollars, the 330 is the US Dollars converted price already
Posted on Reply
These probably wont be 330$ US unless they really are that much powerful. I'm guessing 250$ for 512mb and 280$ for 1gb.
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i hope this will bring 4870 prices down so i can get one..! imo this is a downsized ocd RV770. what do you guys think?
Posted on Reply
Graphical Hacker
Cannot wait! It this has some good speed to it, it might be my next card!
Posted on Reply
If the 4870 gets ANOTHER price cut because of this, then I'd be happy. :D
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btarunrIt features 1 GB of GDDR5 memory clocked at 3.90 GHz. Its core is clocked at 850 MHz.
memory clocked at 3.90 GHZ? holy sh!t.
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
3870x2memory clocked at 3.90 GHZ? holy sh!t.
Actual clock speed of 975 MHz.
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CDdude55I'll get whatever Nvidia brings out.:)
straight up! ME TOO:laugh:
Posted on Reply
whats the difference? DDR would be 1950 of course, so I'm guessing this is Quad Data Rate @ 4x975?¿? I have a feeling I'm missing something that is going to make me look really dumb:laugh:
Posted on Reply
Any confirmation on die size? Originally slated for 40nm, with fab issues, some sites are saying it will be 55nm.
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
3870x2whats the difference? DDR would be 1950 of course, so I'm guessing this is Quad Data Rate @ 4x975?¿? I have a feeling I'm missing something that is going to make me look really dumb:laugh:
GDDR5 is effectively quad-data rate since even while having only two transfers per clock cycle, twice the amount of data as GDDR3 is pushed in each transfer. So technically it's DDR, but effectively QDR. So a 975 MHz GDDR5 bus is as good as a 3.90 GHz.
lemonadesodaAny confirmation on die size? Originally slated for 40nm, with fab issues, some sites are saying it will be 55nm.
RV790 was never really meant to be a 40 nm part, although sections of the press thought otherwise. It was always meant to be an RV770 with some tuneups.
Posted on Reply
Just how much faster is this card supposed to be? Just cheaper to produce with a slightly higher clock rate?
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
8~20% faster than HD 4870.
Posted on Reply
Thank you for the explanation, and while I'm still confused, it helped a good deal.
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
3870x2Thank you for the explanation, and while I'm still confused, it helped a good deal.
Every morning the baker carries a sack full of flour between the grocery and his bakery....SDRAM

His son gives him a hand every morning....DDR SDRAM

They subscribe to Playboy and get a thing to grow some muscles (get stonger), both carry two sacks flour each....GDDR5
Posted on Reply
I seem to recall Napoleon over @ chiphell mentioning a price tag of 1500-1800 yuan a while back. If you read his posts, you know the guy has someone on the inside. He was, iirc, the first to mention rv770 was 800sp looooong before it was accepted knowledge.

In USD, adjusted, that's in the $229.99-249.99 range. These early store-posted prices are nothing to base anything on, as we all know, because shops that break the NDA have artificially high prices. They do it to drive attention, and early (pre)sales. This is not to say our non-stateside friends will not get screwed, as it seems they always do.

The $219 price makes sense (see the original prices of the 3870/3850 when they launched, and substitute the 4870 1gb for the 3850...Priced similar yeah?) but nvidia is being VERY aggressive with the gtx260 216. You see those around for as low as $175, $160 after MIR. I expect it to be 10-20% faster (at 950mhz), but oofta!

I wonder how AMD will tackle that conundrum. No matter what they do it will be the best bang-for-buck in the range (faster than a 260 216, a lot cheaper than a 280/285), but I wonder if they will milk it and make mad profit (unlike nvidia) or they will aim for marketshare against the 260 with a lower price tag for it, and perhaps the 4870 1gb. I reckon we see rebates or something knocking it down to around $200 PDQ. If such happens, nvidia and all their GT200/GT205 would be totally fooked with their giant ass chips. As it sits now though, the 260 is a pretty smoking deal.
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