Sunday, May 31st 2009

Official Pictures from Sony's PSP Go Surface Ahead of E3

More pictures of the so called PlayStation Portable Go or PSP Go for short have surfaced over the weekend days. Specs of the device outline a 3.8-inch display that has 43% more brightness than the PSP-3000, a 16 GB of embedded flash storage, no UMD drive, a Memory Stick Micro slot, built-in Bluetooth and full compatibility with older PSP-3000 and PlayStation's Network channels. The new PSP will probably make first appearance during the upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) annual trade show for the computer and video games. Check out the official PSP forums here, if you're seeking updates on the PSP Go. A video of the new gadget is also available at

Source: PSP Forums
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45 Comments on Official Pictures from Sony's PSP Go Surface Ahead of E3

I was never a big fan of the first PSP, but this looks promising...

15th Warlock
Hardware specs (besides internal flash memory and lack of UMD support) seem to be the same as the current PSP... I see no reason why me or anyone who already has a PSP2000 or 3000 should get this one, except more portability, and problably longer battery life... besides, is it just me, or the location for the analog stick is very akward... :p
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Not a Potato
I'd probably get one when it comes out. Hopefully a custom firmware comes out for it, although the 3000 hasn't even been successfully broken through.
Posted on Reply
15th Warlockis it just me, or the location for the analog stick is very akward... :p
seems like a tight fit for people with big hands
Posted on Reply
The Knife in your Back
15th WarlockHardware specs (besides internal flash memory and lack of UMD support) seem to be the same as the current PSP... I see no reason why me or anyone who already has a PSP2000 or 3000 should get this one, except more portability, and problably longer battery life... besides, is it just me, or the location for the analog stick is very akward... :p
I wouldn't buy this if I already had a PSP. This isn't a next gen PSP, just a nice update that makes it a bit better and keeps compatibility with the current PSP.
Posted on Reply
i'll buy it, i wanted a slim psp but they announced this so I'm looking forward to this, time to save money guess my pc parts will have to wait
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Eat, sleep, game!
This new PSP actually looks really nice.
Posted on Reply
15th WarlockHardware specs (besides internal flash memory and lack of UMD support) seem to be the same as the current PSP... I see no reason why me or anyone who already has a PSP2000 or 3000 should get this one, except more portability, and problably longer battery life... besides, is it just me, or the location for the analog stick is very akward... :p
Agree with the awkward placement of the stick. They should of use the sliding for maybe keyboard and somehow kept the main button on the face instead. I can barely fit the current PSP in my pocket because it kinda huge. Also, It would be sick if it is a touchscreen but then again, it wouldn't be a PSP would it? Another complaint I have is the weight, the iphone felt very solid in my hand and it's hard for me to accept anything lighter because light object let you have a feeling of unsecured and fragile; LG Vu for example (felt more like a toy than a phone). Sony got so many thing wrong on this baby. Further on with my moaning, I've read too many second stick cry on various site so please people, stop with the second stick cry already. This is a redesign of the current PSP and the point is to be portabe and to help online DL grows so it would cost less for the developer and we would have more game that way.
Posted on Reply
~Technological Technocrat~
I hope this time. that Sony wont forget that like their Consoles the PSP needs DECENT games & not just half arsed releases.

I actually liked the PSP (i have a white one) but there seems to be very few games available which i would call decent. Its like they have given permission to anyone who has a few games that fits on a psp disc to release them.

No real thoughts went into making the game.
its possibly an extremely bad console port or the game is just down right unappealing.

I have owned a fair amount of PSP games in my time & the best ones i still play every now again are Twisted Metal, Powerstone Collections, Streetfighter Alpha 3, Tales Of Symphonia, Final Fantasy Crysis Core.
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Too bad the XyZ rumours were false... MS could make a killing with a hand held Xbox variant.
Posted on Reply
That looks more like a 2.8" screen. Not that 3.8" was enough.
I've had a PSP ever since 2005. The joystick kind of broke a few months ago. If I get a new PSP, it will be PSP 3000.
Posted on Reply
15th WarlockI see no reason why me or anyone who already has a PSP2000 or 3000 should get this one, except more portability, and problably longer battery life.
Well good because it is not a replacement for the PSP. It will be sold alongside the PSP-3000.

Sort of reminds me of people asking about the DS Lite vs DSi. Get the DSi if you don't actually own a DS Lite. Sony are just following what Nintendo have done (internal storage, lack of old port and online store).
Posted on Reply
I just hope sony come through with GT4 Mobile! Thats the only reason i got a PSP, from what i hear its gonna launch with the PSP Go.
Posted on Reply
My idea of a "next-gen" psp was with the same sliding action instead there would be a keyboard there and the "normal" buttons would be in their original place, but I think it would have made it bigger somehow. Also remove the UMD, and add 2 memory card slots...this was my idea a year ago
Posted on Reply
I think this is just a revamp meaning no new games, still it looks like it will have faster wifi

i heard the zune touch will be a gamer too
Posted on Reply
This is the same ghettoshop pictures that have been floating around for months. Is there any actual proof that this is official?
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Eat, sleep, game!
I think the major drawback with the PSP is the fact that it only has 1 analog stick which makes FPS/3rd Person games harder to play (because you have to use the buttons as direction keys) :(
Posted on Reply
Still PSP's are incredible portables and are highly backed by the homebrew community, if it has a decent cpu in it and more ram, I smell linux.

I still have my 10001 ^^
Posted on Reply
Well if this is official, it's huge fail, and wasted a lot of resources that would've been better spent getting good games to the platform. Your installed userbase isn't going to go and upgrade to the same device that is incompatible with the games they currently own, and if they keep the 3000 on the market then the price on it either needs to come down or this new model will be so expensive it'll turn off a lot of new adopters. Sony blames piracy for bad PSP sales and is expending all resources to combat it instead of making games people actually want to play; yet piracy is rampant on the Nintendo DS and I don't think you'll hear Nintendo complain about their profit margins. Get better at the business or GTFO, Sony.

EDIT - Saw the other post after I posted this. I agree, my 2000-series with custom firmware is my favorite thing ever. Before I hacked it I rarely used my PSP at all. But Sony will never support any type of homebrew development on their platform. This one will probably be "unhackable" like the 3000 series currently is.
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Eat, sleep, game!
ShadinThis is the same ghettoshop pictures that have been floating around for months. Is there any actual proof that this is official?
the video is genuine lol
Posted on Reply
Eat, sleep, game!
ShadinThis one will probably be "unhackable" like the 3000 series currently is.
Possibly, the PS3 still hasnt been 'cracked' has it :(
Posted on Reply
HookeyStreetthe video is genuine lol
Yeah I missed the video, sorry. I just woke up and literally went from bed -> computer, logic and reading comprehension is fuzzy. :)
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