Wednesday, June 24th 2009

TechPowerUp and HIS Design Your HD 4890 Contest: Here Are The Winners!

Earlier this April, TechPowerUp and HIS announced the "Design Your HD 4890 Contest", to celebrate the launch of AMD's flagship Radeon HD 4890 graphics accelerator. The contest involved designing the accelerator's body graphics, an important ingredient in making the product. The winner receives a free Radeon HD 4890 accelerator with the winning design printed on the accelerator. The first and second runners up receive HIS Radeon HD 4850 IceQ4 512 MB, and HIS Radeon HD 4650 iSilence 512 MB respectively.

Nearly 60 days of contest time, and an overwhelming response of 314 entries later, a panel of 11 judges from HIS, AMD, and TechPowerUp selected the top three entries, along with a short list of noteworthy designs. Here are the winners:

First Place - Winning Design:

By mR Yellow

Second Place - First Runner Up:

By TagoVanTor

Third Place - Second Runner Up:

By fulloption

The judges were taken aback by the quality and quantity the contest produced. Says Simon Ng, product marketing engineer for AMD:
On behalf of AMD, I would like to thank everyone who participated in this TechPowerUp!/HIS/AMD design contest and offer our congratulations to the winners! It was not an easy process going through all the entries, especially since we went through each one in great detail and quite often we were torn between designs. Ultimately, we are very pleased with the total number of quality entries and would like to again thank everyone for your hard work and dedication.
TechPowerUp wishes to express invaluable gratitude too all the participants. We will return with even more exciting contests in the future.

The entire collection of entries can be viewed here.
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65 Comments on TechPowerUp and HIS Design Your HD 4890 Contest: Here Are The Winners!

Congrats to the winners, have fun with the prices! :toast:
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
Well done you 3 :).. The one i liked at least it got 2nd place, 1st would of made me happier :P.
Posted on Reply

The second one was my personal fav. followed by one that is not listed (painted to look like the PCB board so the cooler looks like it is not there).

Congrads to all. And I think I speak for everyone when I say thanks AMD/ATI, techPowerUp, and HIS for a really cool contest.
Posted on Reply
Congrats to the winners! TPU Design contest FTW!
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Case Mod Guru
Well done to all that entered, congrats to the winner:toast:
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My stars went supernova
Well well done to all those that entered

I really thought the one that ended up in 2ed place was for sure to win. I'm almost in shock that it didn't win because the Dragon is AMD's new line up to top it off not only being a super fantastic design.
Posted on Reply
Congrats to all!!!

Posted on Reply
Congrats to the 3 winners and well done for all TPU members who participate in this contest ......... very very nice chosen results .. :toast: .
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Easy Rhino
Linux Advocate
TagoVanTor's is my favorite.
Posted on Reply
TheLaughingManThe second one was my personal fav. followed by one that is not listed (painted to look like the PCB board so the cooler looks like it is not there).

Congrads to all. And I think I speak for everyone when I say thanks AMD/ATI, techPowerUp, and HIS for a really cool contest.
I loved that pcb one as well
Posted on Reply
Anyone got a link to the actual thread? Id like to see the entry requirements for the contest itself.
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To infinity ... and beyond!
Congrats. we better get a real pick whenever he gets it in
Posted on Reply
so is the 1st place design going to be used in production? or just for the personal HD 4890 sent to the design's creator? It'd be really tight to see that design used in mass production, then TPU would be on future reference HD 4890 cards :toast:
Posted on Reply
the Dragon one is the best. most creative.
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Senior Monkey Moderator
Great stuff by everyone. I actually took the time to look through all of the entries because I was so impressed by what I saw.

Congratulations to the winners, and I look forward to the next contest. Especially if it involves graphic art work. We have so many talented people here on TPU :toast:
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gj, I liked nearly all of them. None of my favorites won :( but w/e, all of the winners were good entries.
Posted on Reply
I knew the first prize winner weeks from submitting contest (lucky guess). It was also one of my fav. Didn't like the result of others but whatever. These are my fav?

I like to print these design for my own card if ya can lend me your file. In return, I'll print you one too.
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yeeeaaahhhh...congratz for the winner... :)
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Wow, those are incredibly boring compared to the few entries I looked at. :shadedshu
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Whatever design the judges pick I will like it better than the factory. I just hope manufacture had better design for the upcoming HD5xxx or it'll be a shame.
Posted on Reply
Excellent stuff and congrats to the winners must of been a difficult desicion with so many top class submission hope you enjoy your prizes.
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