The AMD Turion 64 ML-34 was a mobile processor with 1 core, launched in March 2005. It is part of the Turion 64 lineup, using the Lancaster architecture with Socket 754. Turion 64 ML-34 has 1 MB of L2 cache and operates at 1800 MHz. AMD is making the Turion 64 ML-34 on a 90 nm production node using 114 million transistors. The multiplier is locked on Turion 64 ML-34, which limits its overclocking potential. With a TDP of 35 W, the Turion 64 ML-34 consumes only little energy. AMD's processor supports DDR1 memory with a single-channel interface. The highest officially supported memory speed is 400 MT/s, but with overclocking (and the right memory modules) you can go even higher. The SSE4 instruction set is not supported, which can cause problems with modern games, as they require that capability.