Thats so absolute from you.
What? Study the empirical data, the concentration of corporations and industry is NEVER a net benefit to consumers or stake holders (not shareholds, but the general population not directly invested in these companies that end up having to pay for their externalities, e.g. Pollution from industry). Single entities engaging in more markets, predominantly leads to cartelism to various degrees... We don't need the same entities getting into new markets, we need NEW entities engaging in old markets.
Nvidia is already a blight on the dGPU market (please, leave irrational loyalties at the door, any would be self appointed defenders of Nvidia) and by consolidating even more markets under their control, this negative influence will only spread. We've seen this manifest in the GPP debacle and even Nvidia's black box software and the influence they manifest over developers... Giving Nvidia, or any corporation that already wields questionable power and influence, even more will not be beneficial to consumers at all. I can already imagine Nvidia leveraging arm IP "discounts" if customers and clients promise to use their GPU IP in the mobile/smartphone sector... Or internally using the would be profits from arm IP to justify the slight loss of sales volume by increasing dGPU prices higher than they already are... They'll literally have rooms full of people just thinking about ways to screw over the customer for the benefit of their shareholders (and I get that's what they're "supposed" to do, but that doesn't make it any more "right" or lessens the negative impact to consumers).
There's a lot of government entities and the politicians that control them that proclaim to be about "law & order" and "tough on crime", but that never seems to apply when it involves protecting citizens and consumers from crimes and excesses of the business world.